✩ 웄, O1O

third person's pov.

the project collaboration between hyesoon and yujin got finally posted in both channels of the group ASTERIA and ZEROBASEONE, and this made them viral that it suddenly had a lot of ship fandom about them two, this also became trending again on twitter since a lot of their fans were waiting for this day.

some are thrilled to see them both dancing this song together, as they felt the chemistry between them. but there's a some of hate comments coming since some fans are against and is gatekeeping both of them from each other (romantic ships)

that the company KOZ entertainment reaches to the point of this will only be the first and last collaboration project between yujin and hyesoon to avoid hate comments or unnecessary things coming towards both parties for now. since ZICO know that some fans are just only shocked and hurt to see their fav idols are with a male or female, and some of them are a baby fans (they're like the one's who easily get offended)

and ZICO believed that fans nowadays understand the generation and their role in the industry, since idols are not different to any normal people outside the industry. 


hyesoon's pov.

today, we are currently in the dorms as my unnie's decided to do a live and celebrating my success on having a collaboration project with yujin as it releases earlier morning. "everyone! our maknae did well covering stuck with you choreo!" chohee cheered which i just giggled, suji shaking my shoulders lightly

they're being chaotic, as i went towards the screen to read some of the comments. but turns out i read some of the hate comments between me and yujin and some of them are where i lack.. do i lack a lot of talent in terms of dancing? i asked in my mind, which my unnie's probably noticed my sudden change of expression.

"hey," suji nudged my shoulder, which i turned my head towards her "u okay?" she asked, which i small smiled and nodded. "im fine" i said as i remained silent, as soon as they started talking about our comeback that was coming so soon.

"i can't mention our comeback spoiler, cause we aren't even starting to work on it yet" chohee chuckled as she mentioned since astrids wants us to spoil the comeback, "yeah. we haven't yet know our concept and such for the next," sunrhei said as nodded.

"i really want it to be something like- related to swimming and such" sunrhei continued, "to be honest, i really want to be paired up with hyesoon for our concept photos this coming comeback" chohee said as she shot me a heart, i slightly chuckled.

"well, i claim her to be mine" suji said as she's always being paired with me, "stop, i know im that pretty to be fight over for" i joked which suji and chohee unnie attacked me with their bear hugs to the point we fell down the couch, them towering over me. "aaaaah! my god" i said as i fell, hearing a lot of laughs from my members.


yujin's pov.

here i am, watching our dance cover in my room. unconciously smiling as this project collaboration is really fun when we started working on it, my smile faded as soon as i realized what im doing- and that's also because gyuvin went inside my room

i quickly shut my phone down, especially exiting youtube. "oh hey," i said as i sat down on my bed, gyuvin looked at me suspiciously. "what were u doing?" he asked which i looked around my room, "nothing?" i asked which he attacked me with hugs.

"congratulations with your project collaboration with hyesoon!" he exclaimed as i chuckled, "thanks hyung" i replied. "you both have that chemistry," he said as he cupped my cheeks. i shoo'ed him away, "right" i said as i don't know what else i should be saying about that comment.

"at first i thought i should be concerned about it, but turns out everyone supported the project" gyuvin said as i looked at him, "me and hanbin hyung talked about it" he continued. "oh- was it because of the hates?" i asked which he nodded. "yeah, but im glad it doesn't get worse than that" he said which i just nodded about the fact.

then suddenly my phone rang, as a notification popped up. a live from asteria's group from weverse... fuck- i have created a fan account on weverse, which i hurriedly shut my phone down again but i didn't know that gyuvin saw it already before i do. "eh? you have weverse account?" he asked which i looked at him embarassed.

"not really?" i asked which he started to tease me, "which group are you subscripted to~~ i see that notification from asteria though!" he said as he's starting to snatch my phone, "huh- no" i defended myself, as i snatched my own phone to avoid him taking it.

"ehh, why so defensive?" he asked as i rolled my eyes, "just no. i have it since i stan a lot of groups before i became an idol" i said as he hummed. "still, i see asteria's notif" he again suspiciously look at me. "were you hyesoon's fanboy? or u have a crush on her~?" he teased which made my ears burn red.

"NO- ofcourse i don't!" i said as i shoo'ed him away in my room, "eh~~ you're very obvious right now yujin-ah!" he continued teasing me as i kept pushing his figure go outside my room, "no, again, no!" i said as i calmly shut my door as soon as he is outside.

"eyy~ no need to be indenial about it! it's normal to like someone like hyesoon, especially to your age" he said outside the door, before vanishing outside my door, hearing his footsteps away.

which i started to ask myself in my room like a crazy ass person, "why am i burning red right now?" i asked myself, when i touched my face. hot. too hot. what the fuck- am i having a fever or something?

well.. i do have a fan account just to see asteria's live, and updates. nothing much wrong about it, but why do i feel flustered when gyuvin hyung thought that i have a fan acc for asteria just to see hyesoon?.. no, maybe because im just defensive. this is normal, i don't even like her. i barely know about her, so why would i?

that's nonsense.

(a/n: so sorry for not updating yall, but i edited some of the plots around the chapters so hehehehe. here take a daily dose of indenial han yujinie towards hyesoon)
