Maeve had been spending copious amounts of time with the baby. 

It was adorable.  Watching her rave over the loveliness of their first child. 

Solas loves her all the more for it. 

But he was starting to get a little jealous. 

Not that she was spending so much time with Nicolynn and thus had very little time for him.  No.  They found time for one another in their own way. 

But his jealousy was in the fact that because Maeve hogged their child all the time, Solas was never allowed any. 

Still, there's a smile on his face when he sees them together, walking off the ramparts to greet him at the gates.

He'd gone to collect herbs for the stores and hadn't seen Maeve yet today, having left early this morning while she still slept.

"Hello, Da'len, Vhenan."  She puts the baby in his arms as he kisses her briefly. 

He smiles widely as his daughter babbles in his arms, completely unaware in her four month old way.  "You're so cute, wittle Nicowynn!  Yes you are!  Yes you are!"  Maeve's thin fingers tickle the baby's belly as she giggles and scrunches her little face.  

Solas watches, his face scrunching up as well at the sound of baby talk.  "Mommy woves you!  Yes she does!"   He begins to wonder why Maeve handed the child over at all as his insides shake with laughter.  

"You're mother's gone insane, Da'len."  He looks into his daughter's big blue eyes with a feinted surprise.  She starts a little, babbling more nonsense, her eyes widening at the pretend shock on his face.  

Maeve swats at Solas' arm and takes little Nicolynn's hand in hers, pretending to eat it in that playful way she does, attempting to coerce more giggles from the baby.  "Don't listen to him.  Daddy's being a big ol' grump today, huh?"  She makes a pouty duck face and shakes the tiny fist.  

Nicolynn only stares at them, completely indifferent.  

"Say, Daddy's just upset 'cause Mommy didn't play with him this morning."  Maeve takes the teasing up again but doesn't look at him, just continues to make faces at their daughter.  

Solas looks down at Maeve immediately though. 

"Daddy thinks Mommy needs a reminder in how to respect her Elders."  

Maeve's cheeks pink up and her ears blush.  

But Solas kisses the side of her face and lets the moment slide, content in staying by her side with their bundle of babbling giggles.  "She has no idea what we're saying, does she?"

"None."  Solas replies with that proud grin that he can't seem to shake since their little girl came into the world.  

"Oh, to be so young and oblivious."  Maeve sighs and kisses the space jut beneath Solas' chin as Nicolynn grins at them that sweet, drooling baby grin.  
