Chapter 2: Secrets

Meanwhile, in the village's Training Center... Cody is alone, practicing. He takes out his crown from his bag and sighs. "If anyone knew the truth... The runaway prince's true identity... I'd be sent away forever. I'd be punished. I can't let anyone know," Cody told himself. As Seth walks in, Cody puts the crown away quickly and zips up the bag. He turns towards Seth. "Oh, hey, Seth! What are you doing here?" Cody asked. "Did you hear the news?" "About what?" "Prince Jey and Prince Jimmy... They left the kingdom." Cody's eyes widen. "They left? What do you mean, they left?! They can't leave!" "Okay, well, they didn't exactly leave... The king banned them," Seth explained. "Oh. So that leaves...?" Cody trails off, unsure of the names of the royalty in the WWE Kingdom. 

"That leaves us with King Roman, Prince Solo, and Duke Paul." "I see." "But there's one more thing." "What's that?" "The runaway prince from AEW Kingdom has gone missing," Seth said. Cody's eyes widen. He was worried about this. How did the news get out so quickly? "Oh my... So he isn't coming back, is he?" Cody replied in a scared voice. "No. They said he took his crown with him." "Oh." "But hey, I'm just glad you showed up." "Really? Why?" "Your determination is inspiring." Cody turns away, chuckling. "Do you really think I'll be able to dethrone the king?" Seth looks at Cody. "I'd say so; why?" "I don't know, I just feel like it could be you. I think you're... The chosen one!" Cody bursts out laughing. "Oh, Seth, that's real funny! I am not the chosen one. How did the news get out, anyway?" "King Tony Khan of the AEW Kingdom issued a missing report for the prince. I think he's worried." Cody freezes in shock. 

"Cody? What's wrong?" No response. Seth waves his hand in front of Cody. "Hello? Earth to Cody Rhodes! You there?!" Cody blinks. "Huh? Oh, sorry, Seth." "Are you alright?" "I'm fine. I was just shocked." "I don't blame you, to be honest. I was shocked, too, when I heard about it." "Hey, Seth?" "Yeah? What's up, Cody?" "You know how friends tell each other secrets?" "Yeah, why?" "I have a secret to tell you..." Seth raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "Alright, what is it?" Cody takes a deep breath. He shouldn't do this, but... He trusts Seth. The prince zips his bag open and takes out his crown, putting it on. "I'm the runaway prince of AEW Kingdom," Cody said. Seth's jaw drops. "You?! You're the runaway-" Cody pins Seth to the wall, covering his mouth. "Shush! People will hear!" Cody whisper-yelled. Seth pushes him, sending Cody to the floor. "Alright, I'm sorry. So you're the runaway prince?" Seth whispered as Cody got back up. 

"Yes, yes, I am. I decided to finally flee the kingdom." "Why?" "I liked to explore, so I snuck out a lot. They didn't treat me too well over there..." Cody's voice started to grow quieter. "Oh. So what are you doing here then? Won't King Tony find out?" "As long as no one knows I'm the runaway prince, I'm safe. Will you keep my secret, Seth?" "I won't tell anyone, Cody. You can trust me." Cody hugs Seth. "Thank you, Seth..." Seth hugs back. After a few moments, Cody lets go and removes his crown, putting it into his bag. "Well, what are you going to do now?" "I'm going after King Roman." "Well, if you're going to do that, you'll need someone very familiar with the kingdom." Cody zips up the bag. "Yeah... But who?" Seth puts a hand on Cody's shoulder, smiling as Cody turns his head to look at him. "I'll help you." Cody smiles. "Thank you, Seth," Cody replied. And so the duo decided to practice wrestling together. They'll need all the training they can get to defeat the king.
