Chapter 06: The Battle of Sokovia

The synthetic being stood looking around in a confused state. He looked at Thor and leapt.

Thor countered his attack and threw him out the window behind him. The android flew across the room but stopped when it reached the window overlooking the city.

Steve, Thor and Hayden jumped into the main room, watching the mysterious being. Thor motioned for them to stay where they were.

Everyone entered as he floated towards them.

"I'm sorry. That was... strange." He said before turning his gaze to Thor. "Thank you."

After a moment, the android summoned a cape to mimic the Asgardian.

"Thor. Did you help create this?" Steve asked.

"I had a vision. A vortex that sucks up all hope of life, and in its center..." Thor explained, pointing to the yellow stone on the android's forehead. "...This."

"What? The pearl?" Bruce asked.

"That's the Mind Stone. It is one of the six Infinity Stones. The greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities." Explained the Asgardian.

Hayden looked at Thor. "Then why..."

"Because Stark is right."

"It really is the Apocalypse." Said Bruce.

"The Avengers can't defeat Ultron." Declared Thor.

"Not alone." Said the being.

"Why does your vision look like Jarvis?" Asked Steve.

"We configured the Jarvis matrix to create something new." Answered Tony.

"I think I've got it all new." Said Hayden, crossing his arms.

"You think I'm a child of Ultron." Said Vision.

"Aren't you?" Asked Steve.

"I'm not Ultron." He replied. "I'm not Jarvis. I'm..."

"I looked inside your head and saw the annihilation." Said Wanda as she approached him.

"Look again." He offered.

"His seal of approval means nothing to me." Scoffed Clint.

"Their powers, the horrors in our heads, Ultron himself, they all come from the Mind Stone." Thor explained. "And they're nothing compared to what it can unleash. But with that on our side..."

"Is that it?" Steve asked, looking at the Vision. "Are you? On our side?"

He paused for a moment before speaking.

"I don't think it's that simple." He said.

"Well, it better get real simple real fast." Replied Hayden.

"I'm on the side of life. Ultron isn't. He'll destroy it." Explained Vision.

"What is he waiting for?" Tony asked.

"You." Vision replied.

Bruce crossed his arms.

"Where?" Bruce asked.

"In Sokovia. He has Nat there too." Replied Clint.

"If we're wrong about you... if you're the monster Ultron made you..." Bruce began.

"What will you do?" Vision asked.

No one said anything.

"I don't want to kill Ultron. He's unique... and he's suffering. But his suffering will engulf the Earth. So he must be destroyed."

He continued to explain that he didn't know what he was or what he was supposed to be, but that they had to act quickly to defeat Ultron.

"We have to go." Said Vision as he handed Thor his hammer.

Everyone remained silent, confused as to how he could have carried Mjölnir.

"I guess it wasn't faked." Hayden remarked, mentioning the party a few days ago.

Thor picked up his hammer as Vision walked away. Thor looked stunned.

"Well..." Thor walked over to Tony and patted him on the shoulder. "Good job."

Steve looked at the rest of the group.

"Three minutes. Get what you need." Said Steve.


Hayden got ready and made himself a makeshift holster to store Loki's scepter, thinking it would be useful for the moment to have a weapon close by. The Maximoff twins entered the room as he finished.

"Everything you need should be here." Said Hayden, pointing to the lockers behind him.

"Is this where the Avengers cool off? Like a sports team?" Asked Pietro in his thick Sokovian accent.

"Without the jerseys." Replied Hayden.

Pietro opened the locker, seeing some running shoes he liked and a nice breathable top.

"I think these are Barton's. But I don't think he'll mind." Said Hayden.

Wanda was in her thoughts standing next to Pietro. Her brother grabbed a red jacket from the locker and tossed it to her.

"Whose is this?" Wanda asked.

"It's Natasha's. I think she was looking for it." He chuckled. "Like Barton, I don't think she would care."

Wanda put on the jacket. Hayden completed the rest of her all-black outfit, which consisted of a dress, leather cuffs and boots. On top of that, she had knee-high ripped stockings and her jewelry.

"This looks good. Don't tell Romanoff, but it looks better on you." Said Hayden, trying to put the twins at ease, act friendly and complimentary. Either way, they were all going to fight Ultron together.

Wanda giggled at his compliment, not sure if she should thank him or not. Hayden nodded and started to walk out.

"See you guys in the jet."

Pietro watched him leave the room, then looked at his sister. He didn't like the way he was checking her out.

"He better watch himself before I tie his shoes while he runs."

"He's just being nice." Wanda chuckled.

Pietro put on his new shirt.

"Just saying."


The Avengers were back in Sokovia. Pietro and Hayden helped evacuate as many Sokovian citizens as possible while alerting the authorities. Wanda did most of the work, as she mentally controlled most of the Sokovians so they could leave.

Bruce snuck into Ultron's hideout to rescue Natasha, while the rest of the Avengers helped with the evacuation.

Tony met Ultron in an abandoned church, where he revealed the machine that would complete his plan... the Doomsday Trigger. Ultron then began summoning robots from the ground.

Hayden was with Clint when they arrived. Hawkeye shot two of them with his arrows, while Hayden shot them with his Laser Screwdriver and the Sepcter Blade if they were too close to him.

One of Ultron's robots activated a blaster and fired at a group of civilians. Wanda used her powers to create a force field, protecting them.

"Run!" Wanda shouted to the people. The robot continued to fire until it finally knocked Wanda down.

Hayden ran to the robot and stuck the scepter blade in its neck. He began to lift and pull its head, removing it from its body.

Hayden ran to Wanda and helped her up.

"Others might come." He said.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake harder and the sidewalk began to crack.

Nearby, Tony asked his new AI, FRIDAY, what was going on.

"The Sokovia is going for a ride."

Ultron had activated the machine and was about to float THE Sokovia hundreds of thousands of feet in the air.

Ultron began to speak from above, his voice cutting through the many robots in the city for the team to hear.

"Do you see the beauty of it? The inevitability. You rise, only to fall."

Buildings began to crumble, bridges began to break, and roads opened with deep cracks.

"You, Avengers...are my meteor, my dazzling and fearsome sword, and the Earth will open...under the weight of your failure."

Hayden and Wanda ran through the streets and avoided the collapsing rubble. They hide behind a van and see Clint nearby. He shot a robot.

"Erase me from your computers, turn my flesh against me... whatever."

Another robot passed by, replacing the one Clint had destroyed.

"When the dust settles... the only living things in the world... will be of metal."


Pietro ran through Ultron's sentries and shot them down using his speed. Near the bridge, Steve was also fighting robots until he was knocked down by one passing by.

"Cap, enemies." Said Tony to Steve over the radio.

"They've already arrived." Said Steve.

He stood up and began to communicate with the rest of the team.

"Stark, you worry about getting the city down safely. The rest of us have a job, to destroy these things." He said.

Hayden shot more robots in front of him while Clint and Wanda handled more from behind.

"If they hurt you, hurt them. If they kill you...get up."

Pietro caught his breath, then continued the fight.

More robots began to fly into the area where Hayden, Clint and Wanda were. Wanda used her powers to push some of them away while Clint knocked over a robot and shot an arrow in its face. Hayden jumped out of a car and shot two before landing on his feet.

They only shot a few of the many around them. The robots all started firing their blasters, and Clint motioned for Wanda and Hayden to run with him.

"Let's move!"

They followed Hawkeye as a robot was about to attack the trio in a kamikaze. They crashed through a window into a small house as the robot exploded.

Clint helped them up before heading to the window to take a look around.

"How could I let this happen?" Said Wanda as she started to get anxious. Hayden noticed.

"Hey, hey, are you okay?" He asked the young woman.

"This is all our fault." She said.

"Hey, look at me."

Wanda looked up at Hayden.

"Who cares who's to blame for all this? Are you ready for this?" He said.

Wanda didn't answer, still trying to catch her breath.

"Are you? Look, I just need to know. Because...well, the city is flying."

Hayden tried to think of more to say in the midst of the fight going on outside. Clint was behind him, shooting from his bow.

"Okay, the city is flying... we're fighting an army of robots... and I'm trying to fight them with a Screwdriver out of a sci-fi movie and scepter." Hayden began to say.

"And I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense." Interjected Clint.

Hayden kept looking at Wanda.

"But I'm going back because this world needs to be protected. So it doesn't end up like mine." He said.

Wanda remembered when she looked in his head. She understood why he had done what he had done and why he was an Avenger.

"It doesn't matter what you did or what you were. You go out there, you fight. If you want to stay, that's okay, I'll call your brother to come get you."

Explosions from the sentries outside fired into the house. The three ducked but it quickly subsided.

"But I know you have what it takes. If you walk through that door, you're an Avenger." Finished Hayden.

Wanda understood everything. She blamed herself for what happened, but Hayden didn't care. He believed she could redeem herself and help win the fight against Ultron.

"All right. Good talk." Hayden nodded, then pulled out his Laser Screwdriver. Clint accompanied him toward the door.

"The city is flying." Said Clint still trying to process this information.

Hayden remembered the fight in New York three years ago.

"I miss the simple fights like we had in Manhattan." Said Hayden.

"You can talk, you were quiet setting up Stark Tower." Said Clint with an amused smile.

Hayden kicked open the door and the duo ran off to fight the sentries.

Clint quickly drew his bow and finally equipped an explosive arrow. He jumped over a car and shot a robot into the air, landing behind the vehicle.

"Ouch." Clint exhaled, feeling his age after landing on his knee.

Hayden fired his Laser Screwdriver and dodged the robots' explosions. He noticed more coming and quickly ducked behind a barrier.

Suddenly, the door to the house they were standing in front of opened. Wanda stepped out, her eyes glowing red. She used her psionic powers to fend off a robot, then grabbed one and tore it in half. She used the top half of the robot to destroy the third sentry in front of her.

Clint quickly stepped out of cover and took down three robots simultaneously. She channeled an orb of red energy and blew three more robots to bits.

Hayden emerged from his cover and ran toward Clint and Wanda, the new Avenger. He was impressed, even developing a sort of crush.

He wasn't going to admit it though.

"Wow, now that was amazing." Said Hayden to Wanda.

"Yeah I know. My bow can shoot three at a time." Clint joked.

The three laughed and Hayden decided to talk into his earpiece.

"Okay, we're good here." He said.

On the other side of town, Steve continued to fight the robots.

"Well we're not!" He said.

"Okay, we'll come to you." Clint replied.

Suddenly, Pietro ran up, grabbing Wanda.

"Speed up, old man!" He said before running off, leaving the two of them. Hayden laughed at Pietro's remark.

Clint looked at his friend.

"Will you keep the secret if I shoot him right now?" He asked.


The city had to come down somehow. Steve and Natasha stood next to each other, looking up at the sky ahead. The Avengers had to find a way to get all the civilians still on the rock to safety, no matter if the heroes died trying.

"Besides, where am I going to get a view like this?" Natasha remarked.

Suddenly, Nick Fury's voice came over the radio.

"Glad you like the view, Romanoff. It's about to get better."

A Helicarrier began to rise, flying near the floating city. Civilians looked on and marveled at the view. Pietro and Wanda looked at it in awe themselves.

"Not bad, right? I pulled it out of mothballs with some old friends." Nick Fury spoke up from the main prep area of the transporter. "It's rusty, but it'll hold."

"Fury, you son of a bitch." Replied Steve cheerfully.

"Ooh, you kiss your mother with that mouth?"

The carrier deployed rescue planes from the side of the ship. They began flying toward the edge of the floating city.

"Is that SHIELD?" Pietro asked.

Hayden looked up at the carrier and its lifeboats, he never thought he'd see one again after SHIELD collapsed.

"That's what it's supposed to be." He replied.

"It's not so bad." Pietro chuckled.

"Let's go load them up." Steve ordered the team.

Everything was coming together. The Avengers helped the civilians into the lifeboats. Rhodey arrived as War Machine and helped Tony get Ultron's robots away from the Heliport.

Meanwhile, Thor fought Ultron at the Doomsday Trigger. Ultron struck the Asgardian and grabbed him by the neck.

"You expect to save anyone?" Said Ultron.

Thor struggled against his grip.

"One turn of the wrench, and a fall, even a premature one, will kill billions. With or without you." Menaced the psychopathic robot.

"I am Thor, son of Odin, and as long as my heart beats..." Thor tried to say while being held back by Ultron. "I don't know what else to say! Ready?"

Ultron looked back in confusion, only to meet a blow from Vision with Mjölnir. Ultron went back through the wall and into a bus parked nearby. Vision handed Thor his hammer.

"It's perfectly balanced." Vision remarked.

"If it was too heavy, we'd miss the swings." Said Thor.

Suddenly, robots began to arrive at the church. Thor and Vision fought them off, and it wasn't long before Pietro arrived to help. Moments later, Steve and Hayden showed up as well, with Clint and Wanda soon after.

Tony dropped down, meeting the rest of the team.

"Romanoff? You and Banner, don't play doctor." Said Tony into the headset.

"Take it easy, Iron. We can't all fly." Replied Natasha as she drove a truck toward the church. She got out and walked over to Tony.

"What's the drill?"

"This is the drill." Tony pointed to the Trigger. "If Ultron gets his hands on the core, we lose."

"No pressure." Interjected Hayden, his Sonic Screwdriver in one hand and the scepter in the other.

The Hulk arrived and landed on top of two robots, crushing them. He roared and entered the church. Soon after, Ultron returned and floated above.

"Is that all you can do?" Thor shouted.

Ultron raised his arm, summoning more robots that sprinted toward the church.

"You had to ask." Steve sighed.

"It's the best I can do." Ultron boasted. "This is exactly what I wanted. All of you against me. How can you expect to stop me?"

"Well, like the old man said..." Said Tony as he looked at Steve, who nodded his head. "Together."

The Hulk let out a roar as the robots began to run towards the church. The Avengers began to fight the sentinels.

Thor swung his hammer, Cap threw his shield, Tony fired his gauntlets, Wanda used her magic, Clint fired his bow, Natasha wielded her clubs and Pietro used his speed. Hayden used the scepter to cut down the sentries that approached him while he used his Sonic Screwdriver to break the ones out of range of the scepter. Vision used his increased strength and the Hulk smashed the robots.

The Avengers worked together in harmony, keeping the robots away from the Doomsday Trigger. They weren't going to let Ultron win.

The mad robot didn't like seeing this and flew to finish the job himself. Vision stopped him and they began to fight. Vision finally used a beam from the Mind Stone to blow him up.

Tony and Thor joined in, with the Asgardian firing lightning bolts at Ultron and Tony firing beams from his repulsors. The trio's combined attack began to melt Ultron's vibranium armor, and he fell to his knees. The three Avengers stopped.

Ultron slowly stood up, his mangled body sparking.

"You know, looking back..."

The Hulk immediately interrupted Ultron and sent him flying miles away. Ultron's robots saw their defeated master and began to flee.

Many robots tried to fly away and leave the city, but Rhodey and Vision shot down all the fleeing sentries.

"We have to move. Even I can tell the air is getting thin." Said Steve. "Get in the boats. I'll sweep up the stragglers. Be right behind you."

"What about the core?" Asked Hayden.

"I'll protect it." Said Wanda as she stood by the trigger.

Hayden looked at Wanda, who turned to answer.

"That's my job."

Hayden nodded and looked at Clint and Natasha.

"Nat. Clint. Over here."


The civilians really finished getting into the lifeboats. Hayden was helping people up the ramps with Clint. Natasha was nearby trying to calm the Hulk so Bruce could reappear.

A civilian on the lifeboat began calling for his little brother, which Clint noticed. He looked to his left and saw the child near the marketplace trapped under rubble. Clint wasn't going to let this kid die.

Hayden saw Clint running through the city.

"Clint!" Said Hayden as he helped the last of the people onto the plane, before following Clint.

As he entered the city, he heard a plane fly by. Ultron was piloting the Avengers Quinjet and started shooting around.

Steve and Thor jumped out of the way of the bullets, and Hayden jumped behind a truck to avoid it as well. Clint picked up the boy and turned around, only to see the shots from the jet coming towards him. Clint crouched down and tried to protect the boy, preparing to sacrifice himself.

Suddenly, he felt a gust of wind as the shots passed. Clint looked up and saw Pietro in front of him. Bullet holes riddled his torso.

"You didn't see that coming." Said Pietro, exhaling his last words, before falling to the ground.

Clint looked on in shock. Hayden ran to them and saw Pietro's body. He dropped to his knees to examine his body, speechless.

Nearby, Wanda felt it. She felt as if the connection between her and her brother was broken. She screamed as she fell to her knees. She emitted a powerful wave of energy from her grief that disintegrated the robots nearby.

Thor witnessed Pietro's death, he wanted it to be over already. He swung his hammer and flew to the trigger at the church. Steve ran to Hayden and Clint, seeing Pietro's body. Like Hayden, he was speechless.

Clint continued to carry the boy he had saved and Hayden carried Pietro's body back to the lifeboat. Clint returned the boy to his sister and watched as Hayden laid Pietro on the floor near a set of seats. The Time Lord sat down with a sigh, then put his face in his hands. Clint lay down on another set of seats across from Hayden. He looked down at Pietro, the man who had saved him, and in turn saved the boy as well.


Ultron was thrown out of the jet by the Hulk, and the robot crashed into an abandoned bus. He lay there until the grieving witch found him. She was swirling red energy in her fingertips.

"Wanda." Said Ultron. "If you stay will die."

Wanda crouched down next to Ultron.

"I already have. Do you know how that feels?" She said, using her powers to pull Ultron's mechanical heart from his chest. She held it in her hand. "That's what it felt like."

Meanwhile, the Doomsday Trigger was left unattended. A mangled robot crawled to the core and turned it off.

The city of Sokovia began to fall.

Steve quickly jumped onto one of the lifeboats. Tony was under the rock trying everything he could to stop the plunge. Hayden heard the rock begin to fall and looked over the edge, seeing the city falling.

Hayden hoped that every Avenger who could fly was safe, so he radioed Steve.

"Rogers. Are Nat and Wanda on board with you?" He asked.

"Nat is already on board the transporter. Isn't Maximoff with you?" Replied Steve.

Hayden frantically looked around, she wasn't on board.

"Shit." He muttered to himself. He started to radio Tony. "Stark! Wanda's still in town."

Tony didn't answer, but Vision did. "I can sense her location, Hayden. I'm on my way."

Hayden sighed in relief. "Thanks, Vision."


Tony waited for the right moment, then called out to Thor when the time was right.

"Now!" Tony shouted.

Thor brought his hammer down on the core, sending a massive shockwave through the city. The city began to collapse and eventually the entire rock shattered into millions of pieces. Tony and Thor flew away as the debris plunged into the waters below.

Sokovia was destroyed and all that was left of where it stood was a crater.

Vision carried Wanda to the lifeboat and set her down. Hayden ran to them.

"Are you all right?" He asked them.

Wanda didn't answer, and only Vision responded.

"I'll be back. I have to take care of something." He said.

Vision flew to the forest below, to face what was left of Ultron.

"Pietro..." Wanda finally spoke in a broken voice. "What happened?"

"I... I'm sorry..." Hayden said solemnly in a low voice.

Wanda continued to cry. Hayden didn't know what to say or do at first, but eventually offered a hug. To his surprise, she accepted it and the two hugged. Unbeknownst to her, Wanda wanted the comfort.

"Did you... leave him?" Wanda asked during the embrace, and Hayden understood what she meant.

"No... I brought his body back. No one is left behind. And he deserves to have his body buried with dignity." Hayden replied.

"I'll go see him." Said Wanda as she broke free of the embrace and wiped away her tears.

Hayden nodded and guided her to the spot where he had dropped Pietro off.


What was left of Ultron emerged from the crater. The sentry he embodied stood in the forest and faced Vision, who was waiting for his arrival.

"You're afraid." Vision said to him.

"Of you?" Ultron rebutted.

"Of death. You are the last." Vision replied.

"You were supposed to be the last one. Stark asked for a savior and settled for a slave." Said Ultron.

"I guess we are both disappointments." Said Vision.

"I guess so." Laughs Ultron.

"Humans are weird. They think order and chaos are opposites and try to control what won't be. But there's grace in their failures. I think you missed that." Said Hayden.

"They are doomed."

"Yes. But a thing is not beautiful because it lasts. It's a privilege to be among them." Says Vision.

"You are insufferably naive." Criticized Ultron.

"Well... I was born yesterday." Vision retorted.

Ultron tried to attack Vision, but the android used the Mind Stone to knock Ultron into oblivion, killing him for good.


Nearly a month after Ultron's offensive, the Avengers Campus opened in upstate New York. Some Avengers would miss hanging out at the tower, but the new facility was a nice upgrade.

Agents and scientists were roaming the halls of the building. Natasha was on the phone, watching a video of Clint and Laura's new baby boy, Nathaniel Pietro Barton.

"Say hello to Auntie Nat!" Laura exclaimed as the baby gurgled.

Hayden walked into the room, hearing Laura's voice through the phone. He walked over to Natasha and saw the baby on the screen.

"Wow, he even looks like Clint." Hayden remarked.

"Yeah. In fat." Replied Natasha as she put the phone back in her pocket.

Clint Barton had retired after the Battle of Sokovia, and the former S.H.I.E.L.D. agent missed him. But she was glad Clint could be with his family.

Nick Fury entered the room.

"An operator alerted us. Crash in the Banda Sea." He said.

Fury showed the two Avengers a tablet, presenting a map.

"Maybe the Quinjet. But Stark's stealth technology is preventing us from spotting it." Fury added.

Natasha had been trying to find Bruce for twenty days. After saving her, he simply ran away. Hayden knew Natasha and Bruce had a thing for each other, and she just wanted to see him again.

"He must have jumped and swam to Fiji."

Somewhere else in the facility, Steve, Thor and Tony were walking down a hallway while conversing.

"The rules have changed," Steve began.

"We're dealing with something new." added Tony.

"Oh, Vision is an artificial intelligence."

"A machine."

"So, does that not count?"

"No, it's not like anyone is lifting the hammer."

Steve gestured toward Tony.

"We have other rules." He said.

"Nice guy. Artificial." Replied Tony.


Thor decided to speak up.

"He can wield the hammer, he can guard the Mind Stone. It's safe with Vision. And these days, the safe is rare."

Steve thought back to Mjölnir.

"But if you put the hammer in an elevator..."

"It would still go up." Tony finished.

"The elevator wouldn't be worthy." Steve added.

Thor patted Tony on the back.

"I'm going to miss these little talks."

Tony looked at Thor.

"Not if you don't leave." He said.

"This is the fourth Infinity Stone to surface in a few years. That's no coincidence." Said Thor.

The three of them walked out into the lawn of the facility as Thor continued to explain.

"Someone is playing a complex game in which we are the pawns. And once all the pieces are in place..."

"Triple Yahtzee?" Tony asked.

Steve turned to Thor.

"Will you get to the bottom of it?" He asked.

"Yes." Said Thor as he turned to Tony and slapped him on the chest. "Other than this man... nothing is unexplainable."

Thor nodded and raised his hammer to activate the bifrost, transporting it out of the Earth. Tony looked at the burnt grass on the lawn.

"That man has no respect for lawn care."

The two men walked away.

"But I'll miss him." Tony added. "And you'll miss me?"

Tony summoned a car to him.

"I'll miss you, Tony." Said Steve.

"Well. It's time for me to slip away. I should do what Barton did. Build a farm for Pepper. Without her blowing up." Said Tony.

"The simple life."

"You'll get there one day."

"I don't know. Family... stability... Whoever wanted that ended up frozen, 75 years ago." Says Steve. "I think someone else came out of it."

Tony nodded and walked to his car. He opened the door and looked at Steve before entering.

"Are you okay?"

Steve watched the agents go through their training exercises. He thought about the team he had right now, his friends and the mission.

"I'm home."


Tony left the facility, ready to enjoy the retired life he was talking about.

Natasha stood in the room, staring at the wall in front of her. Hayden had just left to join the others.

"Are you staring at the wall, or are you getting back to work?" Steve asked as he entered. "Fascinating, that wall."

"I thought you and Tony were always staring at each other." Retorted Natasha as she turned and walked over to Steve. "How do we look?"

Steve handed Natasha a tablet, displaying a list of the New Avengers team. They began to walk out of the room.

"Not in Olympic shape."

"We have champions."

"They're good. That doesn't make a team."

"Let's get them in shape."

Captain America and Black Widow walked through the double doors and stood on the platform overlooking the open training area.

James Rhodes, the war machine, opened his mask to reveal his face.

The Vision turned and looked at the two team leaders.

Sam Wilson, the Falcon, flew into the area, landing on a pad.

Wanda Maximoff, used her magic to slip into the room. She wore a black leather suit with a brown corset and a red leather jacket.

Hayden, stepped out of his TARDIS, he was now wearing a gray t-shirt with a black trench coat. He looked at his new teammates and smiled.

Steve and Natasha looked at the new recruits, the only veteran being Hayden. He, Steve and Natasha were going to make them better heroes.

Steve stood proudly as he called out his team.

