Chapter Thirteen: Concrete

"Chapter Thirteen: I Will Make You Swallow Clothing Powder And Make You Shit That Concrete,"


"You're only killing me,

We're used on stepping on poop,"



Your vein popped at Hyun's overly caring attitude over you. 

You looked at Bam Bam who looked at the pair of you with a stoic face. You mouthed 'help' but he only snickered at your pain.


After your time with the brothers, Changkyun came inside the room, bowing at you and wishing you well before telling the kings that your brothers' demands for them to get out of the room. The brothers looked at you, willing for you to not let them out but you only shrugged. Their shoulders slumped down as they slugged out of the room, saying their goodbyes at you. Changkyun smiled at you when Jin whispered something to you. You furrowed your eyebrows when he stayed in the room while the pair came in. 

Hyun was, well, like an overbearing mother. You sighed as you mentally prepared yourself for Mama Hyun. Changkyun stifled a laugh as he watched your brother asking you ridiculous questions.

"Can you feel your vagina?"

"Can you understand what I'm saying?"

"Do you think you can shit?"

"How peeing? Do you think you can pee?"

"Can you feel your kneecaps?"

"Hyun, if you open your goddamn mouth one more time, I will make you swallow clothing powder and make you shit that concrete,"  Bam Bam said, looking in his suitcase. Hyun gulped as he sat down quietly at the side. Changkyun needed to hide his face in his gloved hand to stop himself from crying at the scene that just unfolded in front of his eyes. You sighed as Bam Bam folded the bottom of your t-shirt. He gave you a tired smile before pecking your forehead.

"You good?" He asked you. You shrugged.

"Got through worse," You answered. He snorted as he peeled off your bandages, layer by layer. You groaned when the last layer was peeled off. Bam Bam looked closely at the stitches that the doctors of the Kingdom gave you. It looks good and all but the stitches they gave you are for wolves. 

Wolves have thicker and stronger skin so they gave you more stitches than you should have received.  Bam Bam looked at you, which you returned with a small shake of a head. 

So you know you received the wrong stitching, huh. Bam Bam frowned at this before looking at the Beta, who watched the two of you closely. 

"Could give us a moment, please?" Hyun said, picking up that something was wrong and should be talked about in private. Changkyun clenched his jaw before leaving the room. Once the door was closed with a soft bang, Bam Bam knocked you in the forehead. 

You groaned while rubbing the area that now shows a red spot.

"The hell was that for?" You exclaimed. Bam Bam tsked at your complaints and looked at Hyun who also landed a soft slap at the back of your head. You whined lowly at how they take care of you after being in a coma for a week. 

"After staying with them for how many days, you didn't tell them that you were human?" Bam Bam exclaimed. You grumbled as you rubbed your forehead. Hyun looked at the shifter with wide eyes.

"Why didn't you tell them?" Hyun asked you calmly. You sighed as you dropped your hand from your forehead.

"Because," You paused, looking at them. Hyun nodded his head as he encouraged you to continue. Bam Bam leaned forward.

"I think they don't know what a human is," You whispered. They looked at each other before looking at you.

"Think about it, it's been decades since a human had contact with wolves since they are in hiding. I, myself as a human only know three other humans when there are three hundred plus more humans still alive." You sighed as Hyun looked down. 

"I've seen how they treat Kai because they didn't know what he is. I am planning to tell them what I am but, dude! I just recently told them my real name, let them sink that thought in, alright? For now, let them think that our kind is an extremely dangerous and mysterious race," You said, shrugging. They looked at each other before calming down before Hyun gave you a last slap in your head. You sighed as you looked at him while he smiled, opening the door.

Changkyun entered the room and got back to his original post. Hyun sat back down as Bam Bam, gently as possible, cut the stitches. You grunt as you ground your teeth, gripping the side of the bed with all your strength. Bam Bam heard your teeth grinding, as well as Changkyun, so Changkyun took off his handkerchief, stuffing it between your teeth. You didn't give it to much thought as you closed your eyes tight shut, the pain on your abdomen over taking your sense.

"Shouldn't you have given her some anesthesia or something first?" Changkyun told the shifter, who shook his head.

"Your anesthesia here is too strong for her. Her heart might completely stop beating if we gave her even the tiniest anesthesia. It's better to keep her awake," He answered, looking up at your state. Beads of sweat rolled down your face as you pant and groan. 

"Even if it hurts her," He murmured, working as quickly and as painless as he can. You panted as you kept your head down. Hyun looked at the floor, leaning his hands on his knees. Changkyun was now panicking because he knows that the kings are able to feel the pain of their mate. He suddenly felt tingling in his abdomen, making his wolf go haywire. 

Protect Luna. Protect Luna. Protect Luna. His wolf pounded on his skull, making him close his eyes. Then he looked up, eyes wide. 

If he can feel it, then everyone in the kingdom will. He cursed as he minds linked all the guards to go to the hospital and keep every citizen off the premises. The guards responded with the difficulty of their wolves also going haywire. He looked at Hyun, who notice something wrong about him. 

"You need to come with me," He said to Hyun, making him stand up. You groan loudly as Bam Bam apologizes quickly, getting the attention of the two men. They quickly left the room, only to find the kings running towards them. Several of them clutched their abdomen as they looked at the door. 

"What the fuck is going on in there?" Taehyung growled as he sized up his beta. Changkyun bowed before looking back at him.

"The shifter is treating luna's wounds," He said, unconsciously calling you 'luna'. Hyun looked at him with an incredulous look as Namjoon picked up what's happening. He cursed as he pulled Taehyung back.

"Have you told the guards?" He asked the beta, ignoring the whines and growl of his wolf. The beta nodded as he clutched his head. Namjoon held Changkyun's shoulder to support him. Leo suddenly became quiet as both of them listened through the door, hearing your pants and the groans. Namjoon let go of the beta before heading to the door. Changkyun looked up to see Namjoon placing his palm on the knob but a hand stopped his wrist.

"It's not a pretty sight to see you mate in pain," Hyun mumbled at the leader, who clenched his teeth before opening the door. Now that there's nothing blocking the connection of the pairs, waves of pain crashed into him. He stumbled back with the force, wincing as he clutched his abdomen harder. He looked up seeing his brothers having the same thing happening to them. Hyun hurried and closed the door, making them gasp for air. Hyun looked at the door before looking at the brothers.

"I just fucking told you. It's not good seeing your mate in pain," He said, looking at Namjoon with a stoic face. Changkyun clenched his jaw.

"Your majesty, I think it's better if you all stay here. In the meantime, We'll attend to luna's needs," Changkyun said, bowing before nodding at Hyun. Hyun looked at the brothers, who looked at them. Hyun sighed before opening the door, making some of them groan. He rushed inside, Changkyun following him. He shut the door closed, looking at you. Bam Bam looked up, sweat rolling off his forehead.

"She's tearing your handkerchief," He said, looking at you before going back to stitching you up.

Hyun took out his own handkerchief, swiftly switching the ripped one with his own. There was a loud scream coming from the window, making him and the beta run towards it. When they looked down, Hyun cursed as he got out his HT, ordering his guards to help the men outside.

Outside was a wave after wave of people trying to break in the facility. Some are close to shifting, with their fangs out and claws extended. Hyun cursed as he saw the guards of the kingdom having trouble keeping them back. He opened his HT again, ordering the guards to hurry up. Changkyun was having his own trouble of a wolf trying to kill the shifter. 

"How long is that going to take?" He asked the doctor, who wiped off his sweat with his sweater. 

"Almost done, just need to," He paused before cursing loudly. You opened your jaw, letting the cloth fall. Your breaths were shallow and short, tilting your head up. Bam Bam pulled out a jar, which made you groan. Bam Bam lowered the jar, looking at you with worried eyes.

"Let's just do this next time, alright?" Bam Bam smiled, tight-lipped. You looked down, shaking your head, exhaustion visible. 

"I can handle it," You said. Bam Bam looked at you, lips pursed. 

"I'm not giving it to you. It'll just worsen the pain," He said. You sighed as you looked at him.

"I can handle it," You pressed harder. Bam Bam ground his teeth before opening the jar. He stuck two fingers in, getting some of the paste. He looked at your wound before looking back up at you. You nodded as you placed the handkerchief back on your mouth. He held his breath as he spread the paste around your wound, making you stiffened as you held the sides of the bed. 

The burning was now more painful than it was before. You gasped as you closed your eyes, head down. The heat burned hotter until became cold. You slumped down as you placed your arm on your eyes. You breathed shallow air as you grabbed the cloth placing it beside you. 

Bam Bam leaned back his chair, calming himself down. He looked down at his fingers, seeing them shake quickly. He intertwined them, placing them close to his chest. Even after all these years being a doctor, he still panics after a session. He blew a breath out when the door opened. He got up, fixing his things as the brothers flew right in the room. 

Hoseok went to your side, caressing your cheek as he searched you, his eyes landing at your abdomen. He looked at you, mind running around questions. You smiled tiredly at him.

"I'm good," You said, sending him a thumbs up. Jin suddenly scoffed.

"We felt how painful that shifter did and you're good?" He said. Yoongi tsked at him.

"Hyung, you need to calm down," Yoongi murmured at him. Jin closed his eyes, head tilted down as he breathed. Jungkook sat down beside you, looking at your stomach, eyes wide open.

Adorable. You thought as you sat up properly, rolling down your t-shirt. You looked up, seeing Changkyun standing stiff as his eyes are hazed, Hyun's HT is going haywire with the guards contacting him, Namjoon instructing the personnel of the hospital.

"What happened?" You asked the two beside you. Hoseok and Jungkook looked at each other before looking down at you.

"The people know you now," Jungkook blurted out, not really knowing what to say. You furrowed your eyes. Hoseok reached forward and flicked Jungkook's forehead. You snickered as you pulled Hoseok's hand back.

"What he meant is that the wolves of the people know that we found our mate, feeling the... burning in their abdomen," He said, choosing his words as wisely as he can. You furrowed your brows, unconsciously placing your hand at your abdomen.

"" You asked again, completely confused, now have no idea what's going on. Now, it was Jungkook who reached out and flicked the older one's forehead.

"Why you-" You stopped Hoseok before he jumps on the younger one, who simply sneered. 

"Since we are the Princes of the Kingdom, every person here is connected to us, soon to you since you are their luna." He shrugged. Hoseok grumbled while he rubbed his forehead. You, looking at Jungkook, reached behind you and gently rubbed the spot on Hoseok's forehead. 

Hoseok froze, feeling sparks on his forehead. His face flushed red as he lowered his gaze. Echo purred at how caring their mate had become in a short amount of time. Hoseok suddenly felt embarrassed, feeling shy when this never happens to him. He's usually confident, sometimes cocky but never embarrassed

Jungkook suddenly whined, getting his attention. 

"Why didn't you do that to me when he flicked me?" Jungkook whined loudly, making you roll your eyes.

"His flick on you was... honestly weak," You murmured lowly, making Jungkook suddenly laugh and Hoseok's face redder.

"H-Hey!" Hoseok exclaimed, making you hush him and the laughing man. 

"Continue," You said at Jungkook. He composed himself, dramatically wiping a tear under his eye. Hoseok responded with a low growl making you hush him and continue to caress his forehead, making him calm down.

"So if you feel any pain, it would be felt by us first, then continue to spread to the people. The way this is possible is that our wolves are connected together. Their primal instinct is to protect the King and the Queen," He explained, making you slowly process the information. You looked behind you, seeing Hoseok lean on your hand with his eyes closed. You slid your hand to his cheek, making him sink in further on your hand. Jungkook 'hmph' at the lack of attention he's getting. You heard him, rolling your eyes and placing your hand on his. He beamed as the three of you lean back on the bed.

You watched the others panic and either have their eyes hazed or talking to each other. 

"Shouldn't you guys be like them, too?" You asked them, watching Hyun argue with Changkyun. Hoseok shrugged as he watched his brothers having their own quarrel.

"They can handle it," He said, waving them off. You rolled your eyes, searching for one person. You looked around, eyes landing on Bam Bam. He sat in the corner, looking at his hands. You let go of the brothers, going to the side to stand. Hoseok got off quickly supporting you. Your knees buckled from just laying for a week.

"I'm good, I'm good," You assured him. He looked at you with worried eyes. You smiled at him before walking towards the shifter. Hoseok was taken aback, still not used to seeing your smile. He looked at Jungkook, who's staring at his hand that he held with yours. Hoseok rolled his eyes before grabbing his wrist, pulling him towards where the others were. 

You limped towards the doctor, still getting the feeling of your numb legs. You sat down beside him, looking at him. He didn't acknowledge your presence as he just kept staring at his slightly-shaken hands.

"I'm sorry I didn't protect him," You whispered as you stared on the floor. He looked up from his hands, tears now brimming his eyes. 

"I didn't expect him t-to jump in front of me," You stuttered as you didn't dare to look at his eyes. He kept quiet. You held your breath as you gathered your courage, pushing down your guilt and looking at him. As he sighed with eyes closed, he let his tears run down freely. You reached out and hugged him, him returning the favor with a tighter hug. He started shaking as he tried to hide his sobs. He bit his lips as he hugged you tighter, you accept it. 

"I'm sorry I failed," You whispered on his sweater. He shook his head as he sighed.

"It's not your fault. Don't blame yourself," He murmured to your hair. You sighed as you continue to hug him. 

Hyun looked behind Changkyun, seeing his family hug each other. Changkyun noticed how he stopped arguing with him and looked behind him, seeing the sight. he clenched his jaw before patting the captain's shoulder. 

"Go to them, I'll handle your guards." Hyun looked at him unsure. Changkyun rolled his eyes.

"They need you, Lu- Hyun," Changkyun said, correcting himself but unfortunately for him, Hyun heard this. Hyun glared at him.

"What did you call me?" He asked Changkyun, glaring him with much more force. Changkyun gulped as he returned the glare with his fake one.

"I called you Hyun. Want me to call you Captain, then?" He tilted his head. Hyun looked at im for some seconds before walking past him towards the two sitting on the couch. Changkyun let the breath that he held in. He looked behind him, gulping before walking towards the kings.


READ PLEASE (a REALLY long authors note. beware. you could note read it i guess) 

okay so i noticed that this story is close to having 50 tHOUSAND READS WHICH IS AMAZING AND TO TOP THAT OFF, ITS ALSO CLOSE TO HAVING 2 thOUSAND VOTE LIKE HOW.

THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR GIVING THIS STORY A CHANCe. never really thought that people would actually read this thing but tHANK YOU I GUESS.

on a serious note, im planning on starting another book but i don't know which one i would like to publish. I already have the first chapter of these books so i got that done also the covers are done. i just really dont know which one to publish. ill put the title of the book with the description and a brief explanation of what the book is about.

If you would like to see them and vote on them, please comment so i could make a special chapter just to promote the books lol.

Don't forget to







word count:(3109 words
