Chapter 14

Newt's P.O.V.
"Are you alright, Y/n? Hurt?" I whispered to her softly. She shook her head and I glanced at her tear-stained cheeks. "No, I'm fine... are you okay?" I nodded.
"Yeah, but you've been crying..." I mumbled. She sniffled and turned away a little bit. "Yeah... just worried about you guys."

I get a little warmed at the thought. She had been concerned that much for our safety... for my safety.

Ava Paige stepped off one of the carriers and talked in a hushed voice to Jansen. I saw Y/n flinch a little when one of them motioned towards the gladers.
I reached over to her with my bound hands and tried my best to comfort her. Then Jansen turned and ordered for everyone to be loaded up. Several rows were yanked tot heir feet and led to the carriers.

Paige walked over to us and motioned at Thomas. The guard yanked him up and he stood in front of her. "Hello Thomas."

I watched as she looked to the side and I followed her gaze to see Teresa walking towards her timidly. "I'm glad you're safe," Paige said to her, reaching out for her to stand with them.
   Hang on.. what?

   We were pulled to our feet as Teresa looked over at us guiltily. Why isn't she tied up too? i thought to myself.
   "What the hell..." Frypan mumbled "Teresa?" Y/n's soft voice called. "What's going on?" I asked. Thomas looked down and sighed. "She's with them."

   Everyone looked to Thomas in shock and back at Teresa. Y/n's face had fresh tears falling down. "Since when?" Minho asked, surprise evident in his voice.
   Jansen stepped over and smiled. "Oh Teresa's always had an evolved appreciation of the greater good. One we restore her memories... it's only a matter of time."

   She looked over at us guiltily while we all looked at her betrayed. "I'm sorry," she said. "I had no choice, this is the only way. We have to find a cure."
   "She's right, this is all just a means to an end. You used to understand that, Thomas. So did you, Y/n. No matter what you think of me, I am not a monster, I'm a doctor. I swore an oath to find a cure. No matter the cost... I just need more time," Paige said.

   "More blood," a voice corrected form behind us. I turned and saw Mary walking towards us. "Hello Mary, I'd hoped we'd meet again. Im sorry it had to be under these circumstances."
   "I'm sorry about a lot of things too, but not this. At least my conscience is clear." It was silent before Ava Paige spoke again.

   "So is mine."

   Then the gunshot rang out. Everyone jumped back, and I pulled Y/n with me. I heard several screams and i heard Vince's distinct voice calling out to Mary. "Mary! Let go of me! Mary!" he caught her as she fell.
   Y/n's knees buckled underneath her and i caught her as tears streamed down her face. She turned and wrapped her arm around my back, shoving her face into my side.

   Vince continued yelling Mary's name as Paige told Jansen to continue loading. Two guards pried Vince away from Mary's body as Paige shouted orders.

   I felt Y/n be yanked away from my side by two guards, and I was grabbed before i could even react. Then i heard Thomas yelling for everyone to get back.
  He had an explosive. The guards holding us immediately let go and backed away, guns aimed at our heads.

   Jansen and several other guards came running towards him. "Hold your fire!" several guards yelled. "Let them go," thomas demanded. "Thomas..." Jansen said.
   "Let them all go!" He screamed. "You know i can't do that!" Paige said as she stepped forward. "Thomas, please stop," Teresa cut in. "I made a deal with them- they promised. They promised we'd be safe- all of us!"

   "So i'm supposed to trust you now?" Thomas shot back. "It's true, it was her only condition," Paige said. "Shut up!" Thomas yelled.
   "Everything can go back to the way it was. Thomas... do you really want all of them to die?" I looked down at my feet and then at Y/n.

   "Listen to her, Thomas. Think about what you're doing," Rat man said. Y/n looked up at me and then walked to stand right behind Thomas. Minho followed, as did Frypan and I. Finnick and Chuck followed as well.
   "We're with you, Thomas," I said. "No..." Teresa whispered, tears falling down her cheeks. "Don't," paige said softly.

   "Do it, Thomas," Minho said softly. Y/n put her hand on Thomas' shoulder and stood straight with a nod. "We're ready," Frypan said, his voice about to break. "We're not going back to there," Thomas said.

   "Thomas..." Paige said.

   "It's the only way..." Thomas whispered. I turned and pulled Y/n into my arms before squeezing my eyes shut. She held onto my arm and buried her face into me."Thomas!" Paige yelled.

  Then the horn sounded.

   We all looked up in shock to see a large truck driving straight for us, Jorge in the drivers seat yelling like a madman.
   The guards fired at it but it was no use as the bullets just ricocheted off of the sides. He went straight for a landed helicopter and knocked it down a steep cliff.

   Everyone ducked to dodge the blades off the copter that broke into pieces and went flying. Everyone began fighting back once again.
   They began rushing Ava Paige back to the helicarrier she came form while the guards attempted to shoot at us. Thomas chucked the explosive at them and yelled for everyone to get down, tripping as he ran towards us.

   I pushed Y/n forward and she took off towards Harriet who had managed to get a few guns back. I glanced at Finnick and motioned towards where she had run with my head, a silent request for him to go with her. He nodded and ran after her. We began running as the explosion went off and Minho grabbed a gun. "Go! Get out of here! Go!" he yelled as he covered for us.
   "Come on, Minho!" i called as i ran past him. We ducked behind a crate and called for Minho to follow. I watched in horror as the guards shot his with the electric ammunition and he convulsed, falling onto a crate and looking over at us.

   "Minho!" Thomas screamed as he ran over to help. Fry and I followed suit, but we were stopped by Jorge. Thomas fought against Jorge, screaming and pulling as they dragged Minho away.

   "Thomas!" Jorge yelled. Fry and I grabbed Thomas and helped pull him away while he continued to yell. We watched in horror as the helicarriers began flying away, Jansen stepping onto the one Minho had been dragged onto. The door shut and it lifted into the air, taking Minho with it.

(A/n: For this part I would highly suggest listening to 'What's Next?' by John Paesano form the Scorch Trials soundtrack, it adds to the feel. Either start it here or where the star is a few paragraphs down)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

   Ten minutes later, we went looking for the others. Turns out most of them had been captured and taken away. Vince looked at me pitifully and sighed. "Sorry kid, they got your girl."
   I felt my heart shatter and I fell to my knees, tears filling up my eyes.

   The next morning, everyone was going through the rubble. Everyone that was left, anyways. Vince and Harriet were talking about going to the Safe Haven when Thomas threw his bag over his shoulder.

(*** right here!)

   "I'm not going with you."

   "What?" Vince asked. "I made a promise to Minho, to Y/n, to all of them... that wouldn't leave any of them. I have to go after them," Thomas said.
   I looked up as he talked before standing to my feet. "Hey kid, look around you. Alright, Wicked just kicked our ass. You think about where you're headed," Vince said.

   "I'm not asking anyone to come with me," Thomas said. "I wanna say something..." i said, walking towards him. "I've known Minho for... well, as long as I can remember. And Y/n is more precious to me than life itself. So if there's any way that we can help... then trust me, I will up there standing next to you. But this? What you're talking about? Is impossible," I said sadly.
   I thought of Y/n. Of Minho. Of Finnick. Poor little Chuck, who had looked up to Y/n as a sort of mother figure.

   "More like suicide," Jorge said, waking over and joining the conversation. "Maybe," Thomas said. "but I know what I'm supposed to do now. It's not just about Minho," he said, throwing a gun over his shoulder.
   "or Y/n," he glanced at me. "It's about all of us. It's about everyone Wicked has ever taken. Everyone they will take... They'll never stop. They'll never stop so... I'm gonna stop them." I looked up at Thomas as he talked.

   "I'm gonna kill Ava Paige."

   Vince nodded while Brenda and Jorge shared a glance. "I have to admit," Harriet said, stepping forward. "I'd like some revenge."

   I thought of the idea. Wicked paying for their crimes. Everything they took from us... from me. They took my best friend and the most important girl in my life. Could we let them get away with it?

   Not a chance.

   Vince looked at her and back at Thomas. "Well that was a good speech, kid..." he said.

   "so what's your plan?"
