Jeremiah Fisher

Season 2

I fell asleep in Jeremiah's room, I woke up to no one beside me which made me confused since he always waits for me to get up or wakes me up.

I look up and see that it's still night time



"I'm right here"

I saw him on the phone, he mouthed "belly" and I understood, Conrad went M.I.A out of nowhere and Jeremiah has been out of his mind worried

He ended the call "Belly is coming tomorrow morning to help find him"
"That's good"

"Yeah, I just hope he's okay"

"He is, and we'll find him okay, whatever is going on with him he'll be okay, just come back to bed, and get some rest, please"

He nodded and had his hand on my back while I had my hand on his and walked back to the room.

He put the tv on in his room, I was laying down and he was in between my legs snoring.

I was playing with his hair as he was groaning in his sleep, I feel asleep soon after.


"Babe wake up, we gotta go meet belly."

"I'm coming"

I love Pinterest😋

Jeremiah was calling a bunch of people he knew to find Conrad.

He opened the door for me on my side and closed it and then got in

While driving his phone fell on the floor

"Fuck" He put his hand to his mouth

"Hey, it's okay, it's going to be okay, we'll find him-

"And what if we don't y/n" (that sounds so goofy)

"We will, I promise"

"I'm sorry I just"

"I know"

I put my hand in his neck massaging it, it seemed to make him a bit more calm

Jeremiah called belly to tell him to meet us to his dorm.

"I got you guys this" She hands us a drink

"Uh I'm good thanks"

I shove Jeremiah a little

"Thank you belly"

"No problem"

He go to his dorm and a guy comes in with a blue robe

He doesn't really help us get any information about Conrad but we take his study books for him

I'm skipping the car scene with Jeremiah and belly just because

We head back to the fishers house, me driving, Jeremiah in the passenger seat and Belly in the back

Belly walks in first and jere and I walk hand in hand

He than let's go and goes into one of the rooms

I follow him

"Conrad, are you okay, where the hell have you been?"

He looked down looking guilty

"What do you mean the house is for sale" Belly walks in during the conversation and I look at her in empathy as I stand next to Jeremiah leaning on him

"What is she doing here"

