Chapter 7: Unrescued

Here's a new update. I hope you guys like it :)

Riding the sleigh was still not easy for E. Aster Bunnymund aka Easter Bunny. At some point he looked like he was going to vomit, being the only creature who was not used to flying.

"How long is this going to take North?" Bunny asked.

"Few minutes, we'll be there." Santa laughed.

The ride wasn't making it any easier for anyone. Bunny can't seem to stay calm in one place, Tooth was worried about work and leaving her fairies again and North was loud as he usually was, singing Christmas carols throughout the ride. Meanwhile, Jack was unusually quiet and smiled to himself during the ride but then Tooth noticed.

"Showing off those sparkly whites too much aren't we?" Tooth said to Jack.

"Oh, am I? I never noticed. Jack replied with an unfading smile.

"What's gotten into you, eh?" Bunny interrupted.

"Nothing, I just-"Jack said.

"Jacky, met a girl!" Santa sang.

"Wha? How did-"Jack asked, surprised

"I can see it in your eyes, I can see it in your smile…"Santa continued singing.

"Keep your eyes on the way, North." Bunny said.

Sandy looked at Jack and told him in images that "Looks like Cupid struck you."

"You too Sandy? Come on guys. I-"Jack continued.

"Jack met a girl! Jack met a girl!" the group chorused.

"Fine! Just shut it. Haha. Okay, I'll admit it. I met a girl." Jack said.

"Oooh. Who is she? Is she pretty? Can she fly too?" Tooth asked eagerly.

"She's-"Jack said.

"Imaginary?" Bunny joked.

"Perfect, especially for guy like me." Jack finished shyly.

The others stared at Jack, surprised.

"Well, don't look at me like a bad guy." Jack stated.

"Tell us more about how you met." Tooth asked Jack.

"I'm sure that won't be necessary." Bunny added.

"Shhhh! I'm listening." Santa said.

"Ugh." Bunny said as he jokingly covered his big ears.

And then Jack told them all about his meeting with Elsa. He realized that although it was only for a short moment he told the story lengthily, although he spared the more sensitive details which he would like to keep to himself due to the fact Elsa was facing difficult times.

"She's wonderful. I mean, I never met someone I can connect with. She, Elsa, with her it was just like…magic. All throughout my life all I've done was to keep people cold whenever I touch them but with her there's like a fire raging inside me. Not that I'm overreacting but really, it's an inexplicable feeling of warmth and belongingness." Jack finished.

Sandy looking satisfied with his tale was dreamily gazing at Jack.

"Cheesy." Bunny interrupted but Tooth punched his shoulder.

"It was a lovely story Jack. So, when will you see her again?" Tooth asked

"I don't know. As soon as we finish this mission, hopefully." Jack replied.

"I hope you're all inspired with Jack's story cause we're here." Santa announced to the group. They arrived at a countryside manor somewhere near in mountainside France. It looked abandoned for quite some time because the windows were broken, some were barred, and the roof was missing some parts of it.

"Why here?" Jack asked.

"Pitch like abandoned places. This is one of them." Bunny replied.

Sandy moved closer to Jack.

"Don't be scared Sandy" Jack said.

But Sandy looked at him and told him that "I'm not scared. I think we just need to stick together."

The five Guardians went inside the manor. Although it was still early in the morning, it was cold and dark.

"Lookout for Pitch." Santa warned.

As soon as Santa said those words they heard a cry for help.

"Hello?!" the voice cried.

They quickly ran towards to the door where they heard they voice when suddenly the ground opened up and sucked them in.

"Aghhh!" they shouted altogether.

They slid down in the ground so swiftly that they couldn't bring themselves to a stop. It was a quick drop of about a minute or two and when they reached the end they found themselves on what looked like Pitch's new lair.

It was gloomy, as usual, and cold and smelled like a mix of mold and a sewer. It was no wonder he was the "Boogeyman", the name itself was just gross too.

"I wouldn't let you off that easily you know," Pitch said from somewhere around the room. "It takes out the "fun" in all things wouldn't you say?" he continued as he let out an evil laugh.

"It's funny how I made all four, oh wait, it's already five, five of you since Jack here already joined you. How precious, five guardians all in front of me, again." Pitch said.

"What do you want Pitch?" Jack asked.

"Me? I don't know. I just like to enjoy my existence, that's all. Well, not really. I still can't get over the last time we parted. It broke my heart. Really." Pitch said sarcastically.

"Get to the point, Pitch." Santa warned.

"I wouldn't like to spread out my plans. You'd think of me as boastful. Aww. But here's the catch, revenge. All of this is all for the revenge for me. Ha!" Pitch said as he suddenly reappeared in front of the five Guardians.

"Do you think I'd accept defeat so easily? No. Never. I'd always haunt you and I'd always reappear like I always do with the children. The world cannot simply live without the Nightmare King. The world would be bored! The world will always need some fear." Pitch added.

Moments after the Night Mares appeared galloping around the room.

"Don't worry, these are just old tricks. What's next will be much… grander. I hate repeating the plays I have already presented to the world. Don't you think so? It's just not my thing. But then, I have to go. I just needed to see you all, one last time. And so, the children await for my little experiment with them. Ta-da!" Pitch said as he rode his Nightmares.

The Guardians quickly followed him but as they nearly caught him up, there was a loud and screeching scream that deafened and slowed down the Guardians. The scream sounded like scratch of the glass, screaming little girls, cry for pain and chalk scraped on the board altogether. It was painful in the ears and it made them confused and gave them a headache at the same time. After a while the Nightmares moved their focus on them and got ready to attack. By the time the Nightmares were galloping quickly towards their direction, Pitch was gone and the battle begun. While Santa slashed through ever Nightmare, Jack froze them up. Bunny used his boomerang and kicked the dust out of the villains, Tooth was quickly flying around that you couldn't see what she was doing in beating the Nightmares and Sandy was using his Dreams against the Nightmares. It was a long fight and took them quite sometime because they kept on reappearing and they never seemed to get any less but at one point just as Santa slashed the last of the hundred, no Nightmare appeared any longer. Exhausted and tired, the Guardians just breathed heavily and stared at each other.

"What now?" Jack asked.

"We return for the voice we heard a while ago." Santa replied.

"But what if it's a trick or a trap? Besides, the voice we heard may not be there any longer." Tooth asked.

Sandy nodded and pointed out that "But what if it's Cupid?"

"Good point, guess we still have to check, eh?" Bunny decided.

And so the five of them went back upstairs and see the person behind the mysterious voice.


A few minutes after Anna left, Elsa was still alone and confused. A few hours later nothing seemed to take away the worry that she had when Anna dropped the news. She just sat down in her room in the Ice Palace while snowflakes fell.

"I'm tired but I can't sleep. This is nonsense." she thought and then stood up.

"Jaaaack. Ugh. Where are youuu?" Elsa said tightly to the nothingness.

So she went out of the palace and sat at the side of the mountainside. She wanted to create some snow bunnies but all that appeared where sharp icicles. She quickly gave up. After a while she saw Marshmallow, the giant snowman, returning from his mission.

"Are they far away?" Elsa asked.

"Yep. Threw 'em out as you said." Marshmallow replied.

"Good. Just stay on lookout if somebody dares to go near." Elsa replied.

Marshmallow saluted as Elsa retreated back to her palace. She never seemed to stay put at one place.

At the break of dawn Elsa was awakened from her short nap when she heard the ground quake. She quickly ran to the front door to see the commotion and when she peeked, she saw Prince Hans, some men and horses. Marshmallow attacked them as they did likewise but two men attacked to her direction she quickly ran to the top. She was scared and she didn't want the people to be there. When they caught her up on top. One man pointed an arrow to her, she didn't want to freeze him too.

"No, please." she ask of the man but the arrow was released, she was waiting to be struck down but it turns out she was shielded by her ice powers. She was surprised that she can defend herself and that these man only meant to take her down.

"Stay away!" she warned them as she used her powers to disarm them but they were too busy attacking her that she had no choice but to try and keep them down. After a while she caught one on the wall and an ice block pushed the other until he broke the doors to the balcony and the balcony itself. She was determined to push this one off the balcony but Prince Hans suddenly came, together with his men.

"Queen Elsa! Don't make a monster they fear you are." Hans warned.

She looked at Hans and suddenly it dawned on her "Monster? I'm not a monster. I'm becoming one, I thought that I can change."

Suddenly, Hans ran towards one of the men, the one which she pinned to the wall. He was pointing the arrow towards her and Hans aimed it up to the chandelier. The chandelier broke down and she ran towards her life while it break to a million pieces, afterwards, she blacked out.

Please review of you have time. Thanks! :)
