Episode 12

Taehyung keeps on looking at Jin's features until the four arrived to Tae and Jungkooks house.

Tae didn't want to wake up jin, so he carried him bridal style out of their car.

Jimin and Jungkook followed with a smirk on their faces.

Jimin took his phone out and took some photos of Taejin, while they were walking to the front door.

When the door opened, a maid was standing there and was looking a bit confused at Tae and Jin.

„Taehyung who is that?", the Maid asked.
„My future husband.", Tae said without thinking much and walked past her, still with Jin in bridal style.

Tae took Jin to his room and layed him down on his comfortable, king sized bed.

He wanted to put Jin into more comfortable clothes but he was too scared and shy.

„Should I dress him comfortable clothes? What will he think?! Ugh whatever I am going to do it!!!", Tae thought to himself.

He opened a little light, which is not too bright and went to his walk-in- closet to find some comfortable clothes.

In the end he chose his most favourite comfortable t-Shirt, which he is dying for Jin to wear.
And some sweatpants.

He went back to Jin and put his shoes off, then his jacket,then his pullover.

Tae started to blush  hard, while looking at Jin's body. Thank god Jin is a heavy sleeper, because if he would wake up now, he would think of Tae as some crazy pervert.

It might sound disgusting but Tae started to really heat up. His little friend (which is not little but just get what I mean) started to feel some kind of erection.

„Oh fuck no, ohhh FUUUCKKK no!!!", Tae started to panick.

He quickly dressed Jin with his favourite T-Shirt and sweatpants.

Then he ran to his bathroom and did his business. You know making his member go down again.

After Tae took a shower and was fully dressed, he quickly looked at Jin again, who was sleeping in his bed like a whole snack.

Tae looked at his clock and realized it was past 2 a.m..

He went to the livingroom and said his good night to the maid who was working for him and to Jimin and Jungkook who were currently laying next to each other and cuddling, while the television was on and they were watching some romantic movies and feeding each other with popcorn.

Tae went upstairs to his room. He tried to not make much noises. He was on his tippy toes. But it was too late. Jin woke up.

Jin looked really sleepy but beautiful at the same time. With his pouty red juicy lips he said: „Thanks Tae for letting me sleep here but I can just take the couch if you want."

Tae just looked at the movement of Jin's red lips. He stepped closer until he could feel Jin's warm sweet breath.

But then reality hit him and stepped a bit away.
„NO NO, you don't have to sleep on the couch. My bed is big enough and it's always cold because my heat is not enough to warm my bed.", Tae said with his famous pout to seduce people.

„Okay fine.. but just if you really want to."
„I DO!!!", Tae said a bit to loud.

Jin started giggling and made his way back to Tae's bed, he was still really tired.

Then Tae asked: „When did you wake up?"

„After I heard moaning in your bathroom.", Jin wanted to answer but he actually said. „When you went to the bathroom."

But then Tae froze. „Wait did you hear anything?"
Jin wanted to say no but luck was not on his side so he blurted out a „Yes".

Tae was now a blushing mess. He wanted to scream so loud now.

„Don't worry Tae," Jin said while cupping Tae's face with his hands, „You don't have to be embarrassed, it's a normal thing to do business like that.", Jin lightly smiled.

But actually in Jin's head Jin is screaming of excitement. „DID JEON FUCKING TAEHYUNG REALLY-?! WAS HE TURNED ON BY ME!!?!?!OMGOGMGOGMGOGMG"

But then Jin did something really unexpected and kissed Tae on the cheeks.
„Stop being so cute, it would kill your whole fandom if they could see you like this.", Jin exclaimed to make the moment less tensed.

„Then why aren't you dying right now?",Tae asked with a smirk, while his hand is on his cheek, which Jin kissed.

"You don't know anything Jeon Taehyung. I might be dying right now but you aren't realizing.", Jin said while turning his back to Tae in the bed so he can finally sleep again.

"Hey!! You can't die on me! You know that!", Tae said a bit angry and fake pout, he leaned closer to Jin and back hugged him in the bed.

Jin gasped when he realized the sudden weight on his waist. Tae was backhugging him.

"I won't, don't worry.", was the last sentence Jin said when he suddenly got turned around and Tae pushed his lips on Jin's.

I told you, my stories are trash
