The Beast

Somewhere in the park they are building something huge. The biggest thing here would be the swimming dinosaur. The thing is no one knows what this dinosaur is.....Or what it could be made of. Rumor has it that there was a dinosaur more like a monster that got out of her habitat and just attacked everything. The park lost all of it's money and they left it alone and the dinosaurs ran free. Then someone who had a lot of money came along and rebuilt the park. He made the park bigger and safer if that is the word for it. He wasn't going to make an I-Rex. No one knows whats on his mind or the plan of the new park. The park was always popular for all ages. But the owner thought people were getting tired of the old same dinosaurs. He wanted new dinosaurs, bigger, and scarier. So here is this new huge habitat that no one what is going inside of it. The lab was building the DNA of this dinosaur that the owner wants. After years have playing with DNA they finally got it done. They were going to call it the Mega T-Rex. This thing was going to be 2 or 3 times bigger then the normal T-Rex. They had to figure out what to feed this huge dinosaur. As this beast started to hatch out of it's egg everyone was getting ready to put it in her habitat. It would take years for her to grow to her full size, but that would give them enough time to make sure the habitat is safe and see how big she was really going to get. At the other side of the park I was getting use to my habitat and the weird man that would come and look at you being peaceful. Something about this man seems off to me. Like he was studying not scared more in control of everything. I would walk up close to the window to study him as well. Then like normal when it got to late he would leave. Then the next day he would come back, I never understood why. The thing that gets me the most is all the people who come to look at me. They seem scared and they keep banging on the glass. When ever I would get to close to it they would throw that red light and send out a goat to get me away. I walked around the area trying to find something new. But I already have find everything they put in this area. Everything seemed to be the same. The only things that were different were the people and the goats would change color. It seems like I am the only one in here. Which I could understand I mean I am the scariest dinosaur on land around here. Unless they have that spine dinosaur, she may be bigger then me....But I think I could still take her down. As I was thinking about the fight and letting a small laugh growl type of thing, out of no where I heard this roar of something big. It was familiar but yet it was different. I tilted my head my (E/C) scanned the area. I saw some birds fly away from where the roar was. That's not the area of the spine dinosaur was. I started to get restless, and I hate to say but scared. I hate not knowing what is out there, not being able to see what is out there. I let out a growl then laid down and let a sigh through my nose, watching the dust fly away from me. I don't really want to move right now as people keep banging on the glass. They seem to get bored of me real quick, the man who came at the end of the day visited me early and wasn't really happy seeing me just lay there. The look on his face showed he was worried, then he disappeared. The park closed my habitat as they brought people in like vets to figure out what was wrong with me. The next thing I hear is a door open and foot steps walking into the habitat. I looked up but the glare of the sun blinded me. Who is this person? 

(Sorry if this one isn't as good I'm trying not to give anything away!) 
