
We cut to a white snowy planet and a big dome is seen and inside are a group of people the Kryptonians each of them wearing a white suit with different symbols on them. We then cut to one man.

(Ignore the baby and I don't own this art)

???: This is no fantasy no careless product of wild imagination. No, my good friends. These indictments...

The man then pulls out a giant crystal.

???: The specific charges listed here in against the individuals. There acts of treason. There ultimate aim of sedition these are matters of undeniable fact. I ask you now to pronounce judgment... on those accused. On this mindless aberration whose only means of expression are wanton violation and destruction. On the woman ursa who's perversions and unreasoning hatred of all mankind have threatened even the children of the planet krypton.

The man then walks around a group of people who are surrounded by rings.

???: Finally, General Zod. Once trusted by this council charged with maintaining the defense of the planet krypton itself. Chief architect of this intended revolution and author of this insidious plot to establish a new order amongst us. With himself as absolute ruler. You have heard the evidence. The decision of the council will now be heard.

male 1: Guilty!

Male 2: guilty!

Man 3: Guilty!

Zod: The vote must be unanimous, Jor-El. It has therefore now become your decision. You alone will condemn us if you wish and you alone will be held responsible by me.

Jor-El then moves his giant crystal around as the tip lights up.

Zod: Join us. You have been known to disagree with the council before. Yours could become an important voice in the new order second only to my own! I offer you a chance for greatness, Jor-El! Take it! Join us! You will bow down before me, jor-El! I swear it!

Jor-El then walks away.

Zod: No matter that it takes an eternity! You will bow before me! Both you and then one day your heirs!

Zod stops screaming as the giant dome opens up with them alone. Then in the distance a squared mirror flies at them and sucks them up. And flies away. Back inside the dome jor-El speaks to the council.

Jor-El: You cannot ignore these facts. It's suicide. No, it's worse. It's genocide.

Man 1: Be warned, Jor-El. The council has already evaluated this outlandish theory of yours.

Jor-El: My friends, you know me to be neither rash nor impulsive. I am not given.. to wild unsupported statements. And I tell you that we must evacuate this planet immediately.

Woman: It isn't that I question your data. The facts are undeniable it's you conclusions we find unsupportable.

Jor-El: This planet will explode within 30 days if not sooner.

Woman: I tell your krypton is simply shifting its orbit

Man 2: Jor-El, be reasonable.

Jor-El: My friend... I have never been otherwise. This madness is yours.

Man 2: This discussion is terminated. The decision of the council is final.

Everyone walks to one side as Jor-El stands alone defeated.

Man 1: Any attempt by you to create a climate of fear and panic among the populace must be deemed by us an act of insurrection.

Jor-El: You would accuse me of insurrection? Has it now become a crime to cherish life?

Man 1: Will you abide by the council's decision?

Jor-El: I will remain silent. Neither I... nor my wife will leave krypton.

Everyone then exits the room as Jor-El walks to his home. Upon arriving a woman walks out with a baby. Jor-El then starts to grabs some crystals.

???: Have you finished?

Jor-El: Nearly.

Jor-El then walks past a ship made of crystals. And to his wife.

Jor-El: It's the only answer, Lara. If he is to remain here with us he will die as surely as we will.

Lara: But why Earth, Jor-El? They're primitives, thousands of years behind us.

Jor-El: He will need that advantage to survive. Their atmosphere will sustain him.

Jor-El then turns and walks to the crystal ship With
Lara following behind him.

Lara: He will defy their gravity.

Jor-El: He will look like one of them.

Lara: He won't be one of them.

Jor-El: No. his dense molecular structure will make him strong.

Lara: He'll be odd.

Jor-El: He'll be fast, virtually invulnerable.

Lara: Isolated... Alone.

Jor-El: He will not be alone.

Jor-El then lifts up the crystal in his hand.

Jor-El: He will never be alone.

He then puts the crystal in the ship Lara then gives the baby to Jor-El who kisses him head and puts him in the ship.

Jor-El: You'll travel far... my little Kon-El. But we will never leave you. Even in the face of our death the richness of our lives... it'll be yours al that I have, all that I've learned. Everything I feel... all this and more, I... I bequeath you, my son. You will carry me inside you. All the days of your life. You will make my strength your own. See my life through your eyes. As your life will be seen through mine. The son becomes the father and the father, the... son. This is all I... all I can send you... Kon-El.

Jor-El the walks up to a green crystal and puts it in the ship and it activates the planet starts to shake as the ship takes off at high speeds. Krypton then Explodes.

(2 weeks later earth)
Above earth the crystal ship enters earth atmosphere and starts to burn up somewhere a couple is seen on a cliff watching the city.

???: So what do you wanna do Jonathan? I mean in the future.

Jonathan: I don't know. All I know is that I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I mean at least we're not like your brother.

Martha: Jonathan!

Jonathan: What?

Martha: That's my brother your talking about.

Jonathan: It's just a just.. hey look a shooting star make a wish.

Martha: I wish to have my own family one day.

Suddenly the "Shooting star" flies pass them as the look at each other.
