The Show Itself

The Legend of the Blade Crew revolves around the titular team of heroes as they get involved with various mythical creatures, all while battling the sinister Zodiac Groups.

The formula for the show is as follows: Start with a Zodiac Groups agent causing trouble for one of the Blade Crew's members at their job, and absorbing the resulting negative energies before transmitting them back to base, where their group leader uses the energies to create a monster based on the problem before sending the monster out to cause havoc. Meanwhile, the focus character discusses their problem with the rest of the Blade Crew, when the Monster Alarm sounds. The Blade Crew arrive at the underground Blade Lair, where Blade Boss provides a briefing regarding the new monster. With the briefing complete, the team head off to face the monster in town. They arrive quickly, and a battle ensues, with the monster using its unique power to come on top.

Back at the Blade Lair, the team has a discussion on what they did wrong and what they could do to improve. Meanwhile, the focus character gets inspiration from someone at their place of work, who talks of a similar problem they had and the solution they came up with. Enlightened by this advice, the focus character returns to the Blade Lair and reveals their idea for a battle strategy, which everyone agrees on. And so, everyone goes to the scene of the monster attack, where the monster still is. The battle resumes, with the Blade Crew using their new strategy to overcome the monster's effects before using their finishers to defeat the monster. Just then, the monster's second life kicks in, and they grow to tremendous size. With this development, the Blade Crew summon their Blade Crew Cars and jump into them before combining into the Blade Crew Emperor. The giant monster and the robot go at each other, with Blade Crew Emperor coming out on top with its Ultra-Slash finisher, destroying the monster. Afterwards, the focus character manages to solve their problem, which pleases them. Back at the Zodiac Groups, the current group leader thinks of a new strategy to beat the Blade Crew, while the others search for a mysterious object, and the episode ends.
