Cipher Comes Knocking

Cass P.O.V

Everyone breathed in relief that I stopped them. I was surprised myself that it worked. I was expecting Deck to stab me in the back for getting so close. But, he held his tongue & moved back a bit.

"Am I the only one seeing this?" Rome suddenly asked as he pointed outside

"This ought to be good." Little Nobody mumbled

"Use God's Eye. We put our lives on the line running around the world trying to figure this thing out. It can find anybody right? Let's use it to find Dom!" Roman proposed after shushing him

"Roman that is a great idea." Mr. Nobody agreed with a hint of sarcasm which Rome missed

"Did you hear that, good idea." He gloated to Ramsey

"No, no don't tune it out." He smiled as she gave him an eye roll

"Mr. Nobody, crack on." I said

Everyone but Deck followed him outside. Ramsey & Tej got to the computers after Mr. Nobody gave them access. The rest of us watched from the steps as they worked. Letty rested her head on my shoulder as we sat on the steps.

"Got him. He's in London." Tej said as the map pinged

"Wait, we've got a 2nd match in Hong Kong." Ramsey corrected

"Beijing & Seoul." some muttered

"And Tokyo." Tej said as the world map began to fill with red dots

"And just about every other major city on the planet." Ramsey disappointedly sighed

"And so, God's Eye was where we started. But, Cipher's already created an evasion that masks their location by pinging random spots all over the globe. And so, it was a good though Roman." Mr. Nobody explained as he walked to Ramsey

"So she's made my hacking program obsolete." Ramsey annoyedly commented

"And that Ramsey is why you're here." He cheered her up

"See simple solutions aren't gonna cut it here slick." Nobody's clone antagonised Rome as he passed

"Wait a sec. Why are you looking at me when you say that?" Rome fired back as Mr. Nobody patted his shoulder

"Wait wait. Simple solutions just might cut it. You see for God's Eye to give off these false pings means they have to be using a flea relay." Tej realised

"Watch these 2." Mr. Nobody whispered to his henchman

"Which means it has a decaying sync randomiser." Ramsey picked up

"Which we can reverse." Tej smiled

"And find Dom's real location. Tej that's bloody brilliant." I chimed in

"Telling you they got skills." Mr. Nobody appreciated

"See that was my idea. That's what I was saying in there, remember." Rome saved face

"Alright, let's try this." Mr. Nobody greenlighted

Tej & Ramsey clicked away to clean up the map. Continents were slowly being cleared. I was proud of them as they were giving us a well-needed trail.

"It's working." Ramsey noted

"It's time you wanna check your manual & start organising a 1st response." Hobbs instructed the baby. It worked as he began ordering over his radio.

"He's still green." Mr. Nobody clowned

"Yeah like fresh baby shit." Hobbs nailed

Once he finished, he turned to them for their opinion. Mr. Nobody gave him a sympathy thumbs up while Hobbs gave an appropriate so-so. The distraction was perfect for Rome to sneak up on him.

"Should get hold of a better arsehole. Umm, nobody respects you. Over." Rome mocked

"Get away from me." He whinged

"Alright, they're not in China or Russia." Tej updated

"Europe's clear. But this one's not going away." Ramsey finished as the computer swept to somewhere in the US

"This is interesting." Mr. Nobody ominously chuckled

"Why?" I worried as I held onto Letty

"Because that's here." He replied

Before I could chew him out, the wall got blown out. Concrete was going everywhere. I shielded Letty as I dove to the floor. Luckily, we were away enough to not get hit. But, we were a little shook up.

To make matters worse, a tray with grenades was rolling into the room. I tried to move Letty away before they detonated but I was too slow. They were concussion grenades that sent us back onto the ground. I couldn't hear a thing as everything was muffled. My vision was doubling too as we were all rocked on the floor. But, I could faintly make out Deck being trapped underneath a huge metal sheet.

"Did you all enjoy that? Next-generation concussion grenades." Cipher taunted as she & Dom entered the room

"It scrambles your senses. Don't worry. It'll wear off in an hour. Probably." She teased

"Hello, Deckard. Nice to see you again." She said as Deck grunted

"Look at this. Body's not even cold Dom. Your family's already replacing you." She chuckled

"You chose the losing team. I guess your brother is smarter than you." She mocked, her real British accent dropping in

They moved to the computers. Mr. Nobody & his clone were slowly recovering. Dom fired at the remaining glass, making Letty & I's eyes ring even more. Everyone was back down again from the pain. He looked around the room at all of us. We all looked at him with confusion & pain. He quickly averted his eyes from Letty though.

"Smart move embedding God's Eye into the mainframe. Irritating to make me have to come all the way down to get it but." She complained before heading out

"Hi Cassie. Miss me sweetie?" She maliciously smiled

"Fuck you, you psychotic twat." I glared

"I'd be nicer to me. After all, I can get your boyfriend out & let you 2 live happily for a time. But, now, I'm leaning towards letting him rot in that nasty little hovel of a cell." She sneered as she stroked my head

I moved my head to shake off her hand. She sadistically smiled before getting up & continuing on. Dom slowly followed behind like a puppy.

"Dom!" Letty yelled, getting him to stop

"You're gonna turn your back on family. Just like that?" She challenged him

Dom stared at her while Cipher walked up to him. She grabbed his head & looked at Letty. He stood by & let her kiss him. She truly was her mother's daughter. The cunt gave him another kiss before leaving. Letty watched in pain as they left.

Like ghost, they left as quickly as they came. EMTs treated everyone as they tried to clean up the place. It took a little over an hour for everyone's heads to be right. Even then, we still had a bit of tinnitus. But, we could still talk.

I came clean about my history with Cipher. Everyone was caught off guard. Hobbs helped with holding back their questions as Mr. Nobody grilled me. It wasn't pleasant remembering the 10 yrs of captivity with her. A lot of me was making sense now, especially my fighting skills & unorthodox acceptance into the military. It felt good to be chipping away at her anonymity. She was no longer a shadow. With nothing more to share, we moved onto finding Dom without God's Eye.

"You ok?" I asked Letty with Hobbs behind me. We were all worried as she was staring off from the steps.

"That wasn't him." She mumbled

"I don't know what that hoe of an aunt has on him. But that wasn't Dom." Letty muttered

"Brian would know what to do." Rome muttered

"No! We can't bring Brian & Mia into this. We agreed." Letty snapped

"I know." He sighed

With her so emotional, I gave her her space. I headed to the infirmary wing for a check-up. I was going to rip that bitch apart if I lost the baby. This was one of the few times I had the privacy to disclose this information. It wasn't busy. The only patient was Deck who was resting & icing his arm.

"Ms. Toretto. How can I help you?" the doc greeted

"I need your help with a personal matter. But, I want this kept off my official medical records. If we could just keep this between us." I stated

"Umm, I'm not sure if I can lie that far. Is your condition serious?" He whispered

"I'm pregnant. Well, I hope I still am." I said

"Oh my. Does the father know?" He asked

"He's a bit tied up at the moment so no." I answered

"Oooh. Oh. That makes sense. Well, then, I'd be happy to examine you off the record." He agreed

I followed him into another curtained bed. It was near his office which was far away from Deck. I laid on the bed as he went to get the supplies. He moved quickly to get the ultrasound machine in. It went like every other visit as I answered the same health questions.

After all that, I was still pregnant. He created a paper file for me which would be kept in his desk. I headed out & made it to the corridor until someone grabbed my arm. I instinctively threw an elbow in an attempt to get free. Deck quickly caught it & pinned me against the wall.

"What did you see the doctor for that you need to hide?" He asked

"None of your business. Besides, aren't I dead to the lot of you? What do you care?" I fired back as I tried to push him back

"I only care because you're trying to be all hush hush about it. I still kinda know you. I know enough to know when it's serious. So, spill now & I let you go do your little kamikaze run." He glared

"How do you feel about being an uncle?" I cheekily answered

"What? Hattie's not..." He asked as the realisation dawned on him

"Christ, Cass! How far along are you? How can you be this daft?!" He groaned

"3 months & about 1 week." I replied

"Look, I wasn't planning on all this happening. Given me & Owen's luck, are you really that surprised now?" I sighed

"You've got to lay low. He'll never forgive me if you die around me." He decided

"You know it won't matter where I am. My best chance is with other people, specifically you even though you hate me." I disagreed

"I'm not going to hold my grudge against you with on that babe. But, I'm not going to let you endanger its life." He argued back

"Yet, I know I can't stop you from trying to protect them. So, I've got no choice but to keep you out of harm as much as possible." He sighed

"Thank you, Deckard. I won't forget it." I appreciated

"I know you won't. Does anyone else know?" He replied

"The old team & Letty. I was planning on telling everyone else once Cipher is dealt with." I shared

"More motivation to stop her. Jeez, Cass you really know how to pick the time." He groaned

"It takes 2 to tango." I fired back

"Yeah yeah. I'm just thinking about how my mum is going to react to the news." He remembered

"I'll be on the other side of the world when that happens." I muttered

"Didn't realise she terrified you that much." He smirked

"You're not so tough around her either. I've seen it." I reminded him

"Come on. We need to get back before they start spreading rumours about us in the hall." I said as he laughed

We headed back & everyone was still in their same places. I went to sit at the table while Deck waited in the back area of the room. Interestingly, Ramsey walked over to him. Rome noticed immediately & watched like a hawk.

"Yo!" He whispered, calling over Tej & I as we watched

"What?" Tej asked

"You see this. It's like they really going at it over there." Rome worried

"It must be the accent." Rome guessed which puzzled Rome & I

"Bruh. He ain't got no accent to her. They from the same place." Rome caught 

"I know. I was just joking." Tej backtracked 

"I got the accent. Exotic." Rome hyped

"Exotic?" Tej questioned

"Barstow." He justified

"Ghetto." I clapped back

"Barstow is exotic to her." He fumbled

"Pff." Tej groaned

Both of us walked away. It was no good debating with Rome about his ego. We waited at the table. Nobody Jr joined us as he typed away at his computer. Deck was using Ramsey's as he stood in the corner.

"Damn it! She wiped it all, took God's Eye." newbie grunted in frustration

"That was the 1 thing we could use to find them. We lost everything." He sighed as he got up

"Hurry up Princess." Hobbs antagonised Deck

"Finding Toretto. But, I got a couple of minutes to spare. If you want me to send you to the hospital again." Deck warned

"Yo Rules." Hobbs called on 

"1st off, that's not my name." He corrected

"Little Nobody." Rome suggested

"Don't call me that." He rejected

"Oh, that's definitely sticking." Tej decided as I high-fived Rome

"Great. DO me a favour & tell your Majesty over there that we're gonna find Toretto. We're gonna find Toretto together as a team. And when this is all over with, I'm more than happy to wack that whisker biscuit off his face." Hobbs instructed

"Wait a second guys. I think Deck is onto something. How do you think Dom & Cipher got into the country without us knowing. Ghost flights." Ramsey defended

"I thought ghost planes was all internet conspiracy stuff." Tej doubted

"It's not. Radar & satellite grids around the globe shift like an ocean. If you know the right channels that open & close. And theoretically, you know the right people who know the right patterns..." Mr. Nobody confirmed

"You could fly right through the blind-spots undetected." Ramsey finished

"So you know where Dom is headed?" Letty asked

"Yeah. New York." Deck coldly answered before leaving

"Hmm. You see there Luke. You guys are gonna get along just great." Mr. Nobody sarcastically said as he put on his coat

"Which proves rule # 2. You never lose everything. Fire up the chopper" He added, directing it toward little Nobody

"Well, guys. Have a ball in the big apple." He wished before heading out
