Crazy Christans

    "Damn could that have gone any worse." I said to myself. I pulled my hair back and rubbed my face. "Fuck!" I yelled. "Yo what's going on?" Harriet said walking into the room. "I could get Matt and Danny fires for being Matt's sister even though Danny hired me and this whole thing is screwy." I said getting up and pacing. "Okay what. Danny hired you but if the higher ups find out about Matt being your brother and it starts affecting things you could get fired or Matt and Danny could get fired." You shook your head and threw down your hands. "Yeah!" I looked at Harriet. "Okay you need to calm down." Harriet said waking over to me and rubbing my arms. "Everything is going to be okay just be yourself minus the whole Matt thing." She laughed. I looked directly into her eyes. I wasn't thinking and I kissed her.

     She didn't pull away from me right away. Which I thought was a good thing. I wasn't think about what I was doing. I've only met Harriet one other time and that was at a dinner party for Matt. She left shortly after he won an award. I haven't seen her since. When she did pull away I felt so unbelievably stupid. "I-I am- I can't- I have to go. I'm sorry Bella. I really am." And with that she walked out the door and up the stairs to the stage.

     "FUCK!" I yelled. Tom Jeeter walked into the room. "Everything good newbie?" He asked me. "You can't call me newbie when we went to college together dummy." Tom laughed and so did I. "God how do you do that?" He asked flopping down on the couch. "Do what?" I walked over and sat down next to him. "Go from being so angry to being happy and laughing. I could never do that. Ever." I gave him a confused look. Matt always said the same thing. "I guess I'm just bipolar." I laughed again. "Why did Harriet just run out of here like the world was caving in?" He asked me. I really wasn't ready to answer that question, but he was my only friend here so I did anyway. "I kissed her. AND before you say anything I kissed her. She didn't kiss me. I always make the first move." I blurted it all out. "You know she is like a bible thumper right?" He decoded now to point out. "That would have been nice to know. OH I don't know. An hour ago. DAMN!" I couldn't even focus anymore. "I need to go right now." I didn't even give Tom a chance to respond before getting up and walking out the door and up to the stage.

     I ran up the stairs taking two at a time. "Bella!" Matt yelled. "Fuck." I whispered under my breath. "Coming!" I yelled back to him. I raced up the spiral staircase to Matt's office. "Yeah?"  I asked Matt when I walked into his office. "I need to talk to you." He said pouring himself a glass of some brownish liquid. "Mom called me and told me that you have been self harming again." I interrupted him half way through his sentence. "Can we please not call it self harming. It's called cutting. Just call it cutting." I said to him crossing my arms and wrapping them around myself protectively. "Sorry. She said you had started cutting again. Is it true?" His eyes looked like they were piercing my soul. Like with any sudden movements all of my secrets would have spilled out. "No it's not true. Look at my wrists if you don't believe me." I pulled up my sleeves and showed him my wrists. "Okay. Good. Now get out and please talk to Harriet she just ran out of the building crying." He told me. "Wow. Thank you. That really helps." I said sarcastically. "Get out and find her Bella." He said rolling his eyes. I walked out one of the many doors into Matts office.

     "Hey do you know were Harriet went?" I asked the guard who was at the counter. It wasn't the same one as when I walked in this morning. "No. I don't know where she went." He said. He looked stressed, but i wasn't really worried about that at the moment. I was worried about Harriet. What did I do to her. "God I am so fucking dumb." I hadn't realized that I had said that last part out loud. "Yeah you really are." Harriet said as she walked out of one of the many offices in the hallway next to me. "Can we talk please?" I asked her walking towards her. "Everyone to the stage. Everyone to the stage." I heard over the loudspeakers. "Later. Please Harriet. We need to talk." I said to her as I ran back up the stairs towards the stage.
      "We have decided to do the crazy Christians sketch again. It's been five years since we did that sketch and we are going to do it again. Matt has also decided that we will do the sketch every five years or so." Danny said smiling. "This year we have two female leads. Harriet and Bella." Everyone started clapping. "Harriet is the Alto note and Bella is the Soprano note. Okay here you go. Everyone to the stage and practice!" He yelled. I raced to the stage. I had seen this sketch so many times. I loved it. I already knew our solo by heart. "Oh wait Harriet Bella!" Danny called. "Yeah?" We answered at the same time. "Bella will do the solo where someone says 'that's not what we said.'" Danny said walking away today in the directors chair. I looked at Harriet who looked very happy for me, but also slightly disappointed. "Harriet?!" I yelled. "Let's just do the sketch." She answered me. "Yeah okay. Let's start with our part." She shook her head in agreement.

     "I am a Christian tried and true. Baptized at age eleven. So unlike the liberals gays and Jews I'm going straight to heaven." I looked at Harriet and what I saw made me stop. Right in my tracks. She looked beautiful. She was relaxed and happy. "Cut!" Danny yelled. "Bella what are you doing?" He asked me. "Sorry I forgot the line." I said. "You don't have a line right then. Your back to humming." He said. "Oh yeah. Sorry." I said rubbing my head. "We are done for the day. Everyone go home." He said.
      "Harriet can we please talk?" I asked her. This time I grabbed her arm so she wouldn't run. "Fine go in there." She pointed to an office off of the stage. I shook my head and dragged her into the room. "Harriet I don't know what I was thinking kissing you. It was dumb and stupid and I apologize. I should have done it. I don't deserve to be your friend, because that kiss was so against your religion and I am sorry." I said to her. She looked shocked. Like what I said hurt her even more than the kiss. "Bella I-." She didn't know how to finish the sentence. "I don't care if it is against the world." She said as she pushed me against the wall and kissed me.
