17.The 900years Old Boy

Rebekah : " Go inside.....its the boy..."

Seeing Hope with him....Rebekah yells....: " Hope Mikealson, come this side.....stay away from him"

With a Smile on his face in a sarcastic tone Alex said : " Well it seems you still havent forgotten me.."

Hope goes on Rebekahs side trying to explain her that Alex is a friend ....

Rebekah yells at Hope "Niece , if you dont know much about the family ...its better to listen then"

As she further continues while growing her fangs turning up her eyes bit reddish and veins coming up : " Thats Alex....Alex watson....when Nik got to know about his powers as vampire ...related to compulsion, to sire, Alexs family was the first victim."

Alex : " Yeah....we were the prey of the Mikealsons...."

Rebekah : " Nik killed all of the watsons...leaving three of them...Alex, his dad and her sister....turning them into vampires....and asked them to go on rogue....so that they can be a deploy to distract our father..."

Alex : " Well , we indeed had a fight with him...."

Rebekah : " And you all survived...."

Alex : " Not all...."

Rebekah yells...." whats the reason of coming here....what you want!?"

Alex : " I'm not here to seek revenge.....if we wanted to kill you...we could have killed you when we had so many chances...in new orleans , mystic falls....we were keeping an eye on the Mikealsons...."

Rebekah getting all hyped, tensed and raggy said..." Well that was your lose to not to go against us....but i cant let you live...."

Alex : " Dont make a mistake.....i dont want Hope to loose an aunt..."

As Rebekah was about to make a move...
As within a blink of eye...with having a speed of wind....Alex approaches and stands in front of the Vampire who came along with Freya and Rebekah and ripps out his heart....

Smith was standing just behind the vampire getting all shocked and scared.....by seeing the death of a 200years old vampire that quickly....

.......wiping blood from his Hand ...Alex walks towards Rebekah says...." So if thats how you want to do this....then its fine..."

Rebekah looks at Freya asks her to take Hope and everyone inside the house....as she further adds..." Take them all inside...he cant come in.....and I'll be fine "
Looking at Alex , Rebekah taunts..." Well, I hope you do know that an original can only be killed by a white oak....but you ....i can easily just ripp you out..."

Listening to that...Alex laughs loudly....walks ahead and picks up a Wooden thick stick....and breaks it into two....

Stating ..."lets give it a try then..."

As Rebekah uses her speed to attack Alex ...he throws a part of the wood ...the pointed side facing towards Rebekah...aiming for her heart....

And Using his Speed and agility....he reached out to Freya....and places the other pointed wooden stake poking Freyas neck with little pressure.

..as Freya was about to move....
Alex : " Dont Mam....i just dont want you to get hurt...i hope you got an Idea how fast i can move...."

Seeing all this with a Shock...Hope starts to walk towards...Alex...saying "thats not you....."
As she continues to go towards him...Rebekah while taking out stake from her stomach asks Hope to stop....

Hope ignoring Rebekah says out loud..." I know Alex.....he is my friend....you are potraying him some kind of villain , where the things you have done to him and his family was ruthless and mercyless ...."

Listening to that Alex smiles and says : " Well love...if you insist....just for you...."

As Alex throws the stake away....and Smiles...looking at Hope said " Well I'm not here to take revenge or anything ...thanks for being by my side again....."
As he further adds..." But you know love.....if you would have taken my side...before testing my powers and fight that would have been much better....."
Listening to that Hope smiles and agrees by stating " Oh , so you knew...."

Alaric : "Its too much violence now....because of you all we have lost a strong vampire..."

Pleading and requesting Freya....Alaric asks her to perform a locator spell.

Where being suspicious, Rebekah was still gazing Alex....

Freya asks everyone to come inside the salvatore mansion....so does Alex joins them.

/*****Inside of Salvatore Mansion......

Freya starts to prepare for Locator spell....
Alaric being all worried and anxious was walking and thinking....

Where Hope was having a conversation with Alex as she asks....

Hope : " So really you are not here for revenge....huh..."

Alex : " Yes love...i just cant afford to kill you ....you are too precious to loose..."

Hope : " So why are you here...and why are you helping me out to get rid of hollow and to get my father back...."

Alex : " Just a peace offering..." as he further adds...." Well i hope you know that i have shown a hell lot of things for you ....i have shown mercy to weak ones, has shown kindness , pity" with a sarcastic smiles he says..." Forgiveness...., just for you...to be right for you" as he further adds....looking straight into Hopes eyes.....while gently placing and touching her cheeks with his fingers...." Just dont worry love , i would never hurt you...."

Rebekah standing along with Matt and Smith using her supernatural hearing , listens to Alex and Hopes conversation says....." Well if you ever try to do anything i'll gladly ripp you into two....thats our loved niece ...."

She further adds " Ahh, come on Hope dont fall for her sweet lies....all boys says the same...."
Listening to Rebekah Smith smiles a little....Alex looks at Smith saying " Oh , you want to have a fight a round 2 for 10mins...."

Smith stops smiling looks at Alex with a little rage, as he was having fire in his eyes...but he knew being just a wolf he is no match for Alex...

Freya chants....and tries to find Caroline....

She asks Rebekah to come so that she can channel her .....but still there was no clue of the daughters neither of caroline....


/*****Prison world.......

As absorbing Magic from the ascendant....with Caroline being captured.....Jossie and Lizzie being helpless...Kai tries to comeback to the real world....

As the door was opened and the Magic was broken ....Kai opens the path to the real world....

And along with everyone ...kai escapes from the prison world....

/*****In The Middle Of No Where......

Kai : " Ahhhh.....finally....omg...atlast i'm free......I'm Free....."

Lizzie : " Stop being dramatic..."

Jossie : " As we have done everything you asked....leave us....and let us go...."

Kai...: " Yes you are free to go....."

Jossie has a smile and takes a deep relief breathe....where Kai adds further....

" Well you know..., if you two twin merges...ill loose my control of the coven..."

" I'm sorry to say....but one of you has to die....!!!"
With a smile on his face Kai exclaimed...

Jossie....looks at lizzie....and says...take me....then and leave my sister and mom...

Where lizzie disagrees....and Challenges Kai stating " we'll fight you....wont let you go that easily..."

Listening to lizzie , Kai smiles..." Ahhh i like your style....there was Bonnie the bennet witch...she has the same courage like you..."

As he further adds..." Still , one of you has to go down....you two decide...ill lend you time....meanwhile your mom will be with me...."
As Kai vanishes...

Getting all Hyped...and raggy.....
Jossie shouts..."MOM!!!!"
