Chapter:6 Always Greener on the other Side

I sat perched on rooftop of the ace chemicals building I had been swinging back and fourth between alleys and streets all night looking for henchmen of none other than the joker himself but I found nothing. nothing but false leads all night , and pumping myself up with hope. I left multiple calls on Dicks phone but he's to busy with the league and the Titans, and Bruce had informed me that he's traveling into metropolis so im on my own. I heard yelling a block down from the court house as men were dragging a little girl into a storage unit. I leapt down onto of the storage unit making as much noise possible. One of the 5 men walked out and I dropped down on top of him knocking him unconscious, I tossed down a smoke pellet and grab the girl swinging pack up to my perch. " Now what would the Joker want with such a pretty face such as your own" I said sarcastically. "My my selina that's no way to reunite with an old friend." "Listen Ivy I don't know what you and Joker have planned but just leave Harley out of it last time I checked you and her were inseparable why the sudden change of heart ?" Before she could answer someone had hit me in the back of the head with what had felt like a gun. " Good work little cat but next time don't be late " Ivy hissed "I-im sorry it won't happen again and you promise Selina won't get hurt right?" Ivy smiled deeply "as long as she supplies me with the correct information she'l be fine Holly now run along I'll call you when we're ready." Ivy's henchmen carried my body back to her suite , I had awoken on her bed but tied down by thorny vines.

As I turned around I ran into his chest " well if it isn't just the gal I wanted to see tonight " Ivy turned back rolling her eyes " and here I thought I wouldn't have to deal with pigs tonight" he shot her a glare "let her go Ivy she wasn't part of the plan" Ivy let out a laugh " The Harvey Dent to Catwomans rescue that's new " he pointed his gun at her then shot down at one of her plants "I won't ask you again" My babies !!!" Ivy shrieked "it's too late anyways you'l all be dead soon" just then two plants came down capturing the two .

"Let me go!" I heard screaming and crying that seemed all to familiar I knew it had to be Holly. All of sudden it was quiet to quiet then I saw her shadow and growled to myself. I kept quiet trying not to get her attention but then a vine came down wrapping itself around my neck I let out a sharp scream before it practically swallowed me whole . A batarang cut the plant open allowing me to fall out and onto the floor on my knees, when I looked up she was standing there reaching a hand down for me to take but that's not my style so i sweeper her legs out from under her as I heard holly screaming and crying once again. I looked back and gave her a glare before climbing up into the air duct at the end of the hall. I began crawling through the duct in frustration when I heard thuds behind me. "Selina why are you always one to turn down help ?" I rolled my eyes "because I'm perfectly fine on my own." I gave a rather blunt response . "That's not what it looked like back there" I could tell by the sound of her voice she had a smirk on her face. "Just be quiet and follow my lead. I kicked out the cover of the next exit and smiled releasing my claws as I cut the rope witch held weed killer and other plant threatening toxins ontop of Ivy and her throne. Within minutes she was knocked out and Bat- Barb , whatever she is took her into police custody now all that's left is to find Holly and get the hell out of here. "Selina !" Holly screamed as she ran up hugging me from behind I turned to hug her wiping her tears away and smiling but before I could say anything I looked up to find Harvey "don't think this makes us even Kitty cat ." " Wouldn't count on it Harvey."
I pulled Holly onto my back and swung myself up onto the roof from the skylight we were under. I realized I couldn't go back to our apartment joker would have had his men sent there so I made my decision. I sat Holly down in the garage and picked the lock opening the door and smiling as we both walked upstairs . She paused in the kitchen "you must mean a lot to him if he gave you your dream kitchen Selina " she said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes smiling and walk back and into the bathroom my phone rang and I sighed " Selina what were you thinking you could've gotten yourself ?!" "Awe I love you to honey " "this is serious im on my way home I know your there ." I sighed as I heard the phone disconnect . When I walked back out into the living room Holly was out like a light on the couch and I smiled covering her up with my fuzzy blanket. I heard the door to the garage open and rolled my eyes . I sat on the center island counter in the kitchen pulling my gloves off and exhaling as Dick walked up to me and hugged me from behind. "I missed you too " I said with a grin and pulling my mask off and smiling .
