Remembers (Part 5)

*Shadow Past enter in Maria's room*
Shadow Past:Maria you are awake?
Maria Past:Shadow is that you!?
Shadow Past: Yes, I bring you a "ice cream"?
Gerald Robotnik said to me that it maybe can help you
Maria Past:My head hurts so bad but maybe it can taste good
Shadow Past:Gerald said that it taste like "lemon" I don't know
What exactly is "lemon" but it's sour
Shadow Past:And I bring 2 "ice creams" to us
Maria Past:Thank you so much Shadow
*Maria Past taste the ice cream"
Maria Past:It taste amazing!
Shadow Past:Yes it taste so good
Maria Past: I think it would taste sour
Shadow Past:But it taste sweet and cold
*Shots start to ring*
Maria Past:What's Happening!?
Gerald Robotnik:Maria, Shadow
We need to get out here NOW!
Maria Past:But I don't finish to eat my "Ice Cream"
Gerald Robotnik:I'm so sorry Maria, But we need to go
*Gerald Robotnik, Maria Past and Shadow Past run at the escape capsules*
*Gerald Robotnik have a shot in the back*
Maria Past:Grandpa NO!
Shadow Past:Come on María we need to escape NOW!
