Swimming! With Shirtless BFs ._.

You read the title correctly. On with the show!

-=-=-=-=Matt's pov-=-=-=-=-=

Tori walked back in the recording room as I started up Portal. She didn't sit down but went to hug me. Jerome went 'awwww' and Zak jokingly yelled "TO MUCH ROMANCE! BAWWWW!" And faked barf. "You wish you had a lover!" She retorted and Jerome and I just watched as a war of the dumbest comebacks broke out.

I had a feeling Zak would have won, but Rosie came in and said "What happened to swimming?" We all death glared her. Tori got up and yelled behind her "The boy suits are in the guest room!" and was up the stairs.

We looked at Rosie who sighed and led us to the extra room. "Just... don't touch anything. There are a lot of thing in here that are the past... The trunks are in the 2ed to bottom drawer on the left hand side." and was off.

The second she left Jerome closed the door and was looking at and in everything! And I mean everything. "What the hell dude? Just grab the trunks!" Mitch wanted to follow her rules.

So did I, but I did want to find out more about Tori. "They have some past, Rosie and Tori. But we should just ask." "Oh yea, would they tell you this?"

It's was a photo, of Tori, my girl with so really tall and buff guy. I quickly grabbed the photo and smashed in on the ground. "Just grab the trunks." I said, with my head sulking and a pissed off tone. Jerome didn't waste a second.

There were just enough trunks for us, and mostly in our sizes. Jerome's was a little small around the waist but if would do the job. I heard a knock at the door but Zak answered it, and Tori's eyes immediately found the smashed photo.

She looked at it then me. She did this like 20 times then bolted up the stairs. I was about to go after her, but Mitch held me back. "Jerome..." I now was the most pissed I'd have ever been. If Mitch and Zak weren't there there would be no Jerome.

All I could do is pray. Pray Tori still loves me. (A/N Of corse she still does)

-=-=-=-=-=Tori's pov-=-=-=-=-=

I was getting undressed when it heard a knock at the door and I just froze. I still had my pants on but was topless "It's Rosie, Hi." "K, warning I'm topless." She opened the door (Tori had her back turned and was in a corner)

"You going to wear 'Naynkini'?"


"Just white, babe come on! I hate that color!" I was with Don, my BF (at the time) "Um.... Fine. I'm going to dye it rainbow colors." "What ever."

I called Anthony over and asked him to bring dye and something white. He came in a matter of minutes.

Dude was chill. So glad Rosie showed him to me. It reminded me of this cat thing Rosie showed me. Neon cat? no... Nayn cat! So I named it Naynkini!

Best logic ever.

He still hated the rainbow, but I told him to put up with it.

-=-=-=-=-=End of this little flashback-=-=-=-=-=

That was the worlds stupidest question, OF COURSE I WAS!

"Yea, can you hand me it?" I soon felt the suit hit my back and the door open and close, I turned around and she left. I hooked it on (it's strapless) and heard a crash. 'Whatdidtheyfind' I was about to check, but I didn't want to go in there if they were changing. So I just sat in my room and was throwing a ballon that I just blew up against the wall and I.

Rosie knocked on my door and opened it. "Ready?" I nodded my head and ran out my door, but tiptoed to the room where the guys were. I knocked on the door lightly and Zak answerd it.

Matt was standing next to a photo of me and my ex 'shitshitshitshit' I was thinking while loking at Matt then the photo. I suddnly run half way down the stairs when I stop. They are going to ask about him. I need to go up there and explain, then burn any more of his existence. I was about to go in there, but Matt seemed a little ticked off at Jerome. I guessing he found the picture.

I peeked around the corner. And so did... Rosie? That damn ninja!

'They seem pissed, or at least Matt. Go talk to him' She whispered. I took a big breath in and walked in to find Matt being held back by Mitch and Zak covering Jerome. "Matt... I think we need to talk." Mitch let go and Matt walked over to me with a look of sorow and gilt. I walked him up to my room, sat him on my bed, and closed the door. "Im so sorry! Jerome found the picture and~" "Don't worry, I'm not angry. But you do deserve permission to ask some things. So fire away."

The questions came in fast and I answered them fast. "Who was that?" "Don, a ex." He looked a little more relaxed, but his jawline and back wre still strait. "Why do you still have a picture of him?" "I don't know. Must have forgot to toss it." "Ok, and final. Will he be making a reapernce?" "Hell to the no." I went up to hug him with open arms and he stood up and huged back. "Love ya." "Love the pool more." He let go and bolted to the pool. "NO!! LUV MEH PLZ!" And chased after him.

By the time I go to the pool, everyone was already there. Splashing each other.

Matt splashed me and I jumped in, causing the water to attack him. We then realized that we should team up on Zak, for ruining so many kisses.

"AYE! WHY ME?!" "Rosie! RMF! (Revenge Mother F*cker)" She suddenly turned around from Mitch, who they were having there own splash war, and turned in Zak. "Please! I fan! I shall play you the song of my people! (add random human noises)"

We stopped, but Mitch wanted war. "Guys, Lets do sumitori!" Matt placed my on his shoulders.

Jerome and Zak looked at each other. "You two can be refs!" I offered, guessing thy didn't want to ride each other. Rosie... she was being rode by Mitch. "Time to beat... a Benj? Rosie see, I knew you were stronger that butt!" "Battle meh!" He started to flay his arms in the air. Zak tossed him the pool tube, and it floated back down. Rosie walked/ran over to the noodle and Mitch picked it up.

Matt ran towards them and Rosie ran towers us, Mitch and I sticking out our swords like we were jousting.

I 'accidentally' knocked Mitch off by shoving him. But he knocked me off when he said "Butt! monkey! Fart! Drugs! STRIP CLUBBBS!" Only cause I was siting there like 'wtf!?'

Then It came to the final battle...


So, outro change! Insted of 'Read ya soon' It will be... (For LegitTori's ending)

More to come!
