Driver's Ed

Probably even more boring than school.

Driver's ed.

Staying in a class room for 30 hours during summer break, what fun.

Driver's ed in the long run seemed to go by pretty fast. The first day of class can make you nervous, you don't know anyone there or your trying to fugure out how to go to the bathroom without missing important stuff.

For me, I'm a very outgoing person.

I just said what I wanted, made people laugh, got my permit and made a lot of friends.

Most kids have driven a car. Likely down a camp road or in their driveway. So that's a little experience, but it is completely different than on the actual road.

My first drive I was scared to crap. I got in , adjusted the mirrors and pulled out. My instructor just chatted with me, if I needed to fix something she would cut in or hit her brakes. But other than that she just talked to me about things like a friend would.

My biggest issue was the lines. On a camp road it is very narrow, if you drive a pickup you're most likely riding the side of the road to prevent hitting other cars. When I was driving in the small little car on a public road, I was driving on the parking lane. Whoops.

It took me a while to ride the yellow line, and become comfortable with it. Also, and this is funny, I came to a red light. It turned green, but a ambulance and firetruck where coming. My instructor told me to wait as they passed, once they were gone I started moving forward slowly. She slammed the brakes. Apparently the other cars had the right of way? Whoops.
