Chapter 40

{Song in video: Ellie Goulding - Love Me Like You Do}

Vince and I were going to Bora Bora for our honeymoon. We waited a week after we got married, so we could have things settled in our home, and that things at work were taken care of.

We stepped onto the airplane.

Of course, Vince and I went to the first class section. I was grinning so much that I probably looked weird since I never flew first class before.

We went to our seats, which were huge comfortable chairs that could be used as a bed. There were two huge T.V. screens for us, and a curtain for privacy.

"Wow," I said in awe, laying down on my chair, covering myself in the soft blanket that was there.

"You like it?" Vince asked, giving me an amused smile.

"I love it!" I grinned. "I've never ridden first class."

"I'm glad you do." He chuckled.

"I'm sure you've been first class several times for business trips."

"Yes, that's true." He nodded as he held my hand.

Several hours later, we finally arrived in Bora Bora. We did have to take another flight from Tahiti to Bora Bora since there was no direct flight from New York to Bora Bora.

We already had booked ourselves at Four Seasons Beachfront Villa. It was on land, but was still close to the clear water.

We went there to put up our luggages, then slept since we were tired.

When we woke up, it was the early morning, but the sun was already coming up. We got ready, put on our swimsuits, and ate breakfast.

As we were walking on the island, I was speechless with how beautiful this island was. The ocean was crystal clear, the sand was so light and felt so soft, and the breeze was just right.

To top it off, Vince was walking around shirtless with a six-pack.

"This place is paradise," I said to Vince, walking beside him while holding hands.

"It really is," Vince said, nodding his head in agreement. "Out of all the islands I've been to, this might be my favorite."

My eyes widened as my mouth dropped open. "You've been to other islands?"

"Yes, for business trips or vacation." He nodded.

"Like where?" I raised my eyebrows.

"Maldives, French Polynesia, Galapagos Islands, Dominican Republic, and Bahamas."

"Wow." I looked over at the ocean. "Want to go swimming?"

"I'd love to." He smiled.

I ran toward the clear water, and swam in it with Vince. I playfully splashed Vince a few times, laughing.

"Hey!" Vince exclaimed playfully, splashing me back. He put his arms around my waist, kissing the back of my neck.

I bit my lip as I turned around, then kissed him on the lips. "I already have a few hickies on me."

All he did was smirk.

"What should we do after this?"

He still had his arms wrapped around me. "There's plenty of things to do. We could go on a boat ride around the island, paddle boarding, snorkeling, jet skiing, and look at the sharks and turtles."

My mouth dropped open when I heard the words 'paddle boarding.' "I really want to do paddle boarding." I grinned.

"We can do that." He smiled, continuing to kiss me.

Luckily, there wasn't too many people out yet, so we didn't make anyone uncomfortable with our PDA. At least, I didn't think we did.

Vince and I went back to the front office of the villa, where we asked about renting paddle boards. They gave the paddle boards, and then we went back to the ocean.

Vince already knew how to paddle board, so we didn't need an instructor.

When I saw Vince stand up on the paddle board, I said, "That looks easy." As soon as I stood up, I fell off the paddle board, and into the water.

When I came back up, I groaned. "It's a lot harder than it looks."

I could tell Vince was trying not to laugh. "You have to learn how to balance first. Start with your knees."

"Okay." I climbed onto the paddle board, slowly shifting on it with my knees, trying to balance.

"Now try slowly standing up, but keep your balance."

I slowly stood up on the paddle board, grinning that I was standing up without falling. "I did it!"

I slowly started to paddle, and did good for about ten seconds until I fell off again. "I'm just going to keep practicing."

"Good choice." He grinned.

I kept practicing to paddle board, then I finally was doing well, but it took me about twenty tries.

Vince and I paddle boarded for a while, but then we wanted to do something else. "Should we go on a boat ride or go jet skiing?" I asked Vince as we paddle boarded back to shore.

"I'm fine with either one."

"Maybe we can do the boat ride first."

"Alright." He nodded.

We went back to the hotel lobby to drop off our paddle boards. We decided to get lunch before we went on the boat ride.

We had seafood, coconut, pineapple, rice, and Mahana cocktail drinks.

After we ate, we went over to the boat area. Vince wrapped his arm around me.

A man by the boat, who looked to be in his mid-forties, walked toward us. "Are you here for the tour?" He asked us.

"Yes," Vince answered, nodding his head.

"Well, come on over to the boat then. Looks like you two are the only ones." The man motioned us to follow him onto his boat.

We paid, and then went onto the boat.

"So are you two tourists?" The man asked us.

"Yes, we're on our honeymoon," I answered, wrapping my arms around Vince.

"We're from New York," Vince said, grinning as he glanced at me.

"You chose a great place to choose where to go for a honeymoon. Not trying to brag, but every couple that chose to come here never complained or regretted it," the man said as he started up the boat. "I'm going to take you to different parts of Bora Bora."

We started riding along the clear water. Of course, I took lots of pictures with my phone. My camera was back at the hotel room since we were at the beach, and I didn't want to get it wet.

We were talking and admiring the different views. We even passed by some sea turtles. I took a few pictures of videos of them as well. "Look at the cute sea turtles!" I exclaimed, grinning as I nudged Vince.

Vince smiled as he got out his phone to take pictures of them.

"Was there anything else you were going to do today?" The man asked us.

"We want to go jet skiing next," Vince said. "Stacey has never been, and she wants to do it."

The man turned to me. "You're going to love it. It's a lot of fun."

"I'm sure I will," I said, grinning.

We went back to the dock. "I hope you two have a great rest of your honeymoon here, and may you two have a happy marriage!" The man said enthusiastically.

"Thanks!" Vince and I said to him.

We went back to our hotel room first to grab a GoPro camera. Then, we went to the main resort so we could go jet skiing. We rented one jet ski so we could just ride together.

Vince got on the jet ski. As I climbed on behind him, I asked, "Since when did you know how to jet ski?"

He turned around, having a smile on his face. "Since I started going on business trips. It was nice doing something else besides my work or business."

"You mean something fun?" I teased.

"Basically, yes." He laughed. "I can have a fun side too."

"I know you can." I ran my hands through his hair.

As Vince was getting ready to drive the jet ski, I wrapped my arms tightly around him. Then, we started riding on the jet ski.

Vince had his GoPro camera out to film us, and our surroundings, which were the overwater bungalows and the ocean. I saw two water swings in the distance. "We have to go over there by the swings!" I exclaimed to Vince, tapping his back.

"Alright, let's go," Vince said, jet skiing toward the swings.

When we got to the swings, I went on it, and started swinging on it. Vince stopped the jet ski, and got on the other swing that was on the right side of me.

"I haven't been on a swing in probably fifteen years," Vince said, laughing.

I slowly turned to him as my mouth dropped open. "Fifteen years?" I exclaimed, sounding exasperated.


I was so shocked, I couldn't even respond to that. How does someone not swing on swings for that long?

He chuckled. "You're looking at me as if I'm absolutely crazy."

"Well, you must be if it's been fifteen years since you've ever been on a swing." I laughed. "You know what we should do when we go back home?"


"We should have swings at work or even in our house."

"I don't know about having it at work, but we could have it at the house if you really wanted to." He nodded, chuckling again.

"But if you had it at work, you can have swings instead of chairs at a business meeting to make it more fun."

"Yeah, right." He laughed, shaking his head. "You're cute when you come up with these funny ideas."

"Isn't that all the time?" I raised an eyebrow, giving him a half smirk.

"Pretty much." He chuckled, giving me a few kisses.

A little bit later, we went back on the jet ski, passing by more sea turtles. As we got closer toward a tiny private island, I asked, "Where are we going?"

"You'll see." He smiled.

"Ooh, a surprise."

Vince stopped the jet ski as we got onto the private island called Sofitel, surrounded by palm trees. When we got off the jet ski and onto land, I noticed a path of stairs leading up to rose pedals around a table for two. My face instantly lit up with joy. "It's beautiful!" I exclaimed, rushing up the stairs as Vince followed behind me.

The path was lit up by torches.

The table had white tablecloth on it, and two white plates with silverware wrapped in a napkin. There was also a few candlelights on the table.

"I thought you would like it," Vince said, smiling as he sat across from me. "I planned this surprise dinner as soon as we agreed to go on a honeymoon here."

Then, we met two people, who were the server and chef. Then, we met another man and woman, who were traditional dancers.

As we were sitting at the table, waiting for dinner to be ready, we watched the man play the ukulele while him and the woman performed traditional dances.

It was great to watch, and of course, I took pictures and filmed it, which they were okay with.

When the food was ready, the woman, who was the server, put the food on the table. We had barbeque fish, rice, pineapple, and champagne. Coconut cake, which was our dessert, was on two other plates.

The man, who was the chef, was standing next to us as we took our first bite of the food. The server was also standing by us. "This is excellent," Vince said to the chef and server.

"Yes, fantastic," I agreed, nodding my head.

"Thank you," the chef said, smiling.

"If you need anything else, then let us know," the server said.

They walked away, giving us privacy.

We watched the other couple perform again as we ate dinner.

After we were done eating, we walked along the beach.

There were a few towels neatly laying on top of the sand. "Let's go watch the sunset," Vince said as he laid down on one of the towels.

"I'd love to," I said, grinning as I laid down, and scooted next to him.

He stroked my hair as we watched the sunset in silence. He was the only person I felt comfortable in silence for more than a few minutes.

About a few hours after the sun went down, we got back up, and went back toward the chef, server, and dancers.

As we walked down the stairway path, I said to them, "This was one of the best dinners I've ever had." I grinned. "Excellent food with a fantastic performance."

"Thank you all for accommodating us. As Stacey said, it was an excellent dinner and performance. We had a great first day here so far."

"Thank you all for coming. I'm glad you enjoyed the food," the chef said, giving us a smile.

"We're glad you enjoyed the performances. We hope you enjoy the rest of your honeymoon at Bora Bora," the woman performer said, grinning.

After we went down, we paid for the food and performance. Then, we waved goodbye. As we got on our jet ski, the server asked, "Wait, before you go, I was wondering if you needed help to go back to your resort?"

"That's not a bad idea actually. We would love some help, please," Vince said. "We're staying at Four Seasons Beachfront Villa."

"Okay, just follow my boat."

Vince and I nodded as we watched the chef go to his small boat.

We got behind him with our jet ski, and followed him to our resort.

"Thank you for taking us back," I said to the chef, smiling.

"You're welcome," the chef said, smiling back as he nodded.

As he went back on his boat, we turned in our jet ski.

We went back to our resort. "This is one of the best days I've ever had," I said, grinning. "Of course, our wedding is my favorite though." I flopped onto the couch.

"This is one of the best days I've ever had too," Vince said, nodding his head in agreement as he looked right at me.

He gazed into me, then bit his lip. He came over to the couch, and laid right next to me. Soon, I felt his tender lips on mine, and as the kisses became more harder, I felt his hand running through my hair. His other hand slid around my waist as he pulled me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around him as I kissed him.

A few minutes later, we looked through the pictures and videos we filmed of different things we've seen at Bora Bora today.

"We should make a video montage of this when we get back home," Vince suggested.

I raised my eyebrows, nodding my head. "That's a great idea," I said. "We could show it to our family and friends."

"Most definitely." He smiled as he wrapped his arm around me.


A/N: This is the final chapter of The Naive Secretary And The Harsh Boss. After almost three years of working on this story, I can proudly say I am finally done with it. It is bittersweet, but I'm going to continue to write other stories that I have ideas for as well. I hope you all enjoyed this story as much I liked writing it :)

So Vince and Stacey go to Bora Bora for their honeymoon. That looks like a such a beautiful place to go to.

By the way, who was your favorite characters, and least favorite characters? And why?
