Izuku Yagi was a strange boy.

When he was first born people noticed that aside from his deep shade of viridian green hair that resembled his mother Inko's own hair, he looked nothing like his parents or his twin sister. His sister Izumi Yagi held there father Toshinori's blond hair with streaks of the same green of there mother in a pattern very reminiscent of a certain Todoroki woman. 

When his father had noticed this he had requested a test to make sure it was in fact his child. The fact that the test said he was the child of Inko and Toshinori Yagi was bapheling for all parties involved, however all of this was before the child had even opened his eyes. When the new family had returned home and were about to go to bed Izumi had cried for food which Inko was happy to give her, but when she looked over to her other child, who's seldom requests for food worried her, she had finally seen his eyes. Izuku's eyes shone with a beauty that stunned Inko, it was as if she saw the beauty of the moon and the heavens collide to produce an ethereal blue that seemed to hold within it a vastness so indescribable.... it was if she saw Infinity.

When Toshinori woke up hours later and saw his wife like that he panicked slightly which startled Inko out of her daze. Ever since then Toshinori found the gaze of his son to be extremely unsettling, but he still tried to be a good father despite that.




8:33 am


We see in a relatively well of part of Musutafu Japan a not an entirely uncommon sight for this time of year.

"IZU! IZU! IZU! Come on you need to get up so we can go to the doctor to figure out what our quirks are!"

"YAAAAaaaawwwnn. Okay, okay, I'm up, I'm up. Now be quiet Izumi, we need breakfast first. yawn, what's mom making anyway."

Here we see the usual happenings of the Yagi twins birthday. However this year is a little different, most children get there quirks at around 4 years old and as the twins have yet to develop any quirk Inko and Toshinori thought it best to go to the doctor to make sure there was nothing wrong. So once breakfast is done they going to go find out what there quirks are.

"She said she was going to be making panckes and katsudon, so hurry up so we can eat and then go."

"Alright I'm going as fast as I can."

"Then go faster slow poke, he he."

Once Izuku was done getting dressed and the twins went downstairs and sat down to eat their favorite food, Inko popped her head out from the kitchen.

"Ah, there you are Izuku, I thought I was going to have to wake you up my self if you took any longer. Now come eat your food before it gets cold."

""Thanks Oka-san""

As Izuku and Izumi were eating their katsudon and pancakes respectively. Izumi thought it would be a good idea to tease her older brother.

"You know Izu, if your hair gets any whiter your gonna look like an old man pretty soon, he he"

"Hey I will not!"

"Now now, no fighting over breakfast and don't tease you brother Izumi."

"Yes ma'am. It's just weird that Izu has old man hair."


Shortly after Izuku's second birthday he had started to grow tufts of snow white hair that had gotten bigger and more numerous as he had gotten older, it has gotten to the point where he has more white hair than he does green anymore (see picture at the top). In the middle of this sibling fight their father had come downstairs to eat.

"Now now, stop fighting Izuku doesn't have old man hair so stop saying he does Izumi. Now say sorry."

"Fiiine. I'm sorry for saying you got old man hair."

"It's okay I guess."

After that small argument the family continued to eat there breakfast and have the occasional small talk and with a few laughs at a joke thrown here and there. Eventually when everyone was done eating Inko got ready to take them to the doctors office to see what their quirks were. Toshinori and Inko had their secret jobs as the number one and three heros respectivly so only Inko could go. After they said goodbye to their father and got on the road Izumi decided to start conversation with her big brother.

"Hey Izu what quirks do you think we'll get. I'm hoping that it's super cool and heroic like moms quirk, that way I can be all like. swish!vwoom!boom!"

At this their mother giggled at this silently happy that her daughter thought her quirk was cool even though she had only told her kids that her quirk attracted small object to her. However in all honesty Izuku didn't know what quirk he wanted, had never really thought about it that hard.

"I don't know what quirk I want I just hope its something I can be a hero with."


10:21 am


"Ya no he's quirkless, if you got dreams kid, it's best to give up on them now."




This was an outcome that no one was expecting. 




When they had first arrived at the doctors they were quickly called in. After an explanation was done on what tests they were going to run they had quickly started with a x-ray of the twins's feet looking for the extra joint and also a blood test Incase the quirk effected their skeletal structure in some way.

However after the test came up negative on Izuku, the doctor was shocked given his obvious quirks effect on his hair and eyes. So they requested more tests and even brought in a doctor who's quirk let them see other peoples quirks, this whole process taking over an hour. In the end the doctors concluded that the boy was quirkless and went to tell the family.

And after they told them about Izumi's strong telikinisis quirk that would awaken sometime within the next year the doctor told the family about Izuku's quirklessness.


Quite frankly Izuku didn't really care that he was quirkless. In fact he didn't really see why quirks were so important anyway, he had seen videos of people fighting villains quirkless 'if he remembered right they were called vigilantes', so he didn't know why the doctor looked at him with disqust or why his mother looked so sad and gave him a pitying look. He just decided to go and wander the halls of the doctors office.

As he walked the halls he saw the normal things one might find in a hospital. Doctors moving between patient room, nurses pushing people in wheelchairs or helping people in cruches walk, family's visiting their relatives, the ocational hero, and the monsters. 'There are more of them here' he idly noted. He hade seen them for as long as he could remember, a constant that would never change. They were hideous looking and tended to repeat the same phrases over and over again. 'is that all sir''would you like anything else''why don't you love me' they always say the same things with few exceptions. 

But one thing that was always curious to the young boy was the creatures reaction to him. They always seem so scared of him, like he was something even more hideous and nightmare-fuel like than they were. 

After a bit of wandering the halls his mother eventualy ended up finding him and as they were getting ready to go back to the car he thought his mother might know the answer to his question.

"Mother why are the monsters scared of me?"

"What honey? What monsters?"

In response to his mothers question he pointed at a few of the monsters peaking out at him from empty rooms.

"The monsters, they're scared of me. Why?"

As Inko looked to where her son was pointing only to see nothing was slightly disconcerting. 'He's probably just trying to rationalize the fact he's quirkless. Still it's a bit worrying.'

"There's nothing over there sweaty. Come on let's go home."


That's another thing hes noticed. It seems like he's the only person able to see the monsters, even when some of them are climbing on people's heads. 

After that the family went home with Izumi planing on how she was going to protect her quirkless older brother from getting hurt when they become heros.

'Can a quirkless person even become a hero.'




We see Izuku and Izumi walking to school quietly, carrying an awkward atmosphere between them that Izuku doesn't seem to notice, too lost in his own thoughts. Meanwhile Izumi is lost on thoughts of her own about her brothers quirklessness.

'What am I gonna do. You can't be a hero without a quirk, if Izu tries he'll get super hurt, he might die. I can't let him be a hero but how can I make him stop.'

Izumi kept thinking about how to get her brother to stop being a hero all the way to school when she met up with her and Izuku's childhood friends Katsuki and Katsumi Bakugo, twins like her and Izuku. Meanwhile Izuku went to the bathroom because he forgot to in the morning. Eventually her and the Bakugo's conversation lead to the topic of quirks.

"So, you and Izu went to the doctor to get your quirks right. How'd it go."

"Ya what quirks did you guys get. But no matter what they'll never be as cool as me and Katsumi's quirk."

The Bakugo twins shared a quirk that they aptly dubbed 'Explosion'. It allowed them to produce nitroglycerin like sweat from there body and explode it on command creating rather impreasive explosions for children so small.

"I didn't get my quirk yet but the doctor said it should come in in a little under a year. It's supposed to be a stronger version of my mother's but they couldn't get details."

"Waoh. Thats so cool Izumi."

"Yeah Yeah. But what's Izukus quirk."

"Well the thing is. The doctor said Izuku's quirkless. But he still wants to be a hero even though if he ever gets into a villain fight he'll probably die. I don't know what to do we need to stop him from being a hero but I don't know how."

"He's quirkless." Katsumi said in shock meanwhile Katsuki had a somewhat contemplative face on, which was almost unheard of for most of the Bakugo household. Until suddenly it seemed he had an idea.

"I got it. We just have to show him that he can't be a hero."

"What do you mean bro."

"Ya Katsuki what do you mean."

"We just gotta beat him up like a villain to show him that he can't do anything against actual villains."

"I mean I guess that would work."

"No we can't do that he'll hate us. I can't beat up my own brother."

"But this is the only way. He's to stubborn for any other option."

"My brother's right Izumi."

"I guess your right, but how are we gonna do this."

And so the three began to make a plan on how they would stop Izuku from becoming a hero in the worst way possible but also in hindsight the way that would make him the strongest hero and jujutsu sorcerer that the world had ever seen.

