"Call Clyde, I'll get my dad and War. We're going to my house, it's the only place I know that isn't bugged," I say as we get dressed.

As soon as I heard that ringtone in the shower, every good feeling I had came crashing down. After I left and started fighting, I made a name for myself in the underground. I didn't start legally and I sure as hell didn't fight legally all the time either, it wasn't as fun and I didn't make as much money.

One of the people who caught wind of my name was actually the American Mafia. The Don and I made good friends, he's like a brother to me. When he heard of my incident, he asked if I needed help tracking them. He had Benny, his best hacker, looking into them for me. While we could never pinpoint them to a location, we heard of their doings across the country. We managed to stop some of their deals and killed a few of their members to send a message; sadly, those we did kill were none of my persecutors.

"Pick up the fucking phone, Nix." I see Vinny looking at me with a questioning gaze through my peripheral vision. I sigh, "He's a friend I met along the way. I will tell you more when everyone is at my house. Let's go."

Once we arrived to my home, Cerberus jumps to the couch while I go to my room to grab every file I have on The Titans. I had all their former names, former addresses, and family. I knew their routines, their numbers, and their allergies. I had everything on The Titans down to a tee but I couldn't find any current locations.

I could hear my front door open and close and I heard muffled talking so I could only assume the rest of the boys are here. I grab my files, my laptop, and run down the stairs. Dropping the files on the table, the boys looked at me, stunned.

"Hello, boys," I said, lowly. "We have a problem. You see, somehow, The Titans have found out that I'm back. It's a little strange, no? I've been back, what, a couple of weeks, and they found out my location when they couldn't before? You have a rat, men, and I'm going to exterminate him," I say with a sickly sweet smile.

They all gulped with slightly wide eyes before Clyde steps forward. "How do you know?"

"I've made a few friends along the way. You see, I don't only fight legally and I happened to run in to a few. . . powerful people along the way." They look at each other with caution and then back to me.

My father clears his throat, "How powerful are we talking, bee?"

I laugh a little at his face. When I said powerful people, I meant I'm friends with the leaders of the American, Russian, and Italian mafias. They are all good friends anyway so I just kind of joined their group of three and made it four. I can't forget the Mexican cartel either. He's a little rough around the edges but I showed him his place after he made a sexist comment. I love them all like they are my family and I would lay down my life for them and I know they would do the same.

"Well, have you heard the names Nix Adira, Nikailov Lebedez, Andrea Esposito, and Mateo De Leon?" They scoffed and shook their heads looking down before looking up and muttering prayers.





They all started yelling at the same time. I laughed at a few of them, scowled at others. Finally, I got enough of their shit-talking and pulled out my gun. I pulled the clip out and emptied the bullets before cocking it and firing a blank.

They all shut up quickly and turned to me with wide eyes. "I would watch your mouths, boys. They are my family just as much as you are. They were there for me the past six years so watch yourselves." They quickly nodded their heads and I smiled. "Now that that is settled, let's get-a-going on my discoveries."

For the next two hours, we all discussed what I had found and how I found it. They weren't exceptionally happy about my connections but I didn't really care, I was more focused on the rat problem than anything.

"Okay, I have an idea for the rat. We're going to leak different false information to groups of people. It's only going to be the people that were here eight years ago, leave everyone else out of it. I'll be there to help you with everything and I'll take the lead," I turn to lover boy, "hope you don't mind, Vinny, well actually I don't care." I stand up and everyone else follows suit. "let's get back to the clubhouse, we need to find our leak."


I should be angry about the way she was speaking to me but I can't find it in me; it was unbelievably hot the way she held herself earlier, spoken like a true Queen. She's so intelligent and I find it mind-blowing the amount of power her connections have. They way she spoke about them sounded as if they would go to war for her, and that undeniably makes her the most dangerous person alive right now.

I am so proud of her. She came back so strong and confident and I love her. She changed her life for the better and I'm so glad she came back, I don't know how I existed before her.

She makes everything better. I'm happier, the club is happier, the sex is great. My life is almost perfect and it will be as soon as this rat and The Titans are gone for good. She's my saving grace.
