Chapter 11

" Oh finally, " Ash said looking at the clean room.

" All done, " Gary said.

" Let's go I am feeling hungry," Brock said.

" Yes, " Ash said and his stomach agree with it and two of them laughed.

" So let's go, " Gary said.


After dinner

" So how's your cleaning? " Lyra asked with a mocking tone .

" Nice, " Gary said.

'' I don't feel that nice," Meitte said.

" These girls, " Gary mumbled.

" Did you say something ?" Lyra asked.

" No, " Gary lied.

" I am feeling bored,  let's play something, " Bonnie said.

" What shall we play now ?" Lyra asked.

" Truth or Dare, " Bonnie said.

" NO! " Serena,  Dawn and May yelled knowing that others might find out their secrets through it and three of them suprised to say same thing .

" But why,  did you have any secrets, " Bonnie asked narrowing her eyes.

" No, we are adults right,  we don't want to play childish games, " Dawn said and Serena and may nodded as yes.

" You girls have secrets right, " Meitte said.

" You have something secret,  right that's why you are scared," Bonnie said.

" Okay,  we  agree, " They said as defeat.

" Okay let's start, " Bonnie said and the boys gone to Ash's room for a talk.


" So Lillie you are next, truth or dare " Lyra said.

" Truth, " Lillie said afraid of doing a dare.

" Who is your crush? " Lyra  asked.

" Ehh, he is...., he is.... " Lillie said not to know say or not.

" He what? " Lyra asked.

" He is never mind..... " Lillie said.

" Gary! " The girls yelled.

" Hell no! " Lillie said.


Meanwhile in Ash's room.

" Did you heard someone called my name?" Gary asked.

" No, " Clement said.


" I don't have any crush! " Lillie said.

" Tell us! " She said.

" I will tell you when times comes! " She said.

" Okay! " They said in a defeated voice.

" Serena ,  truth or dare " Lillie asked.

"  Dare! " Serena said not wanting to tell the truth.

" I dare you to kiss your crush,  within tommorow evening, " Lillie said knowing who is her crush.

" WHAT! "Serena said.

" Oh do it, Kalos Queen," May said with a mocking tone not knowing her crush is also Serena's crush.

" Okay fine, Hoenn Princess, " Serena said with a huff.

" April, truth or dare " Serena said.

" It's May, and I choose dare " She said.

" Okay,  I am going to say the same thing Kiss your crush within tommorow evening, whether he is here in kanto, " Serena said.

" What! " May yelled.

" You have to do it, June " Serena sang.

" Fine and it's May Sereberry, " May said.

" You two have to calm down ," Dawn said.

" Oh shut up Dee-Dee," She said.

" Why did  you call me that? " Dawn said.

" Because I want to, " May said.

" Oh calm down,  girls, " Aria said.

" Okay,  Dawn it's your turn, truth or dare ," May asked.

" Dare, " Dawn said.

" I dare you to  eavesdrop in the Ash's room for ten minutes and tell us what are they talking about , " She said.

" What!  " Dawn yelled .

" Yes come on, " Serena said.

" Okay fine, " Dawn said and slowly go towards Ash's room.


" So how's your duty as champion, " Clement asked.

" Nice,  " Ash said.

" So Ash, these are those girls from Hoenn and Sinnoh you saying about our kalos journey , " Clement asked.

" Yes,  they are the one, " Ash asked.

" Ash from which of the girls,  you enjoyed travelling the most, " Clement asked.

" I enjoyed all of their company,"  Ash said.

" I asked which one of the girls you enjoyed travelling, Serena, Dawn or May," Clement asked.

" I enjoyed all of our company, Misty,  Brock, Tracey, May, Max, Dawn, Iris, Cilan, Clement, Bonnie,Serena , the Alolan gangs and Goh, " Ash answered not knowing the question Clement meant.

All of them face palmed at their Champion, friend's denseness.

" Idiot! "Dawn mumbled hearing the answer Ash said.

" That's not what he meant, " Brock said.

"Then what! " Ash asked.

" Dense wall, " Pikachu mumbled.

" What did you say? " Ash asked not hearing what pikachu said.

" Ash...... nothing ," Clement said not knowing how to explain it to his dense friend.

" OK, " He said.

Dawn look at her watch it's ten minutes so she decided to go back, she silently walked back to the living room but she heard the door opened at the same time.

" What are you doing here? " Ash asked.

" Nothing I was just passing by, " Dawn said and walked towards the living room.

" What does she mean by passing by? " Ash asked.


" So what did he said, tell us the truth only, " May said.

She narrated all the things, she heard and others laughed at Ash's denseness.

" Dense wall, " Lyra laughed.

" I agree it with you, " Meitte said by laughing.

But Serena's and May's mind were on one thing,  How dare to kiss Ash.

Suddenly they saw an advertisement on the TV Bonnie was watching.

"Come to the Summer festival along with your date and enjoy the fireworks with your date!"

" Summer festival! " Three of their eyes  narrowed at the TV.

" I can have a romantic date with Ash and see fireworks along with him, " They thought.

" And I can also steal a kiss from him, " Serena and May thought happily.

But suddenly a voice interrupt them.

" What are you girls talking about ? " Ash asked.

" Oh it's just a girl's talk, " Meitte said.

" Oh, "Ash said and about to go.

" Ash! " Three of them yelled his name and they surprised at the same time thinking why did these two called Ash.

" Yes, " He said.

" You go on, " Dawn said to Serena .

" you go on, " Serena said to May.

" You go on, " May said to Dawn.

" Okay,  will you tell me why did you three call me? " Ash asked.

They mentally counted themselves and.

" Will come with me in the Summer festival as my date? " They said.

And others eyes widened.

" Huh, " They looked at eachother.

" WHAT! " They yelled.

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