Chapter 5

It was the day Reyna had been dreading. Willas Tyrell would be here any moment. Robert and Cersei made sure she looked her absolute best today. Her raven black hair was styled much like it had been for the feast back in Winterfell. Cersei insisted on making Reyna wear a dark green dress that pushed her breasts up, making them look larger than they actually were.

She stood at her window watching the Tyrell banners come closer into view, the book she'd been reading to try and distract her sat open in her lap. Her heart was beating so fast she feared she'd have a heart attack. A knock at the door only heightened her anxiety.

"Come in," Reyna called out, never taking her eyes off the Tyrell's below as they got closer and closer to the Red Keep.

It was Sandor Clegane who was ordered to bring her down to where she'd meet her future husband. The first thing he noticed was how sad she looked. Usually, she was as carefree as they come, but now she looked so heartbroken as she gazed out of her window. The second thing he noticed was how gorgeous she looked. Her breasts- gods, he couldn't help but stare at her chest.

Suddenly, Reyna turned her head to look at him. She saw where his eyes were focused and blushed.

"What can I do for you, Sandor?" Reyna asked softly. She watched as his brown eyes travelled from her chest to her face.

"Your brother's waiting for you," he answered. Reyna could've sworn she saw the hint of a blush crawling up his neck.

With one last look out the window, she followed him to the throne room where Robert was sat on the Iron Throne. Next to him stood Cersei, a smug look tugging at her mouth.

"You do look ravishing," Petyr Baelish, Robert's Master of Coin, whispered to Reyna when she passed him. "I'm sure Lord Willas will be quite pleased."

A groan escaped Reyna's throat. Robert ordered everyone out of the room. Once it was just them two in the room, he stood from his seat on the Iron Throne and lumbered towards her.

"Wipe that damn frown off your face," he barked. "And at least try to behave yourself. If all goes well, you'll be the Lady of Highgarden one day."

Reyna hadn't thought of that yet. Once she and Willas were wed, it wouldn't be long before she was forced to move to the Reach with him. And he was the heir of Highgarden. Once his father died, which some said would be soon, he'd take over his duties as Lord Tyrell and drag Reyna along as Lady Reyna Tyrell of Highgarden.

The thought made her feel queasy.

But, she didn't have a choice. Robert was king, and he had the final say.

So Reyna sucked up any sassy remarks that she could've said and nodded silently. Together, she and her brother exited the throne room and made their way towards the gardens where the Tyrells were waiting. Several members of Robert's kingsguard followed silently, and so did Sandor Clegane. She didn't know why, but the thought of Sandor being there put Reyna at ease just a bit.

However, Sandor was feeling the exact opposite of easy. The notion of Reyna getting married didn't sit well with him for reasons unknown to him. In fact, he couldn't help but feel slightly angry as he pictured their wedding which he'd no doubt have to attend since her nephew would be there. Sandor got angrier and angrier as he pictured Reyna standing in the Sept of Baelor in a stunning white wedding gown with that cunt Willas Tyrell next to her.

He'd heard stories that the Tyrell heir was kind enough, but Sandor knew from experience that all lords were the same. They cared about themselves more than anything or anyone else, including their wives.

I wouldn't be like that, Sandor found himself thinking. He didn't even know why he'd just thought that. The idea of marriage had never once popped into his head, but right now, as he watched Reyna Baratheon walk towards her betrothed it did. Sandor quickly shook the thought off, though. It was just his anger getting the better of him. He didn't actually want to marry her. Besides, even if he did, she was a highborn lady, the king's sister, and he was nothing more than the prince's loyal dog. She'd never in a million lifetimes see him as anything more, and Sandor was perfectly fine with that...right?

They soon approached a table overlooking the Blackwater Bay where three men and one woman sat. The woman was much, much older than the rest of them. Reyna figured she must be Olenna Tyrell, which would make the middle-aged man to her left Lord Mace Tyrell. That meant that one of the two younger men sitting across from them was Willas.

Her heartbeat sped up as they inched closer. Reyna hesitated for a moment, her feet unwilling to move any closer, but a hand on her shoulder drew her back to her senses. She turned and realized it was Sandor who was silently urging her on, trying to encourage her that it would be alright, but his eyes showed his frustration.

"Your Grace," Mace Tyrell said from the table. He quickly jumped up and bowed to King Robert. The younger of his two sons followed suit, but the older one struggled getting to his feet. Reyna remembered how Renly had mentioned that Willas was a crippled. She eyed her soon-to-be-husband carefully.

Willas Tyrell had short brown hair that curled around his ears. He was older than Reyna, but not as old as she had feared he would be; he looked only a few years older than Renly. He was dressed in different shades of gold and green just like the rest of his family was, but what caught Reyna's attention the most was the golden cane at his side. The way Renly had spoken about it, Reyna had assumed that Willas's leg was monstrous and gruesome, but it looked rather normal if it weren't for the cane.

"We've been waiting here for ages," Olenna said. Reyna gasped. The only people that spoke to the king like that were her and Cersei, and it usually ended in an argument. However, Robert let it slide this time.

"My sister spent a while longer getting ready than I anticipated," Robert explained.

Reyna felt the eyes of the Tyrells simultaneously turn to her. She tried her best to hold her head up high and look as confident as possible.

"If she spent so long getting ready, I would've expected her to look a little better," Olenna said.

Blood rushed to Reyna's cheeks and she felt Sandor let out a tiny growl behind her.

"Grandmother!" Willas exclaimed in Reyna's defense. For the first time, he addressed her. "I'm sorry about her, my lady. Sometimes she doesn't know when to hold her tongue. You look beautiful."

"T-thank you, my lord," Reyna said shyly. Willas flashed her a genuine smile.

"Well, let's leave the happy couple to themselves," Robert said. As he and everyone else started to leave,  he turned to Sandor. "Dog, stay here and watch over them."

Sandor nodded but inside he was groaning. He wanted nothing more than to be dismissed so he could find the nearest tavern and drink away his anger and frustration. Instead, he was forced to babysit the engaged couple as they made mindless small talk.

"What do you enjoy to do, my lady?" Willas asked.

Reyna thought about it for a moment, but Sandor knew the answer.

She likes to read, you dumb cunt, he wanted to blurt out.

"Reading has always been one of my favorite things," she finally answered. Sandor held back a satisfied smirk.

Willas asked Reyna question after question, and mostly Sandor knew the answers before she even spoke them allowed. Maybe he'd been paying attention to her for longer than he'd thought.

Suddenly, the atmosphere changed when Willas asked his next question. "Tell me the truth- do you want to marry me?"

Sandor watched the color drain from Reyna's face as she searched for the right words.

She settled on, "It's an honor to be betrothed to you, my lord." She was lying, of course. Sandor knew it, and so did Willas.

Willas let out a chuckle. "It's alright. I wasn't planning on this wedding, either, to be honest. Actually, I was planning on marrying another."

Reyna's eyes nearly popped out of her head. "Really? Who?"

Willas sighed and looked out at the water of Blackwater Bay. "Laina Flowers."

"Flowers?" Reyna repeated. "You wanted to wed a bastard?" She had nothing against bastards, but she was surprised that such a seemingly pompous man would love one.

Willas nodded. "She was at the tournament when I hurt my leg. Laina helped me heal, and I've loved her ever since."

"Do you still love her?"

Willas nodded. They sat in silence for a while. Reyna was taking in everything he'd just told her. He was just as displeased with this marriage as she was, but at least he was polite and truthful to her. Honesty was important.

"Have you ever loved anyone?" Willas asked unexpectedly.

Sandor's eyes suddenly darted to Reyna. This was a question he didn't already know the answer to. He wanted to know, though. He didn't know why, but he felt compelled to know the answer. Had Reyna ever been in love before?

She blushed before shaking her head. "No, I haven't."

Willas sighed and delicately took her hand in his. "I hope you do one day." He smiled kindly at her. "Maybe the gods will be good and have us learn to love each other."

"I think I'd like that." Reyna returned his smile, but Sandor's scowl deepened. He was getting more upset than he'd been in a long time, and it was impossible to hide it. One glance and Reyna's smile faltered, concern taking it's place.

"Sandor?" she asked. "Are you alright?"

Instead of answering, he stormed away. He knew he had to leave before he did something stupid and made a fool out of himself. But when he heard Reyna say she'd like to love Willas Tyrell, Sandor realized why he'd been paying attention to her more. Why he'd been so upset at the prospect of her getting married- Sandor Clegane had begun to develop feelings for her, for Reyna Baratheon, the king's sister.
