
"We should head out," Said Coach Ukai after the team had circled around. Everyone stared ahead of them in shattering, blatant defeat. "Seijoh will be going to the quarter final after their little break."

Reo turned her head, watching as a new team entered the court chanting- looking as ready as ever.

"How are you, Reo?" Coach asked her as the others looked. They had wanted to ask her the same question, but couldn't muster up the feeling behind it.

She only nodded adamantly, tears welling up in her eyes as she looked away from him. If she spoke, she would probably sob.

Before they all left the hall, she threw one last look back at her family who were still sat. Tendō looked as if he was frozen, his face knotted into one of anger as he sat as far away from his parents as he could, perched on the edge of his seat.

"Okay, let's go eat." Coach Ukai exclaimed as he turned around, "Don't worry, my treat of course."

Daichi tilted his head in confusion, "What? You're treating us? But Sir, we-"

"Just do as I say, and eat."

Coach Ukai lead them to a small restaurant where the team huddled around a large table filled with mouth watering food and drink. It was just what they needed after a game, yet part of Reo felt guilty for eating, as if she didn't deserve it.

"Sorry to drop in so late." Ukai apologised to the lady who worked there, bowing.

"Not at all," She grinned, "This used to be the norm for you, remember?"

Ukai turned back to the volley ball club, who were all sat at the table looking up at him.

"You kids worked really hard out there today. All that strenuous activity has warn down your muscles. By now you're all probably in pretty bad shape. You recover by eating. It's how you gain muscle mass." He sat down with them, "This will make you stronger. Now dig in."

They glanced at each other, solemnly before putting their hands together.

"Thanks for the food." They all mumbled before slowly picking up their bowls and digging in.

They ate in silence, the only sounds that could be heard was that of the cutlery.

'So this is it.' Reo pondered as tears slowly escaped her eyes, 'This is the last I will see of Karasuno.'

At that thought, she put her bowl down and just looked around her, wiping her eyes. She watched as everyone silently cried, sniffling into their bowls with the occasional hiccup.

She looked at Tanaka. The one who had welcomed her with open arms and brought her out of her shell within seconds.

She looked at Noya. The one who she had been best friends with since childhood- who showed her what it was like to be friends with someone for the first time.

Her eyes then travelled to Kageyama, who she had walked to class with every day and slowly built a trusting bond with. Sometimes, he seemed to know what Reo was feeling before even she did.

And then Hinata, who was inhaling his food, his tears surrounding the bowl. She smiled slightly as she remembered how he would always make her smile. This is the first time she'd seen him cry.

This is the first time she'd seen any of her friends cry, in fact. And the last time she would see them.

Without speaking, she stood up from the table and walked over to Coach Ukai. She didn't want to bask around in their sadness. She didn't want her last moments with them to be this sad.

"Coach?" She whispered as she passed him. She didn't have to say anything else as he followed her out of the restaurant.

"What's up?" He asked.

"I'm leaving." She spoke, her words solid and final.

"Oh, well that's okay. I'll save some food for you if you-"

"No. I mean I'm leaving Karasuno."

He paused, and he stammered over his next words as he tried to process what she had said, taking a small step back in surprise. She used his shock to her advantage and continued speaking.

"The thing is, my parents have always wanted me to take over my fathers business branch in London, and they have a job over there now. Yesterday, they said that if I prove to them that I have a future in volleyball by winning this match then I could stay. But if we lost..."

Coach Ukai looked down at her, lost for words. She had never seen him look more disappointed than he did in that moment.

"Please don't tell them straight away. If they try and say goodbye I don't know what i'd do." She deadpanned, "Just tell them I..." She struggled to find the words. What would she say to them?

It's not like she could just turn around and say: 'Hey guys! Just wanted to let y'all know that I'm not real, and I expire in one hour. I'm actually a CIA backed psychological operation. Thank you for all the fun and happy memories!'


"I'll let them know." He deflated, smiling sadly down at her, seemingly always understanding what she was thinking.

And just like that, she began to walk away from Karasuno's volley ball club, and she didn't look back.
