
Hey ma dudes, so this story was kinda an accident, I was just trying to make a cute lil story for some drawings on my arm but it turned into.. well... this Lol like and comment if you enjoy it! Don't stop reading



Timmy looked up as he had finally managed to balance himself on both feet once more and nearly fell backward at the sight of this god, looking down at him, flooring him with his storm filled eyes.

He blinked, once, twice.

His heart sped faster and faster, thumping so loud and so fast he thought it would fly out of his chest at any given moment.

Weirdly he didn't seem to mind the thunder gods nonexistent mouth for his looks were the only thing that would've spoken to him.

This held truth once Timmy snapped out of his trance like state to cover his ears from the deep rumbles and crashes of fiery electricity clashing around him. His eyes went back to the lightning god, he was... smiling?

Timmy couldn't tell, the gods face was bright, much too bright to see anything past the light. Then both gods looked at the boy, he was scared once more.

The two gods glanced back and forth between themselves and the young, small, human child. The thunder gods heart rumbled, surprising all three of them for his heart had not made such a sound since his late mother had passed.

The thunder god turned and fled in fear of what made his shallow heart sound again. The lightning god screeched, he too was afraid but for a different reason. He could not stand to lose his brother again, it had been many years since his brother had left them.

He bolted after his brother and left Timmy alone to ponder over the events of the night. Timmy slowly descended the old stairs in his fathers house (he didn't like to call it his home since it had never felt more than a place of torture) and with each creak of the steps he winced. He knew his father to be long gone but couldn't shake the feeling his father would jump out from behind the banister and yell at his for his disobedience. Timmy had faced this many times and knew of the beating to come, it wasn't as bad as most but if his father had his belt... he wouldn't be able to walk farther than a foot past his bed post for the next week or so.


Timmy's head snapped toward the front door, it had been ripped from its hinges and standing in the doorway, was, the thunder god.
