Chapter 1 (Old)

There was once a kingdom. In that kingdom were two princes and two princesses. Their parents, the King and Queen, left their kingdom in the hands of their children once they passed on. Prince Oikawa Tooru took the throne as he is the oldest son and took care of the kingdom as well as his younger siblings while the oldest princess — who is also the oldest sibling — was married off to another noble. Tooru loves his siblings dearly and would do almost anything to protect them. But today was a special occasion and he had to remain, calm and not sentence anyone to death or prison for looking at his siblings.

Tooru eyed the boys who were looking at his sister as they, along with Katsu, his twin, walked through the festival grounds. His eyes spotted Lord Iwaizumi as well as Lady Tellain and he smiled before calling out their names. Katsu immediately latched onto his betrothed before waving and dragging off a protesting and blushing Lady Tellain. Tooru chuckled slightly before looking at Iwaizumi who was talking to you. Weirdly enough, he didn't protest it like he usually would. Instead, he was fine with it. 

• • •

"(N/N)-chan! We're going to be late!" your brother Katsu shouted as he knocked on your room door. "Don't wanna be late on your first day!" your other brother Tooru shouted. You sighed and kicked your door making the twins jump. "School doesn't start until eight and it takes only ten minutes to get there by the train! It's six-fifty, you idiots!" You shouted. "I bet you aren't in your uniforms!" The two paled at your words before shuffling to their rooms to change. You sighed in relief and looked at your open closet. "Where the hell is my uniform?" you muttered shuffling through your clothes. You heard your door open and something was quickly thrown inside before your door shut again. You turned around and saw your uniform* on the floor. Your eye twitched. "Katsu, I swear I'll destroy your face!" you shouted. You heard a small yelp before he said, "Don't, sissu! Nikki-chan already hurts me enough!"

"I will do worse things if you don't hurry your damn ass up, Katsu," you heard a feminine voice hiss. Your head popped out of your room and you saw Nikolina standing there with her bag hanging off of her shoulder as she glared at your older brother. You tilted your head as you saw the older woman. "What are you doing here?" She looked at you before saying, "I walk with your brothers and now with you, (Y/N)." She smiled at you before hearing Katsu whine and she hit him with her bag. 

You giggled before going back inside and picking up your uniform off of the ground and locking your door in case your brothers came in. You sighed as you dusted it before putting it on. You walked up to your mirror and bit your lip as you looked at yourself. It was your first day as a first year in Aoba Johsai, if you got accepted. As usual, you were nervous since you don't know a lot of people and you didn't know if you made it. You only know Tooru, Katsu, Nikolina and your sister Misako. You do know of Iwaizumi but you never actually saw him due to your brothers practically dragging you away whenever the ace came over. 

"Oi! Shittykawa, are you done?" you heard an unfamiliar voice shout. You looked at your door before grabbing your schoolbag and socks before unlocking it and opening it. Upon opening the door you saw a teen with black spiked up hair and dark brown eyes**. He stared at you before tilting his head to the right. You stood at the threshold staring at him and at the same time both of you asked, "Who are you?" Yet again at the same time, you said, "I asked first."

"(N/N)-chan! Let's go— oh hello, Iwa-chan!" Tooru shouted as he bound towards to you two. Katsu and Nikolina followed behind slightly arguing about who knows what. You looked at your brother before asking, "Who's he?"

"And who is she?" 'Iwa-chan' asked pointing at you. Tooru looked around while whistling before shoving Katsu towards you two and running off. You and Iwa-chan stepped to the side to make sure Katsu wouldn't knock you down. "Onii-chan***, explain!" you told Katsu as you helped him get up. The brunette sighed before muttering something under his breath. You poked his cheek before saying, "Explain or I will take away your cat merch." He groaned before nodding. "Iwa, this is Tooru's and my little sister, (N/N)-chan, meet Iwaizumi Hajime, Tooru's best friend." You bowed at the taller male who nodded at you before saying, "All right. Let's go so we don't miss the train." 

Nikolina yawned as she walked passed the three of you and Katsu following after. Iwaizumi looked at you before walking off. You followed after slightly confused on why Tooru ran but shrugged it off and went downstairs to put on your shoes. You found the four third years putting on their shoes and Nikolina handed you your own shoes before standing up and saying, "Hurry up! I don't want to be late." She glanced at your brothers. "Again." You snorted with laughter as you slipped on your shoes. 

Once everyone was done, the trip to school began. It was filled with you, Katsu, and Tooru slightly goofing off on the way to the train station. Iwaizumi scolded the three of you for messing around like a mother as Nikolina paid for the tickets. In the train, you were mostly talking to Nikolina and asking questions. Your questions went from school to the volleyball club and then suddenly to Iwaizumi. The question suddenly slipped out so you didn't have time to explain before the older girl was laughing at your question about him being single. Nonetheless, she answered your question before asking one of her own. "Why do you want to know?" The hafu smirked as she waited for her answer from you. "Um, i-it just slipped out, okay!" you stammered as you looked towards the ground. Nikolina rolled her eyes as she went back on her phone. You swore you heard her something whisper along the lines of "yeah right". 

Not long after the train ride, you heard screaming girls. Nikolina quickly pulled you to the side as Katsu and Iwaizumi followed. In a flash, girls were surrounding Tooru with gifts. Your eyes widened at the assortment of girls. You knew your oldest brother was popular but you didn't know he was that popular. Nikolina laughed at your expression before poking your head and saying, "Yeah, he's a handsome idiot that practically has a harem." 

"Correction: he does have a harem," Katsu stated. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes before saying, "We'll leave him with his fangirls. Probably won't get out until they all show him their stupid gifts." You stared at the third years surrounding you. It seemed that they all hated your brother having fangirls. You understood why, despite just witnessing this for the first time. They all seemed loud and annoying. Some of their voices were high pitched which was not good as their voices seemed to get higher and higher each time they tried to call out Tooru's attention. The taller ones would push and shove while some girls were stuck in the crowd. Needless to say, all of the girls seemed crazy over your brother.

"Nikki, Iwa, and I have to head to our clubs to set up the festival," Katsu said as he ruffled your hair. Nikolina nodded before saying, "When the teachers bring out the board, check to see if you're name is there and if it is, welcome to Aoba Johsai. I'll be going now." The hafu spun on her heel and waved as she left. "We'll see you soon," Katsu said ruffling your hair again. "See you, (Y/N)-chan," Iwaizumi said before he walked off with Katsu. 

After literally waiting for a few hours and watching other potential students come in with their families, you stood with other students as you watched two teachers roll out a board that was covered with a sheet. Not a second later did everyone run towards the board, checking their names on each sheet of paper. You searched for your name as people from behind tried to push you to the side to look at the board. You grinned as you found it before holding onto your bag and running to the club festival. "Alright!" a voice shouted. You saw a tall black haired girl holding a silver baton. "Let's show these first years why they should join concert band!" You stood with a few others students and a few moments later, music filled the entire place. You saw Nikolina passing out flyers to join concert band with a boy. You gave her a quick wave to which she waved back to as she handed a flyer to another first year.

You jumped a bit as a paper was shoved in your face. "Join the art club!" she shouted. You smiled and shook your head before walking away. You sighed as you looked around for your brothers. "Onii-chan!" you shouted looking for them. "Over here!" you heard Tooru shout. You turned around and saw him waving at you while he held a stack of papers in his other arm. You immediately walked over to him. "Ne, (Y/N)-chan interested in becoming our manager?" Katsu said as he popped up from behind you. You turned around before saying, "Well, not really. I wanted to join the judo club and—"

"Please!" the brunette twins shouted giving you puppy eyes. You turned your head away from the pair knowing what those eyes would do to you. You would give into your brother's commands and they knew this so they basically did this on a daily base to get what they want. "Oi! What the hell are you guys doing?" you heard Iwaizumi shout. The two jumped and tried to hide behind you but failed as the vice-captain easily spotted them. "They're trying to get me to become the club's manager," you bluntly stated. Cue two dramatic gasps from your older brothers. "How dare you, (N/N)-chan!" Tooru shouted.

"Sold out by our own little sister," Katsu said as he cried fake tears. "How sad!" they shouted hugging each other and pretending to cry. You crossed your arms as you watched them. Iwaizumi glanced at you before handing a form. "Think about it so your idiotic brothers won't complain too much," he said smiling. 

"Ah, Iwa-chan, are you okay? You're smiling," Tooru said poking his cheek. Iwaizumi rolled his eyes and slapped your brother's hand away. Katsu poked the ace's other cheek and Iwaizumi slapped his hand. Both winced and muttered as they rubbed their hands. "I'm sorry about my brothers," you said to Iwaizumi as you bowed to him. He ruffled your hair before saying, "They're like this every day around me. I feel sorry that you had to put up with them for your whole life." You stood straight back up and nodded. "It's fine. I'm used to it too."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?!" the twins shouted. "It means both of you are idiots," Nikolina said as she walked over. "How rude," Katsu said as he poked her cheek. Nikolina sighed before saying, "Iwa-chan, you know the drill." She smiled at you before saying, "You'll get them alive. Probably." She waved as she dragged a whining Katsu while Iwaizumi grabbed Tooru. You stood there holding the paper Iwaizumi gave you. "What just happened?" you muttered.

A/N :

*This is how the girl's uniform for Aoba Johsai looks like. I could not find the artist but I would appreciate it if you told me if you know.

**I am going by how they looked in the manga instead of the anime.

***Onii-chan is the informal version of Onii-san and it is supposed to mean older brother but I'm sure that most of you know that already.

So I tried to make this as accurate on the first day of a Japanese school as I could because I love researching about other schools in different countries. Also, I wanted to try to make it as accurate as I can but I don't think I did seeing as there was not a lot of information about it online. I am sorry for mistakes in grammar and/or spelling and also sorry if my research was wrong. Have a good day or night, dear reader. 

Tooru: Hey! What about us?!

*sighs* Oh right. I wanted to end this peacefully.

Katsu: Love, don't be like that~

Katsu, shut up!

Katsu: Tsundere-chan~


Iwaizumi: Can we just end this?

Greet your fan girls first.

Iwaizumi: Tch, fine. *turns to look at you* Hello. 

Stiff much?

Tooru: Wow, Iwa-chan

Iwaizumi: Shut up!

Anyway, Haikyuu!! does not belong to me and I do not own you! So, see ya!

Katsu and Oikawa: Bai bai, little sis.

Iwaizumi: See you.
