Chapter 2 - Death Of Homelander, Rise of The Seventy

Here's the next chapter, enjoy!

In front of the Vought International, a blonde blue-eyed man in a blue suit with red gloves and boots, golden eagles that held up an American Flag like a cape. 

People down below were pointing up at him, saying "Homelander". He was hovering above Vought International where the bodies of the heroes were being taken down by police, news crews were everywhere despite the police trying to clear them out.

Then someone walked out of the front door, it was a black man in a business suit with a Vought International pin on his chest. News crews suddenly grew rampant as they tried to get closer to him, calling him, "CEO of Vought International" or "Stan Edgar".

Homelander flew down to Stan with a serious look on his face as he motioned for him to come to him. And the two went inside and the security shut the door tightly as new crews got past the police. The two men went up to the tenth floor of the building and looked out from the window.

Homelander: Stan. What the FUCK is going on?!

Stan: I honestly wish I knew. Phone calls have been flooding my office. But you've seen it outside, right?

Homelander: No shit I've seen it! A-Train's been decapitated, The Deep looks like burnt fish, Translucent looks like he was snapped in half, Black Noir was strangled, Queen Maeve's head is facing her back, and they're all outside the building on pikes! Who did this?! How'd they do this?! It was The Boys, wasn't it? I thought we took care of them!

Stan: Butcher and his crew have been a thorn in our sides, but there's no way they would be able to do this. No weapon on Earth can harm someone who drank Compound V. Something tells me that the other members of the seven were killed by other Supes.

Homelander: What?! That's not possible, The Seven are supposed to be the only Supes here in Toronto!

Stan: Not true. Remember Lamplighter? His body didn't accept Compound V and The Boys were able to set him ablaze with his own weakness to flames. And Gothpire who was originally on the team before Black Noir was when The Seven wasn't as well known? I have hundreds of Supes ready to be brought in case something happens to You and the others. But that doesn't change the fact that we might have another dangerous group of rouge supes out for the blood of Vought International, and you.

Homelander: Great... Fucking... Perfect! Now we Have a whole New Group Of Dicks And Cunts To Deal With- AAAHHHH, Motherfucker!!!

The Homelander covered his ears suddenly.

Stan: Homelander, what's wrong?!

Homelander: Some kinda goddam high-pitched sonic attack...! It... sounds like... Laughing.... Crazed Laughter...!

With his super-hearing, what Homelander was picking up... was none other than Lincoln. He was outside the building laughing as he looked through the glass, drenched in blood.

Homelander could tell with X-Ray vision that everyone outside was turned into bloody mush, cars were flipped. Stan and Homelander looked out the window to see Lincoln there.

Lincoln: (continued laughing before looking right up at them) Attention, Egotistical Dumbfuck, and Corporate Bastard! Today is the day your so-called "greatest hero" dies! But First! A Presentation! Here are Black boxes of flights that Homelander stupidly crashed by firing lasers into the controls!

Lincoln dropped a ton of black boxes from planes that Homelander let crash. Then he pressed a button and projectors began playing a series of videos with Homelander on every single one, damaging the flight controls and stupidly shooting both the hijacker and the controls with his heat vision.

Video Homelander: "No! All Of You, Stay Back. You Stay The Fuck Back Or I'll Laser You Goddammit! I'll laser every fucking one of you! Stay the fuck back!"

The video ends with Homelander and Queen Maeve leaving the people to their fate.

Lincoln: See that?! Hahahahahahaha! That was what Homelander and Queen Mauve really did on that flight! And don't get me started on the flight of 9/11, that was a huge cockpit cock-up! Hahahaha!! (To the building) Hey Homelander! Did I ruin your reputation yet?! You know, you really are a dumbass, you could've... I don't know, used the inflatable life rafts and some ropes to you know, SAVE them!

Stan: That guy is outta his mind!

Homelander: I've had just about enough of him. I'm gonna teach that bastard to mess with me!

Homelander burst from the window and flew to where Lincoln was. Stan, worried that Homelander might suffer the same fate as the other Seven, rushed to his desk and made a call.

Stan: Get me the Headmaster of the Supes Training Academy, notify him that the Seventy Project is a go!

Meanwhile, Homelander confronted Lincoln, landing in front of him.

Homelander: You sure got some balls. Killing the rest of the seven, putting on a show like this.

Lincoln: And you must have really small balls given how tight that suits it on your dick! Ha!

Homelander: Why? Just WHY?! Sure we're not perfect, but the Seven has done more for Toronto and the US than anyone!

Lincoln: Yeah... like teaching kids it's okay to kill and/or beat the teeth out of people if they're bad guys. Wanna hear a story? I used to love heroes and heroines. But then your Compound V addicted speedster friend blew through my girlfriend. That's when i realized how corrupt the Supe world is, especially with Vought International and you and your group at the front.

Lincoln then gave his crazed smile.

Lincoln: That's why... I am going to wipe it all out. Destroy every last Corrupt hero organization in the world. Did you know that there are other Heroes like you? Vought has got hundreds of sub-companies making Supes all over. After I'm done burning the name of The Seven and Vought outta Toronto, I'm gonna go global with my Crew. Everywhere Vought is, we're gonna level the ground! I even have a little song with every place they've got a company in! Allow me to present, the nations of the world. Brought to you by Lincoln Loud!

Lincoln: United States, Canada, Mexico, Panama. Haiti, Jamaica, Peru. Republic Dominican, Cuba, Caribbean. Greenland, El Salvador too. Puerto Rico, Colombia, Venezuela, Honduras, Guyana, and still. Guatemala, Bolivia, then Argentina. And Ecuador, Chile, Brazil! Costa Rica, Belize, Nicaragua. Bermuda, Bahamas, Tobago, San Juan. Paraguay, Uruguay, Surinam. And French Guiana, Barbados, and Guam! Norway, Sweden, and Iceland, and Finland. And Germany, now in one piece!

Homelander fires a laser, sick of Lincoln's singing, but Lincoln dodged his attack with ease.

Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia. Italy, Turkey, and Greece. Poland, Romania, Scotland, Albania. Ireland, Russia, Oman. Bulgaria, Saudi Arabia, Hungary. Cyprus, Iraq, and Iran! There's Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan. Both Yemen, Kuwait, and Bahrain. The Netherlands, Luxembourg, Belgium, and Portugal. France, England, Denmark, and Spain. India, Pakistan, Burma, Afghanistan. Thailand, Nepal, and Bhutan. Kampuchea, Malaysia, then Bangladesh, Asia. And China, Korea, Japan. Mongolia, Laos, and Tibet, Indonesia! The Philippine Islands, Taiwan. Sri Lanka, New Guinea, Sumatra, New Zealand. Then Borneo, and Vietnam.

Homelander fire another laser at Lincoln, but he dodged it once again.

Lincoln: Tunisia, Morocco, Uganda, Angola. Zimbabwe, Djibouti, Botswana. Mozambique, Zambia, Swaziland, Gambia. Guinea, Algeria, Ghana. Burundi, Lesotho, and Malawi, Togo! The Spanish Sahara is gone. Niger, Nigeria, Chad, and Liberia. Egypt, Benin, and Gabon. Tanzania, Somalia, Kenya, and Mali. Sierra Leone, and Algiers. Dahomey, Namibia, Senegal, Libya. Cameroon, Congo, Zaire. Ethiopia, Guinea-Bissau, Madagascar. Rwanda, Mahore, and Cayman. Hong Kong, Abu Dhabi, Qatar, Yugoslavia. Crete, Mauritania, then Transylvania. Monaco, Liechtenstein, Malta, and Palestine. Fiji, Australia, Sudan!

As Lincoln finished his song, he punched a Homelander in the face and sent him back a little.

Homelander: That's really cute, singing about all the nations of the world you're gonna "destroy". But you'll never get to that point!

Homelander tackled Lincoln and slammed into a building with him.

Homelander: If you're trying to be a better version of Butcher and The Boys, you're not even close.

Lincoln: Really? Cause I killed 5 more heroes than he ever got. 6 if you count Lamplight, but no one counts Lamplighter.

Homelander looked to see Lincoln, eating popcorn on a bench, completely unharmed.

Homelander goes to try and attack Lincoln again, swinging widely, trying to take his head off with a punch, but Lincoln just dodges his attacks completely. All while eating his popcorn.

Lincoln: Me and my own Boys have killed your allies so how have we NOT become a better version of The Boys?

Lincoln then overpowered Homelander after tossing popcorn in his face and kicking him through the building he slammed into and into another.

Lincoln: And now.... I'm gonna do what Butcher couldn't. And Kill Homelander! But first, allow me a moment to change!

With a devilish smile, Lincoln's legs and arms were covered by a hexagonal barrier, before he instantly suited up in some sort of armor. Where he was now, he was wearing a red and dark gray technologically advanced combat exoskeleton.

Lincoln: I don't think I've introduced myself... the name is Payback. And now, it's time for some payback! Bitchslap!

Payback literally charged at Homelander as he stood up and backhanded him across the face. Sending Homelander through yet another building, Homelander was quick to get up and shoot his laser beams, but Payback was gone.

Payback: Over here!

Homelander felt a punch to his face, he looked back to where the attack came from but no one was there.

Payback: (John Cena Impression) You Can't See Me!

Homelander: I don't need to!

Homelander blasted his Heat Vision everywhere but still hit nothing. Suddenly Payback popped out of nowhere.

Payback: BAMF!

Payback performed a triple punch followed by roundhouse onto Homelander. Sending him flying but Payback vanished in a flash of red light and reappeared in his path.

Payback: BAMF! (uppercuts Homelander) Shoryuken! BAMF!

Payback vanished again but this time appeared above Homelander.

Payback: Check out this rad air!

Payback then does an aerial curb stomp on Homelander's face sending him to the ground. Homelander charges at Payback but he teleports away. Appearing on various building rooftops as Homelander fired his Heat Vision at him.

Payback: I! (teleports) Hate! (teleports) Your! (teleports behind) Dumb face.

The Homelander attempted a back fist attack but missed Payback then smashed Homelander into the ground again. Cratering him as he punched away at his body, continuing to wound him, both his body and his pride.

Homelander: (In thought) This can't be happening to me... I Am Homelander! The goddamn strongest hero ever!

Homelander flew up into the sky and fired a large laser.

Payback: What? Gyahhh!

Payback caught the beam with his hands.

Payback: Oh no! I'm being overpowered by a guy with a superiority complex! What dramatic irony! (while laughing) Oh, no, just kidding.

Payback then spread his arms out and let the laser beam hit him, but instead of dying, Payback's suit just absorbed the beam. After the light faded, Payback stood there unharmed by the beam.

Payback: (thinking) You know... I should probably prepare some mourning gifts for the families of the Supes. Give them some time to mourn before they die. maybe a flower basket or some wine...

Homelander charged at Payback who roundhouse kicked him in the face and through the streets, back in front of Vought International.

Lincoln: Or maybe a Flower Basket with wine.

Homelander struggled to get up, Payback walking up in front of him.

Homelander: Go ahead. Kill me if you can. But you won't be able to. As long as I've got my powers, you'll never kill me!

Payback: You're right... you won't die unless you're human. But I can fix that. Hey, Rexxie!

Lincoln was calling out to a Young woman nearby, Stealing some hotdogs from an abandoned hotdog stand. She was a slightly short woman with dark skin, slightly long spiky white hair, aqua green eyes, and a beautiful figure with some athleticism, C-sized breasts, and strong athletic legs. She wears red and black goggles on her head, a dark red shirt, a black jacket with dark red stripes on the sleeves, black pants with glowing aqua green symbols on them, and dark gray boots.

Rexxie: What's up, Lincoln? I thought you didn't need anybody to kill this dumb boy scout.

Payback: Yeah, but I realized we can really stick it to him by taking away the thing that makes him special. You know what to do. Touch Him.

Rexxie: Ugh... Why do you say it like that? Fine.

Homelander: Ha... You think some punk girl is gonna be able to-

Rexxie placed a hand over Homelander's face, and blue circuitry-esque lines appeared all over his skin, glowing through his suit. After a while, the lines faded and Rexxie stepped back. Homelander saw this as a chance to attack, he attempted to shoot his heat vision...but nothing happened.

Homelander: My heat vision... It's gone! What did you do?!

Rexxie: DNA alteration via nanites in my body. I've neutralized the Compound V in your system and made you a totally normal human again.

Homelander: WHAT?! You bastard! You can't do this to me! I'm the world's greatest superhero-

Payback pulls a police gun out and shoots Homelander in the kneecap.

Homelander: ARRRGH!

Payback walks around and then shoots Homelander again in the spine.

Payback: (gives his signature laugh) Look at you, Homelander! You are now a normal person!

Rexxie: Man, your powers were all you had going for you. That's just sad.

Homelander: (growls) SAD FOR YOU-!

Rexxie then shattered Homelander's arm with a kick. Homelander stumbled around before falling to his knees.

Homelander: (inhales) FFFFUUUUUU-!

Payback then knocks him to the ground, smiling as he did.

Payback: Now then! It's time to be one and done! In spite of your now pathetic position... I'm going to give you the little-death you deserve, Homelander. And before you ask...! (Creates a flaming sword from nothing, laughing) YES! This is a Jojo reference!

Homelander looked up in fear, his life seconds away from ending. It was at this moment, that he was regretting everything, even challenging this monster of a young man.

Payback looked down upon Homelander, his mask hiding his insane grin, and prepared to deliver the death blow, raising his sword for the death blow.

Payback: I'd say I'd miss you, but I don't like lying! Sweet dreams, jackass!

Payback then aims to thrust his blade into the Homelanders heart, to finally kill the last of the Seven.....

Payback: (4th wall thought) Or would it be the Six? Lamplighter was a disappointment to the group and- Oof!

Suddenly he felt something ram into his side, cutting off his killing blow as he was sent flying and crashed to the ground, skidding all the way as he recovered.

Payback: Who the fuck?!

Rexxie: Language dude.

Payback: Whomst the fuck!? 

???: Stop right there villain!

Payback looked to see a very tall woman with long, platinum blonde hair in a ponytail, fair skin, and a bombshell supermodel-like figure. She wears the same sunglasses on her head and red hoop earrings. Her attire consists of a green eye mask, a green and white bodysuit with a crescent moon symbol, green armbands, a gold belt with a pink gem, and green thigh-length boots.

With her were a short preteen girl with fair skin, messy brown hair, and a petite figure. Her attire consists of a high-tech eye mask with glowing green eyes, a dark and light green high-tech bodysuit, gloves & brown boots.

Payback: Only know The Seven. Who dis?

???: I'm Fabulous Eclipse!

???: And I am Brainiac.

Fabulous Eclipse: And we're here to put a stop-

Payback: Stop me. Blah blah blah. Cause your heroes and I'm a villain. Blah blah blah. I'm leaving.

Brainiac: What?

Payback: I'm leaving. Too many unknown variables. Bye-bye! I'll kill you later Homelander!

Suddenly a ring appears around the two and Payback and Rexxie vanish into thin air as the ring raises from the ground over their heads. Police and ambulances arrive. Homelander was in a perpetual state of shock and horror, as he was now just some shmuck in a suit, he was being carted away by medics, who tended to those still alive. Police were giving him glares.

Fabulous Eclipse: Well that was a bust, our first day as heroes and we failed.

Brainiac: His retreat was unforeseen, he was wise, he didn't know anything about us so he fled to learn more. I'd do the same.

Fabulous Eclipse: (pouts) Could've at least fought us... Wasted so much time putting this on...

Brainiac: We should go home now.

Fabulous Eclipse continues to pout about how much of a waste it was time this was. Brainiac pressed two buttons and the two vanished.


Location Change: Royal Woods.

At a home in the suburbs of Royal Woods, Fabulous Eclipse and Brainiac were walking up to the house. But now, Fabulous Eclipse was wearing a larger version of her seafoam green and white dress, black stretchy pants, and green heel shoes.

Brainiac was now wearing glasses, was wearing a green sweater with a zigzag pattern on the upper arms and chest, brown pants, and shoes.

Fabulous Eclipse: Hey Lisa?

"Lisa": Yes, Leni.

"Leni": Who do you think that villain was?

Lisa: No clue, we were just called in randomly. Never heard his name.

The two opened the door and they were immediately approached by a woman. She was a slightly tall woman with fair skin, wide blonde hair, light blue eyeshadow, and a beautiful figure. She wears pearl earrings & necklace, was wearing a light blue sweater with the midriff exposed, black jeans, and brown boots.

Leni: Hey, Lori!

Lori: So how was your first mission?

Leni: We saved Homelander, but we barely even got to show our powers.

Lisa: That is not the point, I have something to tell the others.

Leni: How are the others?

Lori: Lynn and Luna are a bit pissy cause they had to sit this one out.

"Lynn": I Still Don't Get Why!!

Lisa: It was a strategy!

Lynn then reared around the corner.

Lynn was a slightly short woman with fair skin and freckles, the same brown hair in a ponytail style, and feminine & strong athletic figure. She had her ears pierced, was wearing a white & red sleeveless jersey with the number one on it, red wristbands, red shorts, white and red socks, and sneakers.

Lynn: Your strategy blows! We should've charged him head-on!

Lisa: And this is why I'm the strategist and your the bruiser. You do what I say.

Lynn growls and goes back where she was. The three entered the living room and found other girls there too, talking about various things.

Lori: Luna! Headphones Out! Luan! Put the prank stuff away! Lucy! Put the book up and send the demon home! Lola and Lana! Different sides of the room! 

Luna was a slightly tall woman with fair skin and freckles, short brown hair in a pixie cut, and a slight pear-shaped, bottom-heavy figure. She wears paperclip earrings, neck & wrist accessories, was wearing a dark purple open jacket, a regular purple & black shirt underneath, a studded belt, blue jeans, and black & white sneakers.

Luan was a slightly short woman with fair skin and freckles, the same brown hair in a ponytail style, and a feminine & strong athletic figure. She had her ears pierced, was wearing a white & red sleeveless jersey with the number one on it, red wristbands, red shorts, white and red socks, and sneakers.

Lucy was a slightly short teenage girl with pale skin, slightly long black hair with bangs covering her eyes, and a slender yet graceful figure. She was wearing a dark gray sweater, black shorts with white side stripes, black and white striped leggings, and black boots.

Lola was a slightly short teenage girl with fair skin, a gap between her front teeth, long flowing blonde hair, pink eyeshadow, and a beautiful figure. She wears pearl earrings, was wearing a pink shirt, a diamond belt, blue jeans, and pink heels.

Lana was a slightly short teenage girl with fair skin, a gap between her front teeth, slightly short & messy blonde hair, and a slight athletic yet feminine figure. She was wearing a tattered & fur sleeveless green shirt with the midriff exposed, bandages wrapped around her arms, a fur and tattered brown dress, and bandages wrapped around her legs.

Everyone did what Lori told them, Lucy sighed as she waved a demon she had summoned goodbye.

Lisa: Siblings. I've gathered you here today to discuss the new villains.

Lynn: I thought there were only two that were attacking Vought International? This Payback guy and some chick that was with him.

Lisa: That was as many as we've heard about but actually it wasn't just those two. I've only gathered info on a few so please be warned that this isn't all of them. 

Lisa pulled out a remote and lowers a projector from the ceiling. It first shows an image of Ava.

Lisa: This is Ava Cross. She's from a family believed to be a family of mystics & martial artists, Ava has trained her body and mind to be in perfect fighting shape while living in peace. But the hero named, "Gothpire" forced them to leave their land after they were found committing cultish actions.

Lucy: A sad reminder about the passing of a good hero.

Lola: How'd she get Compound V?

Lisa: Remember the "Mystics" part? She didn't, she's part demon. (The sisters gasped and Lucy smiles) That cane sword she's carrying is a cursed weapon that turns the user into a demon. She used this to kill Goothpire.

Lucy: (thinking) Mental note, take sword when I beat her.

Leni: Woah! So magic is real!

Lisa: Yes, moving on.

Lisa pressed another button and a picture of Abe appeared.

Lynn: A wood man?

Lucy: Looks more like a Trent, a magical wood-based monster.

Lisa: Abe Applecider, he's a Trent that's been around for 30,000 years. He was the previous owner of Abe's Applecider, the biggest international Apple Product company in the world. Until Vought International bought the land to produce Compound V.

Lynn: Ha! I could take this guy easy! On flame is all I need!

Lynn's hand starts to warm up until Lori smacked her upside the head for doing that on the couch.

Lisa: His trees were known to be inflammable. So it stands to reason that he isn't affected by fire either. Next.

Lisa then shows an image of Esmerelda.

Luna: I'm conflicted on this. She's hot but she's also scary.

Lucy: I'd smash.

Luan immediately stopped herself from choking on her drink.

Lisa: Esmerelda Mirnichich Ebonfire the 203th. Born of one of the many branching families of Count Dracula.

Lynn: That guy is real!?

Lucy smiled widely.

Lisa: My intel states she's about 10 thousand years older than Abe. Esmerelda was one of few Immortal Vampires. Traveling from place to place to ensure the well-being of her family's many mansions. She's a villain cause Vought bought the land of one of her family's manors and destroyed it to build a statue.

Lana: That's hanging on to the past taken to the extreme.

Lucy: You think she could turn me into a Vampire?

Luna: She'd kill you before that happens, dude.

Lisa: Yes, I don't have any intel on the ones who killed Black Noir or Payback. But...

Luan: But...?

Lola: You did something illegal, didn't you?

Lisa nods pressed a button, showing a picture of Rexxie.

Lisa: This person named Rexxie is a Test Tube child made to test out new ways to create Supes.

Lana: If she's a Hero Experiment, how'd she become a villain?

Lynn: How does she even have a personality?

Lisa: The nanomachines used to give her powers were killing her, Payback had saved her and she follows Payback without hesitation. She's the one who turned Homelander into a normal person, she's the most dangerous out of all of them.

Lori: (gets a message) Crap! Looks like they are at it a- (sees the message) Holy... Payback, just nuked Toronto!

Lisa opens a laptop.

Lisa: Looks like he didn't stop at Toronto.

Lisa turns the laptop to the sisters to see a video of Payback piledriving a nuclear bomb onto the White House. The video ended with Payback laughing into the camera, protected by him and still attached to the charred arm of the dead guard.

Lori: We literally need to catch this guy quick...

That's all for this chapter! Bye!
