Dwayne Robertson - Crack (Part 2)

-y/n pov-

It's been about 3 days after the surgery, and my arm feels better honestly but not the best. Today the doctor told me I could go home, and my dad had been so grateful. The doctor told us that in a couple weeks I could be starting to do physical therapy while my hand is in the cast still.

Dad had been looking at good physical therapists for sports playing kids. He talked to a couple of his buddies who knew people who played in the NHL and other hockey leagues who have also been injured, and most of them recommended Dr.Nort. He was a physical therapist who usually worked with sports players.

There was only one problem. His office was in california, which means we would have to move and live there to be able to work with him. And that's exactly what dad wants us to do. He said his job would let him move and work at their office there, and they would provide us with an apartment. I mean the only thing really holding me back would be the ducks, and I can't play anymore so. We get in the car and head to the school, to talk to the headmaster.

-Dwayne's pov-

"When are you gonna go see her?" Fulton asks me.

"I don't know Fulton, she probably doesn't even want to see me anyway" I reply fidgeting with the pencil in my hand. Most of us ducks are in study hall right now because we have an hour to do homework. Julie and Connie left and went somewhere. I do really want to talk to y/n and apologize but, she just got hurt and is worrying about that right now, I don't want to add more to her plate. I know we were supposed to talk after the game, and she wanted to then but that was 3 days ago.

-y/n pov-

I'm sitting in the headmasters office not really listening to anything my dad or the headmaster is saying, I'm in my own little bubble. I'm trying to think of a way to tell the team I'm moving, and I think about practice. Practice is later tonight so I could go then and tell everybody.
Dad finished talking to the headmaster and we head to my dorm to pack my stuff up.

I haven't told anybody I'm out of the hospital yet and I'll just surprise them later. We get to the dorm and start packing the boxes. Schools over now so students will be filing in soon. Dad says he's taking some boxes out to the car and I nod and keep packing. I hear a knock on the doors I'm putting books in a box, and I turn around and see him.

-Dwaynes pov-

Schools out and I decide I'm gonna go to y/ns dorm and see if she's there. When I get there I see boxes outside of her door with her door open. When I stand in the door frame, I see her putting her books into a box. I knock on the door. She turns around and a very faint smile appears on her face.

"What's with the boxes y/n?" I say, trying my hardest for my voice not to break because I'm pretty sure I know the answer.

"Dwayne..." she says, and smile disappears and her eyes start to water, "I'm moving.." she says, in almost a whisper.

-y/n pov-

"No you can't move y/n." Dwayne says as a few tears run down both of our cheeks.

"I have to Dwayne, there's this really good physical therapist in California" and as i say California, he looks down.

"California?" he says, in almost a whisper.

"I know." I say and I walk towards him. He looks up and we lock eyes. "I'm telling the team tonight, I was gonna surprise them at practice." I say, eyes still locked. "so don't say anything please"

"I wont, I promise" Dwayne says, as he grabs my good hand and holds it. Then he pulls me in gently for hug, making sure not to hurt my arm. We stand there for a few minutes and we let go and he leaves.

-time skip to practice-

We finished packing almost an hour ago and now all I need to pack is my school locker and my hockey locker. I get to the school with a bag and unlock my locker. I start putting my personal belongings in the bag. I take out all of my school textbooks and leave it on the shelf. I really didn't have much in my locker. I leave the lock hanging on a hook inside the locker. I close the locker door and stand there for a few seconds, remembering the memories here. This is where Dwayne kissed me every morning when we saw each other, and where he would wait for me everyday after school to walk me to my dorm before going to his.

I get into the car and dad drives me to the rink, practice has already started so this is great timing. When we get to the rink dad comes in to grab the stuff from my locker for me while I'm saying goodbye, then we are off driving to California.

I walk into the rink and everybody's faces light up when they see me, except Dwaynes because he knows what's coming. I walk out onto the ice being careful not to slip.

Coach Orion already knows what i'm doing since dad talked to him earlier.

Everyone says hello and asks how my arm was and i just said good.
"You better heal it up fast to get back to playing hockey y/n, we need you. You're our star player" Adam says.

"Yeah well, I have something to tell you guys." my smile sort of drops a bit and everybody looks confused, and Dwayne can barely look at me.

"i'm moving. To California" everybody looks at me sadly.

"Wha- why?" Dean says, looking sad.

"There's this great physical therapist out there who is willing to help me. He's worked with a lot of hockey players with similar injuries and they got back to playing" i say, tearing up. "Trust me, I don't want to go but if there's a chance for me to play hockey again, I want to take it." Everybody nods.

"Yeah do what you can to get it better" Julie says.

"We're just gonna miss you, a lot" Fulton says, and everybody says little yeahs. Everybody forms a circle around me and we all group hug. Tears are falling down my and a few others faces. I smile and Charlie starts quacking and we all join in.

I get of the ice and turn around, and wave to everybody before turning back around and walking away.

-Dwaynes pov-

I cant let her just leave. She waves, and turns back around and I skate towards the door. She doesn't get very far.

"y/n." I say and she turns around.

"Dwayne." she smiles, she has the prettiest smile ever. I walk towards her and kiss her one last time. We pulled away, "Don't forget me when you're out there." I say, smiling.

"Don't forget me either." She says and she turns and walks away. And then shes gone.

-almost a year later-

-Dwaynes pov-

The teacher is yapping on and on about something but I wasn't really paying attention. I was to busy thinking about it being 1 year ago today that y/n got hurt and moved. The ducks and i still talk about her lots and some of us call her to see how she's doing.

"We will be having a new student joining us tomorrow so I want you to be very welcoming to them." and the bell rings. Schools out finally. I wish I could just sleep but we have practice tonight. The new student thing still rings in my head as I walk by y/ns old locker to mine.
