
26th March 2021

I don't really have much to say today, so I hope you enjoy this one!

When I came round, the first thing I noticed was that the air stank of mould and rot, the same sort of smell you would find in a cave that held a dead goat in - and yes, I knew that from experience.

Keeping my eyes closed, and staying as still as I could, I listened to the conversation between what sounded like Mrs Weasley and Tonks.

"What have you done to them!" Mrs Weasley hissed, "Nico looks dead!"

Rude. I always look like this.

"He always looks like that! Anyway, they are dangerous. They got into this house without anyone noticing, and without breaking the wards! They could be death eaters!" Tonks hissed back.

"Well, it's a bit of an over-reaction to hit them both over the head with a brick and tie them to chairs"

So that's what happened. Great. I was tied to a chair. This seemed a bit cliché, but they were wizards that actually use wands and wear cloaks. Luckily, me and Percy were sitting back to back - as long as that was his head. Although it was usually Jason who got hit by bricks. (Or hit on by bricks, which Percy and Piper like to say).

"We couldn't think of anything else! They are immune to all our spells!"

I decided this was a good time to wake up, and opened my eyes. The room we had been put in was small and square, and rather like a dungeon, with rusted chains hanging from the greenish walls. They both quickly noticed me and called all of the other people into the room. Harry attempted to walk in as well, but Mrs Weasley stopped him, and sent him upstairs, to where I assumed his bedroom was. 

"Why are we tied up?" I asked them. The answer was obvious (Depending on my mood, I would probably tie up some kids if they had snuck into my cabin), but it was funny to see Moody lose his temper.

"Because you weren't being truthful and our most powerful wards have been broken by two teenagers who claim to not have heard of the wizarding world." Snapped Snape.

"But we haven't." Percy said.

"Well we can check that, using Veritaserum. Severus, do you have any?" Remus said.

What was Veritaserum? The way they were talking about it, it sounded almost like some sort of truth serum. This could be very bad, as if word of the Gods and Goddesses got out, our world could be ruined.

"No. But I have a supply at Hogwarts. I can apparate there now".

"There will be no need for that," came a voice from the doorway.

Everyone jumped and turned towards it (apart from Percy, who was facing the other way).

The person was dressed in the most bizarre outfit. His clothes seemed to be some sort of weird loose dress. It was a dark purple colour with what seemed to be blue lace around the cuffs, hem and neckline. His giant silver beard was tucked into a belt around his middle and I'm pretty sure he was wearing red heels underneath all his clothes. His face was very wrinkled and his eyes were a bright blue.

"Dumbledore. I see you got my message?" Remus said. No wonder that the most weirdly dressed guy would have the weirdest name.

"I did. It is most peculiar that two teenagers have managed to access our headquarters".

"Well, we were just about to question them under Veritaserum. They weren't exactly giving us straight answers." Me and Percy snorted. We weren't the straightest couple. 

The old man turned to us. "How did you get in?"

"Well that's rude. Can we at least get a name before our interrogation?" I asked, an eyebrow raised.

The man chuckled. "Please forgive me. My name is Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore," he said, somehow keeping a straight face.

"Wow that's a mouthful," Percy commented drily.

"You can call me Dumbledore, if it suits you."

"I think I shall call you Brian," I decided. Sirius and Tonks erupted in laughter.

"I bet you haven't been called that since I was at school!" Sirius exclaimed.

"Well. Let's get on then," Moody demanded.

Brian - Dumbledore - produced a small glass bottle about the size of something I can't think of at the moment, filled with a clear liquid. At first glance, it looked like water, but it sloshed around more slowly, rather like watery ketchup.

"What is that?" I asked, trying to sound uncaring. I think I succeeded, but Percy could probably see - hear -  through my act.

"This, boy, is a truth potion. Named Veritaserum. It makes the drinker say the truth, and nothing but the truth." Moody growled, obviously glad to have taken control of the situation.

"Percy. Percy can you control the liquid?" I hissed at him in Ancient Greek.

Percy was shaking, possibly from fear, but probably from concentration. If I could see his face, I knew it would be pale. It always was in situations that could kill us.

"No I can't!" He said frantically, "What should we do?"

"I can shadow travel us out if the situation gets really bad." The only reason why I hadn't done that sooner was because it was unlikely the mist would be able hide it. Also we really needed that soul piece or father would get annoyed, and the wizards may expect us to come back.

Moody poured out an inch of the potion into a small glass. Before he started pouring out more, I quickly spoke.

"Can only one of us drink it?" I asked.

He turned to the others. "Well, either way they still have to tell the truth," Tonks pointed out.

"Ok. Which one of you is having it?"

Before Percy could open his mouth, I quickly said I would do it. As far as I was aware, I had never met Alethiea, the goddess of truth, abut Percy may have in his many years of the gods messing with his life, but it was more likely that they would be nicer to a demigod they had never met, than one that they had - especially if it was Percy. He had a talent for annoying the gods.

He handed me the glass. For a dramatic effect (I should have become an actor), I winked at the wizards facing me before downing the liquid.

Instantly, I felt more relaxed and comfortable. I felt more free than I have in a long time. That wasn't difficult though, because I could barely remember what my own name was, nor could I remember why a bunch of oddly dressed people were facing me.

I felt a fingernail dig into my palm and reminded myself of the situation.

"What is your name?"

No need to fight the truth serum for this one, I've already told them my real name.

"Nico di Angelo," I said in a monotonous voice.

Moody pursed his lips, obviously disliking the fact that I had told the truth earlier.

"How old are you?"


"How did you get here and why are you here?" He asked, finally getting to the interesting questions.

"Wouldn't you like to know", Percy muttered under his breath. We all ignored him and I refrained from kicking him (gently, obviously, we are dating). Not that I could with us both being tied up.

"We are here to collect a soul, like I said, and we got here by following my dad's instructions." That wasn't a complete lie, but I had to somehow avoid the fact that I could shadow travel, because they probably classed it as dark magic.

The wizards shared a wary glance.

"Who is your dad?"

Oh great.

"Just describe him," Percy hissed.

"What! Why?" I hissed back.

"Well, you can't just say your dad is a god. Just say something like his is powerful or...I don't know..."

"My father is a very powerful man," I said, hoping they wouldn't ask the question of ' what is your father's name'.

The wizards shared a troubled glance again.

"What is your father's name?"

Wow it's as if I can predict the future. I should become the next oracle.

"I can't say. That would break an oath we have taken and we would die." Well, not really, but it could happen.

"Do you think he could be the son of..."Mrs Weasley mumbled to Remus.

"I doubt it...He could be though..." he muttered back.

Sirius snorted. "Who would possibly want to have sex with Voldemort?"

Okay, I had no idea what they were talking about.

"Who's soul do you need?" Dumbledore asked.

Thank the gods they had stopped asking about my dad.

"Tom Riddle's - or at least part of it," I said. The potion had definitely worn off now, because I could completely say what I wanted. I was still going to say the truth for some of the questions though.

Dumbledore's eyes widened, "I knew it," he whispered.

I cocked my head. "What do you mean?"

"Have you ever heard of horcruxes?" He asked. Everyone was paying attention now, even Percy, whom I had a feeling he had resorted to counting cracks in the walls.

"Duh." I rolled my eyes, "We're here to collect one."

He looked a bit miffed at my answer.

"Well, the man Tom Riddle, now goes by the name of Voldemort, and he has made horcruxes to stay alive."

"What sort of a name is Voldemort?" Percy muttered. "It sounds so stupid".

"Yeah, this person gets it." Sirius said "Most people are to scared to say his name, let alone mock it."

"Yeah, but it's so mock-able," Percy was probably grinning.

Sirius laughed.

"So, do you know where they might be in this house?" I asked, trying to stick to the subject of our mission instead of the stupidity of Voldemort's name. Although that was a good subject too.

"I'm afraid not."

He was hiding something, I could tell.

"Look, if one of you is hiding the soul in your body, I can easily get it out. I've done it before."

Well, it wasn't exactly like this situation, but when me, Reyna and Coach Hedge were transporting the Athena Parthenon, a mortal boy had been possessed by an Elidon and I had sucked it out using my sword. I suppose I would just do it the same way and pray to my dad and Thanatos that they wouldn't kill the person as well as the split soul.

Dumbledore looked more relieved at that, but everyone else still looked confused. 

"Wait. Are you saying that one of us has a part of Voldemort in us?" Mr Weasly said, looking disgusted.

"Ewww! No wonder I have felt so sick lately," Tonks exclaimed

I concentrated on everyone's souls, which was very draining, but I was getting better at it. I could easily find Percy's because I have known him for the longest, and also because I could literally find it no matter where I was. And also because our souls have a 'special connection' because of our love for each other according to Aphrodite.

All of the wizard's souls looked healthy enough - apart from Sirius and Dumbledore's souls. Sirius' was fading, possibly meaning that he may die in the next year or so. Sometimes souls faded if the person was feeling particularly sad or depressed, something I had learnt after the war. Dumbledore's soul was also fading, but I couldn't tell what from.

"No. None of you have any of Voldemort's soul in you." I said.

"But does that mean the soul is in one of the children‽" Mrs Weasley fretted.

I shrugged as much as I could with the rope around my chest. "It's possible. But I can't tell from here."

Snape narrowed his eyes. " The Veritaserum had worn of, hasn't it?"

I grinned. "Yeah. It wore off ages ago. I'm surprised you didn't notice. Don't worry, I was mostly telling the truth."

"What do you mean mostly-" Moody growled.

Percy sighed. "Can you untie us now? I have cramp in my legs."

Remus looked at the others, and when they didn't say anything, he sighed and waved his wand, muttering something.

The ropes sprang away from us and turned to dust in midair.

We stood up and stretched. I walked over so I was facing the crowd of wizards. Percy followed and stood next to me. I resisted grabbing his hand, even though it was almost brushing my thigh.

"So. Want to show us the rest of the house?" I asked them.

Word count: 2,079

Song: Bob Dylan by Fall Out Boy
