Chapter 9

I woke up feeling really groggy. Brett came to my room just after Damian left to drop off some pain killers that helped with the pain and the sleep. I went out of the room wondering why the house was so silent. I went to the kitchen first and then the living room. From there I heard a few high pitched voices followed by some groans and the sound of metal as they clashed. I followed the sound to the lower levels of the house. It was almost like a basement but not entirely enclosed and the platform where I stood on, was the balcony. I looked down to see everyone training. Archery, shooting, boxing, knife throwing, wrestling, sword-fighting, every possible activity to test your physical ability was there. This was probably their training grounds. It was imperative for each pack to have one. I looked at everyone around the battlefield and my eyes stopped on Damian. He was over at the wrestling ring with Jason. Damian was like a machine on overdrive. He was still in his human form and highly agile and aggressive. It was fascinating to watch his every move. There was something about his body that made me want to stare at it forever. "Don't clench up too much by seeing all these hunks shirt less" Haley remarked. I laughed. "Believe me they aren't my type". A sound came from the above speakers and everyone retreated from their positions. I decided to pay Delores a visit.

As I entered the back of the kitchen, an elderly woman was singing her heart out to Whitney Houston's 'Dance with somebody'. "Hi" I said and frightened the apples out of her hand. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you" I gushed and helped to pick up the apples from the ground. "No, no honey it's ok. I'm just embarrassed that you had to hear me sing so horribly out of tune" she laughed wholeheartedly. "I'm Laurel" I said and accepted the warm hug she gave me when she introduced herself. "You know what? I just happen to like that song" I said and started to sing a few verses. Soon afterwards she joined in and the two of us were dancing around in the kitchen with me taking the lead. We reached the end of the song with Delores in a bit of a dipped position. "You were supposed to be in bed" Damian's blunt gruff voice broke through Delores's laughter. He sounded like a strict parent whose kid was up late at night when he should've been sleeping. I didn't like the sound of that. "I'm feeling better" I said slightly pissed at his sudden concern. Delores muttered something about having to put the potatoes in the oven. "You should be resting, Laurel, you need to heal" He said a little bit softly. "What I need is for you to stop treating me like a child!" I said angrily. "I'm not treating you like a child" he seemed slightly amused. "You sure are". "How about this then?" He grabbed me by my hips, pushed me against the wall and kissed me long and hard and wild. A kiss that seemed to go on forever. He hoisted me up onto the counter and threw the bowls of food onto the ground. I might have heard a "Good Lord" from Delores. He pulled me towards him and wrapped my legs around him, grabbed my head and thrusted his tongue into my mouth. The wounds of the previous night throbbed as his body was closely pressed against mine. Suddenly he pushed my head away from his. "Still think I'm treating you like a child?" He said breathlessly and left the kitchen, leaving me completely stunned and slightly light headed.
