Last To Leave


Stevie continued lapping at squirming Christine's centre hungrily as Mick slowly started thrusting more into her and rubbing her back to help relax her entrance "I'm lucky, two sexy babes for me today!" Mick chuckled and Stevie giggled as she licked Christine more.

Christine was gasping louder and John soon kneeled over her as she rubbed his hard member between her hands,  he gently grabbed some of her hair, locking eyes with her as he slid his member to her lips which she opened and took him into her warm mouth,  starting to slide her tongue all over his member and she also began sucking on him. She never really liked giving blowjobs but when she was this aroused and being dominated she loved it and got more excited as he started moving faster making her gag on his erect cock as it hit the back of her throat.  

"They sure are sexy!" John grinned and started gasping excitedly as Christine licked and sucked on him more.

Stevie started licking Christine's womanhood quicker as Mick got faster pounding into her, she moaned more as he fumbled around with her clit and felt herself close to climax already. She started running her tongue all around Christine's clit and into her folds and heard Christine's muffled noises get louder and she slid two fingers into a older woman, curling them and stroking her inside which made Christine even louder and start gagging on John's cock more that he was thrusting into her mouth quicker and faster by the second.

Christine couldn't hold back anymore, Stevie's fingers started hitting and rubbing against her already overly sensitive inner walls and Christine yelled out and started choking on John's cock as she came hard, coating  her release all over Stevie's fingers as she gasped for air. John watched her start passing out again as her eyes rolled back and he pulled his member out of her mouth so she could breathe properly. She coughed and spluttered, breathing fast still, but she was very dazed, from such strong climaxes and the intense pleasure. 

Stevie worried and popped her head up,  trying hard to focus herself as she licked her lips, tasting Christine's release "You okay?" She asked, panting as Mick continued pounding her, getting louder himself with excited grunts and Stevie was gasping too, feeling herself close.

Christine nodded vaguely still hazy from the orgasm and John smoothed her hair out of her clammy face "Are you alright?" He grinned and she nodded, shakily taking his cock in her hand and stroking it again, slowly as she looked at him, her eyes still filled with lust and he almost came just from her sultry gaze.

Stevie suddenly grabbed Christine's thighs and yelled out a low throaty moan as she came and Mick starting coming at the same time as her walls contracted around his hard member.


Lindsey had decided he acted erratic earlier and soon stepped back out of his car, he felt bad for how he acted. He closed the door and tossed his joint on the bitumen, stamping his shoe on it and exhaling loudly. He hoped he had ruined things with Stevie but he just felt he couldn't satisfy her anymore and he felt bad for having a one night stand with another woman. He was lost in his thoughts as he made his way back into the building. It was late now and their was only Mick's car and Christine's car in the parking lot. He presumed the McVie's and Mick were still there, probably with Stevie too, he thought they would all be getting stoned and probably dissing on him or working on something for the new record.  He sighed heavily as he walked up the hall and then heard a whole heap of noise, he panicked, thinking someone was being hurt and he fled into the room with door open "What the fuck!" He exclaimed as he saw Stevie making out with Christine while Mick and John were snogging and rubbing each other's hard members.

"Come and join, we don't bite!" Mick chuckled, happy to see him in his drugged out haze and Lindsey couldn't believe what he was seeing, he wondered if the joints he smoked had gotten him so high he was seeing everyone naked.  

"Isn't Mick's cock big!" John laughed "It's called the tusk!" He grinned and bent down kissing it and starting to suck on it.

"Is that Stevie?" Lindsey asked, blinking several times, trying not to be aroused as he walked closer into the room and gazed at the two women "Stevie?" He asked loudly and she looked around giggling at him, her mouth glistening under the dull light, from eating out Christine and snogging her. Christine was still dazed  as Stevie's finger were playing with her clit and the two women were naked and aroused as Christine threw her had back moaning.

"Linds, join in, don't be shy, its fun!" Stevie grinned, giggling and started sucking on Christine's neck making her gasp loudly.

"Come on Linds, you can fuck me!" Smiled Mick, turning him around and grinning at him "I always thought you were sexy, with your denim blue eyes!" Mick winked and started kissing him while he unbuttoned his shirt and Lindsey couldn't help feeling aroused, he suddenly had no intention of stopping whatever was about to happen. He even found Mick and John to be sexy pieces of man meat especially after seeing them in all their naked glory.

"Alright, but I'm in charge!" Lindsey replied firmly, his breathing getting faster as he looked at Mick's naked chest and 'tusk' that was hard as a rock. 

"Sounds fine to me!" Mick shrugged, smiling wider "Johnny and I switch, so this will be fun!" Mick chuckled, feeling excited.

"It sure will!" John grinned and started kissing Lindsey heatedly as Mick continued to undress him and Lindsey felt himself getting aroused by it all. 
