Chapter 15: The Opera House Emerges

Evangeline's POV

As I made my way through the market, getting more groceries and supplies, I couldn't help but think about my masked friend.

In the original story, Erik dies of a broken heart after he lets Christine and her boyfriend go and in the ALW musical, he disappears without a trace after she and Raoul leave. In fact, in every adaptation, movie or play, Erik winds up either dead or missing. But, contrary to ALL of them, Erik is alive and has remained in the Opera House's basement. Maybe all of the writers and playwrights had it all wrong.

Or, maybe I had somehow changed the story.

Now that I think about it, Erik had OD'ed on some drugs and his house was pretty much jacked up when I arrived. Not only that, but the time frame between that and when the Opera Garnier got burnt down was suspiciously close to the movie version of Weber's musical. But that still didn't answer my question as to WHY he was ODing in the first place. Maybe he was trying to get high and accidentally took more than he could handle. Or maybe....

He was trying to commit suicide.

I shook my head at that thought. Erik has done many things, both to himself and to other people, but he wouldn't try to kill himself because of some girl who dumped him.

Would he?

I stopped my train of thought as I gave a passing glance on a newspaper stand. Curious, I decided to pick one up and read the headline as I waited to pick out some extra bread and eggs to make some fried chicken.


The famous Opera Garnier, which has been burnt down in the aftermath of February's debut of the new opera, Don Juan Triumphant, has been scheduled for rebuilding and restoration. Despite numerous warnings from former managers, M. Richard Firman and M. Giles André and recent reports from Parisian police that the arsonist responsible has yet been taken into custody and is still at large, restoration has been scheduled throughout all of May and will end with a grand re-opening near the end of August.

"Excuse me, but how much is that newspaper?" I asked the little kid who was managing the stand.

"Two francs, ma'am." He replied with a gap-toothed grin.

I gave him the money as I took a newspaper and placed it in my bag, away from the groceries.

As I finished my shopping, I began to hurry back to the lair to show Erik the news.

* A Few Minutes Later *

I had finally gotten to shore, had placed the groceries in the kitchen, and then proceeded to the music room where I noticed that Erik was still where I left him as if he had not moved from that music room for the two hours that I was out.

"Welcome back, Evangeline," He said turning to face me.
"What did you get from the market?"

At first, I didn't answer, but instead rummaged through my satchel, pulling out the newspaper I bought.

"I thought you might want to read the headlines."

He took the folded stack of hair-thin paper and I watched as his golden eyes began to scan the front page.

His expression was unreadable as he had his full-faced mask that covered every inch of his face, save for the eyes, but by the way his golden orbs widened as he continued to read, I could tell that this greatly interested him. Finally, after a few minutes, he put the newspaper down and started to let out a loud laugh.

"So, they are planning to bring the Opera Garnier back to its former glory, eh? Well, little do they know that along with the resurrection of the Opera House, they will also be resurrecting the Opera Ghost himself!"

"Now Erik, you ain't gonna hurt anyone, are you?" I asked, suddenly getting nervous. He turned his attention to me, and in a gentle voice replied,

"No, ma aimé. At least, not on purpose. Besides, I have more important things to do than hurt mediocre architects and their staff. "

"Like what?"

"Like training the next Prima Donna for the first opera after the Opera House's reopening, of course."

"And who would that be?" I said, slightly confused, "I thought I was your only student. At least, the only one you're teaching right now. "

"Exactly!" He exclaimed in an excited voice. He then calmed himself down and said very gently, "I shall train you to become the greatest Prima Donna that Paris has ever seen. That is, if you will allow me."

I was in shock. Erik wanted to train me to be an opera star. A real opera star! If I was to accept, I could pretty much be the first black Prima Donna in Opera Garnier's history!

"Do you really think that I could be the newest Prima Donna? I mean, I don't think that people would really be comfortable with a foreign, black girl performing top notched, quality operas for them. " I told Erik.

"Of course I do. And when the time comes, you shall be the crown jewel of Paris. Anyone would be a fool not to give you the title just because of the color of your skin or if you are from a different country. Now, I will not lie. Lessons will be harder and I would be more demanding, but if you push through it, I assure you that you will have a voice that will make all of Heaven weep."

I thought about it for a moment. I have always wanted to be a star in show business and this could be my big break! Besides, it would be rude to take voice lessons and not put them to use.

"When should we start? " I finally asked, smiling. Although I couldn't see his face, I could tell that he was wearing a wide grin under the white mask.

"As soon as possible."

And with that, he turned around and began to write stuff down on sheets of paper and I walked into the kitchen to make our dinner.

A/N: OH. MY. GOSH!!!!!!!!

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