Chapter 2

"Mineta, pack your stuff and leave, you're expelled from the hero course."

1. Izuku Kayama
2. Katsuki Bakugo
3. Shoto Todoroki
4. Momo Yaoyorozu
5. Tenya Ida
20. Minoru Mineta

The entire class except a few were shocked that Shota actually expelled someone, and that someone was a purple ball haired midget perv named Mineta.

"That's not fair sir!"

"Do you not remember what I said earlier about fairness? Plus, even if you didn't come in last, I was going to expel you anyways. I read your file and I was not very pleased with what I saw. You also lack the skill and mindset that's needed to become a hero. Now, I'll say it once more, pack your shit up and leave." Aizawa stated firmly, scaring the midget who walked away mumbling about not getting to see some 'tig bitties' or something? Izuku was unsure as to what he heard.

"With that out of the way, head back to class and do some introductions. Once you're done, the day is over and you can go home."

"But sir, what about meeting the other teachers?" A tall young woman asked who had long black hair in a spikey ponytail. This was Momo Yaoyorozu, one of the few students that got recommended.

"You'll do all that as the week progresses as your actual classes start tomorrow. Today was to simply get to know your classmates, get a layout of the school and assess your quirks. Now go get changed and return to class." Shota explained to Momo and the rest of the class who listened and left to get changed.

-Timeskip brought to you by Kirbo-

As the 19 students returned to their homeroom class, chatter amongst them was on the topics of Shota Aizawa, their teacher, and how they think the school year will go. A few were silent and seemed to not be so social while some just seemed to love talking.

When they entered the classroom, they all sat at their desks except one who began to introduce herself.

"Hey, I'm Mina Ashido! My quirk is acid and I like to dance!" She spoke with a lot of energy as she introduced herself. She asked for any questions and answered some simple ones like "how does your quirk work?" Stuff like that.

When she finished, the rest of the class began to introduce themselves. A few were quiet and didn't want to answer any questions. A few examples were a guy named Mezo Shoji whose quirk was dupli-arms, and another was the bi-coloured hair boy, Shoto Todoroki whose quirk was half-hot half-cold, but he ended up being a bit blunt and said that he's not here to make friends. Seems like a challenge that Izuku is going to take on.

There were a few more normal introductions such as Momo Yaoyorozu whose quirk was creation and could create non-living objects by using the lipids in her body. Another was Kyoka Jiro who was more quiet with her introduction but said what her quirk was, which is earphone jack, and explained what it did.

Then, there were the more eccentric ones, who spoke with so much enthusiasm that Izuku couldn't help but enjoy the pure energy coming from them. An example was the manly spikey red haired man, Ejiro Kirishima whose quirk was hardening, which allowed him to harden any part of his body or his whole body at once, and had the simple, but oh so manly catchphrase "manly". A final example was Tenya Ida who went just a little over the top with his buzz lightyear karate chop action. He explained his quirk and how much he was prepared to start class with everyone.

Then there was the very over egotistical explosive blonde, Katsuki Bakugo. Shouting that everyone was just an extra in his way to becoming the number 1 hero and becoming stronger than All Might. "Oh, if only you knew how much weaker All Might truly is." Was what Izuku thought to himself as he continued to listen to Bakugo inflate his ego. This got a few comments from the rest of the class such as "not very manly/jeez, what an ego" and so forth.

Then, it was Izuku's turn to introduce himself. As he got from his desk he kinda skipped his way to the front with the biggest smile a human could wear 'cause he was excited to say the least.

"Poyo! My name is Izuku Kayama! I like many things and dislike a few things! And my quirk, well it doesn't have a name!" His smile was blinding and his bubbly and joyful personality was contagious as several students couldn't help but find Izuku cute as he does his introduction. "Any questions?"

Momo yaoyorozu was the first to raise her hand and ask a question that everyone wants to know as they saw a few abilities of Izuku's during the quirk test. "What exactly is your quirk may I ask?" Very formal.

"Well it's many things! But I just like to simplify it into a few things! The first of my abilities is something I like to call my copy abilities!"

The other energetic pinky named Mina raised her hand for a question.

"How does it work!?"

"Well... Can I get a volunteer so I can show?"

When Kirby asked this, the one to raise their hand was Ida.

"I will participate in volunteering!"

"Alright just come up to the front!"

As Ida walks to the front all that Izuku could think was, "oh you fools. Fell straight for my trap hehehe."

"Ok, now before I begin, does anyone want to take a guess at how I copy abilities or quirks?"

The short brown haired gravity girl named Ochaco Uraraka was the first to take a guess.

"By touching them?"

"Nope. Anyone else?"

A few more people answered with some more obvious answers such as looking at some one but no one got it right.

"All of you were wrong! So let me demonstrate! Ok Ida, just a warning, It may feel and be weird!"

"What do you me-"

Suddenly Izuku opened his mouth and it was like a super suction vacuum. Ida just kinda shrank as he flew into Izuku's mouth, making his cheeks swell up immensely. Eventually Izuku swallowed and a star shot out of him and when it hit the ground, Ida appeared slightly dazed. You could almost imagine seeing stars orbiting his head. As for Izuku, in a mass of stars and sparkles, Izuku revealed him self with a pair of the exact same glasses as Ida and had engines on his calves.
"What/BWAHAHAHA!" A few of Izuku's classmates where left confused as a few were just laughing their asses off.

"So you have to inhale and swallow a person to copy their abilities? *kero*" the frog quirk Tsuyu Asui asked, earning a nod from Izuku who went further to explain.

"Yes, although it works different based on what I inhale! If I inhale an object, I don't have a time limit on how long I can use it, but if I inhale a person, I have a limited time of using their quirks abilities! And sorry Ida." Izuku explains to the class and apologize to Ida who shakes it off and say that this is a useful thing to know so that teamwork can be better achieved with enthusiasm in his voice. This earned a slight sweatdrop from the rest of Izuku's classmates while a few agreed.

As time passes, the school day comes to an end. Once school finished everyone took their leave except Izuku, he was called upon by Shota, who asked if Izuku could come to the principle's office which he agreed to.

When Izuku and Shota arrived they saw that both Nemuri and Nezu were in the room. Nemuri ran up to Izuku and just bear hugged him, asking how his day was.

"It was great Mom! I met some cool people and will definitely be making friends with them!"

"That's wonderful to hear Izuku!"

"Why hello Izuku. It's wonderful to finally meet you in person." Nezu spoke, getting the attention of everyone else.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too sir!"

"Well aren't you an enthusiastic one huh? Anyways, I've been wanting to meet you for quite a while but could never get the chance to."

"Yes I am! And sorry about that sir! I was training for the past year!"

"That's quite alright, as that is what I wanted to talk about today. I was told by Kayama here, that you've been training with someone for the past year until you came back about a month ago. You were highly praised by Aizawa when he trained you roughly 2 or 3 years ago. So you just continued to peak my interest after all that I heard about you, so I want to know the type of training you did and who taught you."

"Wow, I'm glad to hear that all my hard work has been paying off."

"Of course Izuku, your quirk may be simple in concept but it has many layers to it which makes it a difficult quirk. But yes, it did Izuku." Shota spoke up getting attention on him as Izuku thanked him and return to talk with Nezu again.

"And sure, I'll talk about my experience and training!"

"Excellent, I'm excited to hear what it was like!" Nezu spoke taking a sip of tea he had on hand.

"Well I began my training under Meta Knight himself sir."

*record scratch*

Nezu spat his tea out and Aizawa just had a pure face of shock. The only one not affected was Nemuri as she already knew.

"Did you just say that Meta Knight was who trained you?" Nezu asked with a shocked expression. Shota just sat there still in shock but came back to his senses as he wanted to hear Izuku's answer.

"Yes I did sir! And it was awesome to train and be able to work with him."

"Wait, work with him?"

Izuku pulled out his wallet that he had in his pants pocket. Opening it he pulled out an ID card with his face on it. Izuku just showed that he was an official crew member of the Halberd, Meta Knight's base of operations.

Nezu and Shota continued to listen and look in shock. And for very good reasons as well.

The reason is because Meta Knight is not just a powerful "hero", oh no no no. Meta Knight had powers that placed himself above the HPSC control. He is an unchained hero granting him powers that no other heroes have with the closest ones being both Nezu and All Might themselves, but the difference is that Meta Knight has the power to control the HPSC and see justice as he deems fit. He can kill a villain if he so wishes and get away with it. He can also take on heroes and kill them as well if he deems them not heroic or not needed, although he does this extremely rarely. And Meta Knight has the power to back up his right for such power, as not only does his unknown quirk help, he gets support from the WHA, has very loyal and powerful crewmates that listen to every command he says, and he is seen as a respectful and powerful hero in the public eyes. He stands where no one else dares to stand. Which is why Meta Knight is seen as both a hero, and a anti-hero.

"Not only did you train under Meta Knight himself, you are also seen as a valuable and respected member of the Halberd!?" Was all Shota could ask as he looks at Izuku who sits in his chair with a prideful look on his face.

"Yea I know."

"Izuku, you do know what this means right? This, technically speaking, puts you on the level of a pro hero and can act as one."

"I know, but Meta Knight requested that I at least attend UA and graduate before I really join his crew and do hero work. He did say that I can use my ID if ever need be but never abuse the power or he'll revoke my rights for it, and have to earn it all over again."

"I see, well I must say that this is most definitely impressive and will give UA some good reputation as we have a personal student of Meta Knight himself. Well I guess we don't really have to talk about your training then, especially after knowing that Meta Knight trained you himself, so I don't have a doubt in your abilities. I'll just have to contact Meta Knight to confirm what you said about the ID, but other than that you're free to leave, you as well Kayama."

"Oh, alright sir. Arigato!" Izuku thanked Nezu doing a traditional bow and leaving with Nemuri.

"This is definitely a shock and surprise, but a good one." Nezu spoke as he went to dial a few numbers so he could contact Meta Knight.

"Indeed." Was all Aizawa spoke as he was shocked and surprised, but held a very small and faint smile that's hidden behind his scarf as he watches Izuku and Nemuri take their leave.
