12: naming chapters is hard but im trying:(

I strolled into a room where Team Kakashi was receiving our first mission.

"Y/n!! You're late!" Naruto yelled.

"We waited forever for you!" Sakura called.

"I can't believe we got paired with someone who's even less responsible than Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto huffed.

I ignored their outbursts and looked at Iruka who was sitting next to Tsunade, "Hi Iruka. I know I said I'd see you soon, but I didn't think it would be this soon."

He laughed a bit, "Well, I'm glad to see you."

"You two know each other?" Kakashi asked coldly.

"We ran into him at Ichiraku last night and then he offered to walk me home," I shrugged. "What mission did we get assigned?"

"Some C-rank mission! Can you believe that!?" Naruto yelled out. I tried to focus on Naruto, but Kakashi's eyes were drilling into me. I could practically feel the irritation oozing off of him.

Was he upset that Iruka walked me home? Was he mad that I was late? I can't really figure him out...

Just then, a message was delivered to Tsunade and everyone's eyes grew wide as they looked at the letter in terror.

"What happened!?" Naruto called.

"It seems the Kazekage has been taken prisoner by the Akatsuki. It looks like the Sand Village has requested our help."

A look of anger and determination spread across Naruto's face. Kakashi had redirected his attention to the Hokage. And I felt nothing but a broken heart.

They're back... Which means Itachi is back to committing whatever horrible crimes they have planned— continually slipping further into the darkness.

"Are you sending Team Kakashi?" Shizune asked.

"I don't have time to get another team together, so yes. Team Kakashi, you will go. However, Y/n..." she trailed off. "Y/n, I'm keeping you behind."

"What!? Why would you do that?!" I yelled out, completely taken back by her decision. "I know Gaara. I've been working with the sand. I'm strong enough to fight the Akatsuki!"

"I have fought Akatsuki members! It would make the most sense to send me!!"

She stared at me in silence, her hands crossed in front of her. As I looked into her eyes, I finally understood.

"Y-you don't trust me?" I asked softly, making everyone in Team Kakashi snap their heads towards me.

"Y/n. It's too risky. Jiraiya told me about some of the events over the past few years. I can't afford to have you around any of the Akatsuki members. It's not safe for you or anyone else."

"That was a mistake," I hissed at her, ignoring the confusion of everyone else.

"Well, until those mistakes quit happening, it's a top concern of mine."

I was seething now. I couldn't believe this was her response. Gaara needed me. Hell, this entire village needed me to help protect them. And I wasn't about to let them down now.

"I'm going after them regardless," I said in a calm voice.

She sighed, "Jiraiya told me you would say that."

"It's been over a year, Tsunade," I told her firmly. "You can trust me. I'll keep everyone safe."

"We don't have time for this, Y/n. You three, get going to the Sand Village. You are to remain there and listen to their orders."

"Lady Hokage," Kakashi interjected. "I'm not aware of the entire situation, but Naruto is safer with Y/n around. We can't deny that."

She squinted her eyes at us as she mulled it over.

"Y/n. You get one chance. One. Do you understand that?"

"Yes," I bowed my head slightly.

"Good. Now get moving."

"Thanks," I mumbled to Kakashi as we left her office. I was still pissed about how everything just happened.

"You owe me an explanation."

I sighed, "I know... When the time is right, ok?"

He grabbed my wrist and stared deeply into my eyes. He looked so angry, "No. Now."

I was grateful he had my back in there, but I was never someone who backed down easily. Especially when they tried to force me down, "I said when I'm ready." I yanked my arm away from him and walked down the hall.

We met outside the main gate of the village. Tsunade, Iruka, and Jiraiya had all showed up too.

"You're sending Naruto and Y/n!?" Jiraiya yelled. "That's running a pretty big risk."

"Yes, I know, but it's an emergency situation."

Iruka was looking at me curiously while Kakashi continued to glare at me every chance he got. I wasn't thrilled with the way things had happened earlier, but I didn't have to tell anyone about Itachi if I didn't want to.

And I didn't want to.

"Y/n. A word," Jiraiya demanded once he finished talking to Naruto.

I walked over to him and, to my frustration, Kakashi came too.

"Kakashi, can I trust you to make sure that kid doesn't do anything stupid?" Jiraiya asked gesturing to Naruto.

"Yes, of course."

"Good," he smiled before giving me a stern look. "Now, Y/n. Can I trust you to not do anything stupid?"

The way he was looking at me made me feel so disappointed in myself. I had really let him down... After everything he did for me. I still turned my back on him, and it was something I hadn't forgive myself for.

I couldn't stop the tears from welling up in my eyes. "I'm going to prove to you that you can trust me," I whispered to him.

Jiraiya sighed before bringing me into a big hug. He had always had a soft spot for me. He saw me in a similar way as Naruto. I was almost like a daughter to him. And he was almost like a second dad to me, "I do trust you, Y/n. I just worry about you."

I wiped my eyes as he let me go.

"Kakashi, I know she can take care of herself, but can you please watch over Y/n too?" Jiraiya asked with a small smile.

I noticed Kakashi get a little flustered, "Y-yea. Always."

"Alright you two. Good luck. And Y/n, remember not to showcase your kekkei genkai. It isn't time yet."

I nodded simply as Jiraiya disappeared.

"Hurry up!" Naruto yelled. "What're you guys waiting for!?"

We turned to see Naruto and Sakura already far ahead of us, and we started walking after them.

"Y/n," Kakashi said softly as we walked behind the two students. "When you're ready to talk. I'm here to listen."

I smiled and rested my head on his arm, "Thanks, Kakashi."

He stopped and intertwined my fingers with his, looking deeply into my eyes, "And I meant what I said to Jiraiya. I'll always be here to care for you, watch over you, protect you. Whatever you need. You can count on me, Y/n. Always."

His black eyes that were usually so stoic were now filled with something I had never seen in him before— love. I didn't doubt that I could trust him. I didn't doubt that he cared for me.

But it still worried me... I didn't want to let him down. I didn't want to hurt him. The truth was, I was still unpredictable. Itachi still had me under his spell, no matter how many times I tried to break free.

What if Kakashi found out the truth and hated me for it? I couldn't handle being just another disappointment. Not to him.

Kakashi was changing me. To prefer being around someone to being alone... it was foreign to me. But it was true, I wanted him around. Everything felt better when he was near me. I finally felt safe. And every day, my thoughts drifted to him more and more.

As I stared at him, all I wanted was to feel the warmth and strength of his embrace. I loved his mask, but I wished that I was able to kiss him. Just once.

But would he even want to?

I sighed as my thoughts raced, and brought Kakashi's hand up to my lips, kissing it softly, "Thank you, Kakashi. I don't deserve you."
