Chapter 9

Flashback continues...

  James's eyes were fixated on me. I gulped in fear. I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I was paralysed in trepidation. I could not move anywhere else. All the students had gone to their classes. There was no one in the bathroom and hallways. He inched forward step by step. A gasp escaped my mouth when he removed his shirt. But I gotta admit he was hot. I got up slowly and tried to get out of the washroom. However, he got hold of me right in time. 

  He pushed me back to the wall and cornered me. He put his hands against the wall such that I could not escape. He eyed my lips hungrily. He leaned in for a kiss. I turned my head causing his lips to touch my cheek. However, he did not stop. He lowered his face to my neck and started sucking on it. A moan escaped my mouth. I tried to scream for help but James covered my mouth with his hand. My screams turned into whimpers. He slowly removed his hand from my mouth. He pushed his lips against mine roughly. He pushed his tongue into my mouth and did something weird which I do not know how to describe as it was my first kiss. I felt like puking right into his mouth. I could feel the taste of the pizza he had during recess. Ew. I did not want my first kiss to be like that. 

  With all my might, I pushed him off me. He fell onto the floor, startled. Just then, Maria, a girl from my English class entered the washroom. Her eyes widened in shock. James tried to catch her but he was too late. Maria had already ran off. I was hoping she would inform a teacher. James turned back to face me with his eyes full of anger. He was livid wth fury. He advanced towards me with his face as red as a beetroot. I did not know what to do. 

  Maria arrived with Mr Williams in the nick of time. I let out a sigh of relief. James was brought to the Principal's Office. Tears started well up in my eyes. Soon, they were rolling down my cheeks. Maria comforted me. I was sent home. All my family members came to know about the situation including my brother. Yes, I have a brother. His name is Vernon. He was furious upon hearing the news. He even got into a fight with James. Both James and his friends and Vernon and his friends were severely injured. They were suspended for 3 days. 

  After that incident, James continued to torture me at school by getting me into trouble. However, I kept silent as I did not want my brother to get involved. 

Flashback ends

  That was why I was glad to move to Canada. Now he has gotten my number. I knew he is going to do something horrible but I don't know what...


Hey guys 

Hope you like the chapter! Next update would be a A/N as I need to say a few things.


