4. Later on

Harry didn't make it too far, though.

Because when he opened the door, she was there.

She was there in the corridor, bathed in the soft, golden light streaming through the nearby window.

His heart skipped a beat at the sight of her, looking as beautiful and as vulnerable as ever. In her short jeans, and that peach-coloured sweatshirt he hadn't even noticed she was wearing. Because he had been too afraid to look at her for too long.

They just stared at each other now, and suddenly he did not feel afraid anymore.

She swallowed hard and softly asked, "Where are you going?" as if it was just normal that she had been standing there for the past 20 minutes, just staring at his door.

"To find you," he said quietly, letting go of the door and taking a step closer to her.

He could see the relief on her face and tension leaving her shoulders.

"I love you," they both said at the same time.

"And I just.." but she didn't finish her sentence when she realized what he had just said.

"You do?" she said in awe, her eyes watering with relief, as he strode towards her and dropped his jacket to the floor, holding her face in his hands, he nodded.

"And I mean it this time," he said, making reference to all the times in the past he had used the three words to get away with stuff.

She looked into his eyes, trying to find signs of doubt or deception in them, but she found none.

He loved her. Still. That was all she could think of.

"I am not that girl anymore," she stated, sending shivers up and down his spine. He knew.

"I know," he said, scanning her face. "We fit better now."

She smiled at this.

"I am still stubborn, and I can be mean," she said apologetically.

He chuckled at her innocent expression. "I think I can handle that," he said, his thumbs caressing her cheeks.

"I am sorry. I promise..." she said against his lips, as he pecked her mouth "... I promise no more games," she added.

He smirked, looking into her eyes. "Well, maybe some games..." and she chuckled, letting the feeling of sheer happiness warm her.

"Kiss me already?," she asked. And he did, tentatively at first. But it quickly intensified as she found herself against the corridor wall, gasping for air.

"Cameras," he said breaking the kiss, his breath heavy, against her lips.

"What?" she replied, trying to catch her breath.

"There are security cameras; we better go inside," he explained.

"Oh God," she gasped, suddenly opening her eyes wide, the realization hitting her.

"What?" He scanned her panicked expression.

"This is going to be huge," she said, her voice trembling with fear and excitement as she tried to process the implications of their relationship being public.

"Well, it's getting there," he answered cheekily, smiling and looking down at his pants.

She followed his gaze and gave him a wide-eyed surprised look.

"Harry!," she admonished him, teasingly punching his arm.

He laughed and held her hand, picking up his jacket and walking her back to his apartment.

"I mean the press and the fans and everything," she continued more to herself than to him.

She came to a sudden halt as he stopped in the entryway, closing the door, and turned around to hold her in his arms.

Her eyes grew bigger in shock as more thoughts filled her mind. And he loved it. He loved that panicked, surprised and full of wonder expression of hers, 'cause it reminded him so much of the girl he fell in love with.

"It's going to be okay, love," he reassured, "what about we focus on ourselves for now, and we think of the details later on,"

"Later on?", she repeated absentmindedly, looking at him and circling his neck with her arms. He nodded.

"You're right," she nodded.

He held her by the waist bringing her close to him, looking smugly at her. "I'm starting to get used to hearing you say that, and I kind of like it," he remarked.

She smiled, chuckling. "Let's hole up here for a couple of days," she told him as she kissed him, and he hummed in agreement.

"We can discuss the details later," she repeated between kisses, her voice filled with determination.

"As you wish," he offered, his tone gentle, his hands running patterns along her back. "You're the mastermind, babe."

She kissed him again, and he held her closer, feeling his blood rush. With her in his arms, everything felt right, and he knew they would be okay now.

"I love you, Styles," she murmured, her words melting into his lips, causing him to grin.

"And I adore you, Swift," he whispered back.

❤️THE END (the beginning)
