Boy next door: Ponyboy

'Everyone I have an announcement' mum said grabbing a spoon full of mush potato and dabbing it on her dinner plate 'Mrs Curtis from across the road has invited us to dinner at her house tomorrow night' she smiled as she separated the peas from the potato.

'That's great honey, I'm glad we found a good neighbourhood' Dad said patting her back 'and you know what Mr Curits, very lovely man just the other day I was watering the lawn and he let me borrow his lawn morrower' he said with the biggest smile on his face.

Before we moved, our old neighbour didn't treat my parents very nicely they would judge us for the way our house looked and spread rumours that weren't true, I feel for my parents as they work hard and they tried to be civil and make friends with them but nobody in our neighbourhood ever appreciate that, we mostly just kept to ourselves until we moved to hopefully start over.

'They also have three kids so you guys can all hang out together' mum said sharing glazes between my older brother B/N and I ' They have one that's about your age Y/N and another that is about B/N age plus he works at the local DX so maybe you can work there over the summer to make a little more money' she said rubbing her fingers together

'I'll think about it' B/N mumbled not looking away from his meal

'I want you all to wear something nice ok' she said before digging into her dinner.

Next day

I had this weird feeling in my stomach was I nervous or excited? I decided to put my favorite dress with a pair of blacks boots and straighten my hair. I did the final touches of my makeup before heading down stairs to see mum in the kitchen

'What's that?' I asked pointing to the thing she had just finished icing

'It's a bundt cake' she said adding two strawberries on top

'Don't you think it's a bit much?' I said grabbing my handbag from the table

'Y/N' she huffed before walking away to meet my dad at the door who was adjusting his tie in the mirror.

'You ready honey' dad asked opening the door.

We walked to a small white house across the road from us and fixed ourselves once more before dad knocked on the door to relieve a woman, she wore a yellow swing dress with a pearl necklace around her neck and these really cute black Mary Jane heels. She couldn't have been older than forty and all her blonde hair was piled up in a giant bun

'Hello, I'm Mrs Curits' she smiled 'Coming in please, you must be Y/N and B/N right?' she gestured towards us

'Hello, I'm Mr Curtis' he said coming up from behind her and holding out his hand to shake it 'I'll call the boys' Mrs Curtis said turning to the stairs 'Boys come down, we have visitors'.

There was a moment of silence before we heard a stampede of heavy footsteps coming from the stairs.

'This is are eldest son, Darry' Mr Curits said gesturing to the boy who looked a lot like him except that his eyes were a pale blue-green colour and he had more of a muscular body structure with broad-shoulders the second following Darry was Soda he was handsomer than anyone else I know he was almost movie star kind of handsome with dark-golden hair.

'And last but not least Ponyboy, his actually the same age as you Y/N' Mr Curtis added as Pony walked down the stairs.

My world had stopped, the most handsome boy I had ever seen was now standing directly in front of me, he was a different kind of handsome to Soda, Pony was gorgeous. His hair was light brown with greenish-gray eyes.

'Hi i'm Ponyboy' he whispered 'I'm Y/N' I smiled walking over to the dinning table were the dinner was nicely prepared on the table.

'So i hear that your new around here, how old are you?' Pony asked taking a seat beside me

'Yeah I am we moved here recently, i'm 14 what about you' I watched as he pour water into my glass and thanked him

'yeah i'm 14 too, hey since your new are you going too Will Roger High?' he asked putting the glass down

'Actually I am' my smile grows as relief washed over my face, I finally knew someone

'Well if you like i'd be more than happy to show you around' he said shyly

'Sure, I'd love and hopefully we can be in the same classes' I said crossing my fingers

'yeah me too, fingers crossed'

We both laughed as we spent the rest of the night hanging out together. 
