Breaking News!

Update: In the media box you'll find a little preview for the artwork for a brand spanking new edition of The Other Harry that will be releasing weekly. As a treat for you readers, because I love you so much each chapter is beautifully and professionally illustrated so you'll be able to see your favorite scenes and characters realized visually! This is the first time EVER that a one direction fanfiction had been fully illustrated by a professional artist so I'm very excited to see how this goes and, you know me, I'm all about trying to bring new things to the fandom :B

Add me on twitter- @kneedleshannah for news and the link to the new tumblr which will update once a week. So that means next Friday there will be illustrations for chapter 1 that I can't wait for you to see! If you have any questions please ask away in the comments and have a nice day wherever you're at!

Much love,
