Chapter 1 - The Spot


"Would you like anything else?" I ask politely, as I hand the costumer his coffee.

"No thank you" he replies with a smile and walks down, to what I assume is a girlfriend, with his drink.

There are no more customers to serve, so I quickly pull out my phone from underneath the counter and check for any important messages, there are none. I have a drivers lesson this afternoon so I'm waiting for my driving instructor to text me the address of where we're meeting. I quickly put my phone back, before my boss sees me with it, and begin to wipe the tables outside.

I'm working a six hours shift today and I'm walking around in constant fear of Jacob showing up. After all, he does live right down the street and he is a regular customer. Normally I would love for him to drop by for some coffee but today is not a good day for me. I had to rush out of the door this morning, which means that I had absolutely no time to make myself look decent and as if that's not enough I started my shift by spilling coffee all over myself. No good can come from stressing.

As I make my way inside after finishing up the outside area, a familiar voice fills my ears and I instantly panic. Jacob! I hurry inside and place myself behind the counter while I do my best 'i'm totally calm and not at all freaking out' pose.

"Brooke, you want a break?" my boss asks, as he emerges from the back door.

"Yes please"I reply and sigh in relief. Saved by the bell. Thank you, Jesus. I hurry to the back and do a little dance out of pure relief.

So to fill you in, Jacob Duncan is a 6'3 feet tall guy with long curly hair and a smile that is to die for. I have had a crush on him since he moved in next door, which is about six months ago. I see him almost every day and he gets hotter and hotter each time, and I have yet to talk to him. I'm pretty sure that he knows who I am, after all, we have been living across from each other for six months and exchanged a few words. Mostly "hi" and "see you" though, but it counts. Every time I see him I pretty much ruin my chances of further conversation with him, not on purpose though, but whenever he approaches me or we bump into each other in the hall I immediately zone out and start daydreaming about us. I'm not crazy I swear, I just like to picture us together.

My break has come to an end and I find the courage to walk back out and finish my shift. I have switched the coffee filled shirt of mine with a clean new one and fixed my hair as well. It wouldn't be the worst thing if Jacob was still out there, but to be honest I would prefer if he had left and would come back another day.

Much to my surprise, he is still here, I do my best at ignoring his presence and focus on serving the customers. Not even a minute goes by before Jacob makes his way over to the counter and I prepare myself for a possible conversation.

Jacob is next in line and I purposely take my time with my current costumer. Okay I can't drag it out any longer, I let my costumer go and Jacob takes a step forward and is ready to place his order. Not a single word leaves my mouth no matter how hard I try. I look at him in amazement and hope that he will start the conversation. This is pathetic, I am a twenty-year-old woman and I'm acting like a ten-year-old, I need to grow up. I give myself a mental slap in the face and open my mouth.

"What can I do for you?" I ask with my fake waitress voice.

"Hi, I would like the number to the caretaker of our building, please?" he says with a grin.

"Excuse me?" I ask in confusion.

"I'm sorry, I know it's a bit weird to show up at your work and ask for his number, but I locked myself out of my apartment and I haven't got his number, so I was hoping you could give it to me?" he says politely and smiles exaggerated.

"Uhm yeah of... of course" I stutter in confusion and pull out my phone from underneath the counter once again.

I give him the number followed by a smile. He thanks me and leaves the café.

I can't move and I can't believe I just had a conversation with him.

"Brooke?" a voice says and I immediately snap back into reality. It's my boss.

Are you kidding me? Was I really daydreaming again? It felt so real. Disappointment fills my body and I spot Jacob at the exact same seat as before causing me to shrug. My shift is over so I head to the back and take off my apron, leaving my boss to take over. I glance in Jacobs direction before leaving the café and a smile leaves my lips in spite of what just happened.

I look back towards the café hoping to see Jacob one last time before heading home but the only thing visible is the big neon sign above the entrance showing the name of the café... The Spot.
