Chapter 2: The Eerie Escape

Yelling 'fire' in a public place when there really is one can save many lives, one way or another. However, I advise you, reader, to turn away now, and read something more entertaining, because in this chapter, I regret to say, yelling fire did not save every life.

"This hot cider is great mom," said Quigley Quagmire, "Good thing, I wasn't able to fall asleep, unlike Duncan and Isadora." Mrs. Quagmire laughed, but her smile disappeared as quick as it came. Smoke had filled the kitchen, where Quigley and his mother were sitting.

"Quigley, quick, in here," said Mrs. Quagmire, opening a hidden trapdoor from under their carpet, leading into a secret tunnel. Quigley went through the door.

"What about you, mom," asked Quigley, worried, "What about Duncan and Isadora, and father?"

"Don't worry, I'm going to get them, now go," she exclaimed and shut the secret doorway. "Fire!" yelled Mrs. Quagmire, as she ran towards the stairs, "fire!"

"Mother? What's going on? Where's Quigley?" asked Isadora, Duncan by her side.

"Go, now! Right through the front door, I'll get your fa-a-ther," said Mrs. Quagmire, coughing.

"We love you," exclaimed both Duncan and Isadora, as they ran away from the house through the front door. Mrs. Quagmire however, barely made it up the stairs to call her husband and in merely a minute, they were both lying unconscious on the floor, Mrs. Quagmire wrapped in her husband's arms.

That, I regret to say, was the end of the Quagmire parents' lives. The Quagmire triplets were now orphans and Quigley was separated from his beloved siblings. I have investigated day after day who caused the fire, but until now, I do not know.

Duncan and Isadora were losing their breath as they ran further and further away from the one place they called 'home', that is now nothing but ashes and memories. They finally slowed down when they reached a taxi stop.

"They didn't make it, did they," said Duncan, tears filling his eyes. At that moment, a newspaper landed right next to Isadora's foot. She turned her face towards it, and when she read the headline, she screamed in horror.


"He's gone," said Duncan in a shaky voice when he saw the newspaper headline.

"They all are," stated Isadora, as she finally let her first tear escape her eye.

She put her arms around Duncan and they both started to cry. When Isadora opened her eyes, she spotted a man in a hat walking towards them, coughing.

"Duncan look," Isadora told Duncan, wiping her eyes.

"Isn't that Mr. Poe, from mulctuary money management?" asked Duncan, also wiping his tears off his face. A dark figure in a hat walked up towards them, coughing into a cloth piece.

"Hello children, I'm afraid I have terrible news for you," said Mr. Poe, only slightly frowning.

"We know what that is," said Isadora, also frowning, "But how did you find us?"

"Oh, well I got word that your house burnt down in a terrible fire. After I went to your house and saw the unimaginable, I began looking for you and eventually  found you here," explained Mr. Poe.

"Oh," said Duncan.

"Right. I will be taking you to somewhere safe, I hope," Mr. Poe told them.

"Where will you be taking us," asked Isadora.

"To a guardian, Ms. Adria. I heard she was a botanist," replied Mr. Poe. "That means she studies different aspects of plants."

"We know what a botanist is," said Duncan.

"Is she a relative?," asked Isadora.

"No, but your parents' will states that you are to be put in Ms. Adria's care in case of an untimely death," answered Mr. Poe.

"Why can't we just use the Quagmire sapphires to live on our own?," asked Isadora.

"Oh no no no, children. Your parents' will clearly states that the Quagmire sapphires are not to be touched until you come of age."

Isadora gave a sigh as she and Duncan followed Mr. Poe to his car. Their trip to Ms. Adria's was long and dreadful, a phrase which here means full of twists and turns that made Duncan Quagmire feel quite sick. 
