Jungkook gazed at the window that was open by a few centimeters to let in some fresh air. He felt a stream of cool air brush against his face. It smelled like earth and kind of like the ocean. He was completely zoned out until Taehyung brought him back to earth.

,,Thank god that we don't have to deal with furniture" he said and sipped some water out of his metal straw.

,,Yeah..." Jungkook paused then added "That's the thing about renting a place you know. For such a short period." He looked at his rice. He wasn't hungry. Taehyung noticed, but decided to ignore it, which Jungkook appreciated.

,,What's going through your mind, Kookie?" Tae put down his chopsticks and tried to gain eye contact.

,,What do you mean?" Jungkook mumbled not really focusing on Taehyung.

,,You're usually never this serious." Tae said and furrowed his brow as he ran his fingers over the wooden table. ,,Usually you'd already be out exploring, or maybe just sitting on the couch watching Netflix or playing Xbox. You know you-"

Jungkook cut him off when he stood up from the table and went to the window. He pulled the curtains to the side and pushed open the window until it gave a concerning squeak. ,,Taehyung come here" Jungkook said looking out of the window. Tae obeyed. He stood next to Jungkook and looked out as well, except Jungkook's eyes were fixated on something and Tae was looking around, trying to admire the nature in every direction. Jungkook put his hand on Tae's shoulder.

,,Down please, just a bit"

Jungkook and Taehyung were pretty much the exact same height, and Tae was standing to the left of Jungkook, which was the exact direction Jungkook was looking in. That made it a bit hard to see anything. Taehyung bend down slightly, but noticed the fact that Jungkook was focused on something, rather than just looking in general.

,,What are you looking at?" Tae asked curiously.

,,Can you smell it?"

,,Smell what?"

Jungkook didn't answer right away. Tae turned his head to look at Jungkook and admired his black eyes. They were illuminated by the light from the sunset. His skin looked smooth and golden. His eyes looked gold-ish too; maybe more of a chestnut brown. Maybe a mix. Taehyung snapped himself back into the world because of the slight concern from Jungkook's side. Jungkook was visual sure and auditory as well as being very sensitive to smell, but he usually never observe things like this unless something is out of the ordinary. Nothing here was out of the ordinary, this was just nature as they were used to.


,,Do you think there's a beach around here?" Jungkook asked without sparing Tae as much as a glance. His mind was obviously elsewhere.

Taehyung hesitated not in doubt but in confusion. ,,No? Kook, we've seen this online. You know there's not a beach for miles" he chuckled, and to make his confusion more relatable he added ,,We're in the middle of a forest!"

Jungkook parted his lips and furrowed his brows. He hmm'ed and licked the corner of his mouth before he closed it and looked down at Taehyung.

,,I suppose you're right" He sat back down at the table and Tahyung looked at him in awe while he ate his rice while humming. He switched so fast back to ordinary baby-kook, it's almost a bit creepy.


Jungkook peeled his eyes open as he felt soft cotton brush against the exposed part of his ankles, that his sweatpants weren't covering. He parted his lips but Taehyung shushed him as he dragged the blanket further up. Jungkook had fallen asleep on the couch just after dinner, and he just realized that he hadn't helped with the dishes.

,,Hyung, I'm sorry about not helping with the dishes" He said and streched out his spine as he lifted his arms over his head.

,,Don't worry about it" said Tae and sighed when he sat down next to jungkooks feet on the couch.

,,I'll do it tomorrow, I promise" Jungkook said and forced himself to sit up. He felt heavy and he just wanted to sleep. ,,Thank you for the blanket, hyung"

,,No problem. Are you sure you don't just want to go back to sleep?" 

,,I have to brush my teeth, and I'd bet my cheek scar that I'd wake up with a back as stiff as board if I slept on this couch." He patted the couch which was, although beautiful, very uncomfortable to lie on. The entire house was furnished with the aesthetics of the arts and crafts movement, and the actual house was from the 1890's, so it of course fitted perfectly. When showing the other 5 members the house, Namjoon compared it to the Red House in England. Jungkook looked it up, and sure enough, they almost looked identical, except the Red House was bigger.

Taehyung nodded ,,Yeah that's true. Let's just go to bed now then" he added that he was tired as well and then they headed upstairs. 

They brushed their teeth and went into their seperate rooms after saying good night and wishing sweet dreams on each other. After only 10 minutes Taehyung sat up in his bed. What was that? He swung his feet down on the floor. He sighed and stood up. He walked over the dark uneven wood. It was crooked and a bit rough on his feet like old wooden floors get over time. He opened the heavy oak door and stepped out on the empty hallway. He could've sworn that he heard something. It was completely dark in the hallway and the light switch was way behind him. He slowly walked to the stairs leading downstairs. He furrowed his brows and focused on listening. Jungkook was never up this late unless he was gaming or writing songs, but there was no TV, no Xbox and they were on break. Maybe he's upset?  Just as he had thought those words, he heard a sort of... growl? It was coming from too far down the throat to be a moan or a groan. Maybe he felt sick? Tae put his hand on the rail and headed downstairs. He made it into the kitchen before hearing the sound again. It was louder and it sounded like Jungkook. 

,,Kookie?" Tae called out softly. There was no answer, just more soft growling coming from somewhere in front of Tae. Taehyung was afraid that an intruder might be in the house. Then he would definietly not want them to hear him. It did sound like Kookie though... He licked his lips and called out a bit louder once again ,,Kookie?" 

The growling stopped and Tae's breath hitched. He stood completely frozen. I should've checked on Kookie before coming down here. He started sweating but at the same time, his fingers were vibrating as if he was cold. 


Taehyung felt something turn in his stomach when he heard Jungkook calling from upstairs. 


Shut up Kookie, for the love of God, please be quiet. He didn't call out again. The house had gone completely quiet. As if every fiber of it was listening. His mind was racing with what to do. Hide. Tae felt his right foot lift from the ground, then the left. He was surprised that he could even move at this point. He just had to get to the wall seperating the basement from the ground floor, then he would be out of sight. He was able to inch forward to the wall without problems, but that was when he stepped on the wrong floor board. Of course. A loud squeak emerged from the floor. Luckily Taehyung was able to cut it short as he quickly lifted his foot and jumped lightly onto the carpet under the chair on his right. He managed to get to the wall quickly get to the wall and hid behind a cabinet. He curled up completely and silently thanked his parents for not making him tall or broad-shouldered. The cabinet was slim, but he was able to hide there, and his black hair camouflaged him in the shadows as well as the dark green William Morris wallpaper. He honestly didn't know how long he sat there. It was a while, but probably less than 30 minutes when he heard the growl again. But this time as he was completely coherent, he realized that it was just the floor. Old houses make a lot of noises, so don't be afraid. Had the owner of the house said on the phone to Taehyung. He felt stupid now and cursed his sudden paranoia, blaming it on left over work stress and the old lady from the previous day. But I can't fall asleep now. He went upstairs again and instead of turning left to go into his own room, he turned right (right is always right, he thought), went through the door, looked to the left, and was met with Jungkook lying on his side with his phone. Jungkook gasped and flinched as he saw Tae just standing at the door.

,,Tae!" He moved his right hand to his chest. ,,You scared the living daylight out of me!" He chuckled. Tae didn't say anything. ,,Are you okay?"

Tae sighed and looked to his right out of a round window while chewing some imaginary gum, a year old habit. ,,Can I sleep in here?" He looked back at Jungkook with worried eyes. Jungkook sat up and turned on the night lamp on the bed side table. 

,,Tae is everything okay? I thought I heard you calling my name, like, half an hour ago" He turned off his phone and put it down. 

,,I'm just a bit creeped out. I thought I heard you groaning or... grownling even. I went downstairs to see if you were all right, but when i called out your name the sound stopped. I thought there was an intruder in the house, so I hid. Turns out, it was just the floor" He ended the sentence with a ironic huff.

,,I did answer you from up here, you know" Jungkook said after a short pause.

,,I know, and I begged every god and godess ever, that you would shut up" Tae chuckled.

,,I know" Jungkook said. Tae's smile turned into a confused expression.


,,I called out twice, and right after the second time the words "be quiet" lit up in my mind. I just thought, you know, maybe my intuition is telling me that you were sleeping and I should shut up" Jungkook shrugged. Tae looked like someone had just showed him proof that Elvis was an alien and Jungkook furrowed his brow at the expression. ,,W-what?"

,,What exact words did you hear?" Tae said slowly.

,,Well I'm not completely sure, it was more like a message, than it was hearing words or seeing them clearly, but something along the lines of 'Please Kookie, be quiet'" Jungkook said and leaned closer to Tae. ,,Are you okay Hyungie? Actually okay?"

Tae shook his head and rubbed his eyes. ,,Ugh I'm so sorry Kookie. I think it's just stress and everything"

Jungkook extended his right hand to touch Tae's neck and pulled him down next to him. ,,Yeah, I get it" He cuddled Tae just as they had done so many times before, when work was too much or even just if they were tired. It had often been Jimin who had cuddled Taehyung, but this time it was Jungkook. For reasons that might sound a bit selfish to some, there was a spark of joy in Jungkook. Finally he was the one Tae ran to for comfort. A cloud drifted by and let the moonlight in to lit the room up. A line of blue light hit Taehyung's neck, and Jungkook curled his fingers softly around the curve of the neck. He looked mesmerized at the contrast between his own pale hand with the black tattoo on its fingers on top of Tae's golden skin. It was like the sun and the moon as cliche as it might sound. 

,,Kookie," Tae whispered obviously relaxed by the presence and cuddling of Jungkook. ,,thanks for letting me sleep here" The bed was a bit small, and Tae would honestly not be offended if Jungkook wasn't really in the mood to almost fall out of the bed, just because Tae had worked himself up without reason. 

Jungkook told Tae that it was no problem. He told him that he could stay in here for as long as he wanted. What he didn't tell him, was how much it actually meant to him that he was willing to share this tiny bed with him, how much Taehyung actually meant to Jungkook in an almost spiritual way.

What he also didn't tell him, was that Jungkook actually knew exactly what what words Taehyung was thinking. They rang though Jungkook's ears. He could see them in his mind, white words beaming with desperation. Shut up Kookie, for the love of God, please be quiet. He could even smell the fear.

Lastly he didn't tell him, that he had heard the growl too when they were on their way upstairs to brush their teeth, and that it had sounded exactly like Taehyung.


Thank you all so much for reading my storyyyy! This chapter was quite long (
2260 words) compared to the other, but I really wanted to go into detail
I hope you like it and would maybe consider voting? I really love it when I get comments as well, so just SPAM all you like! <3
Have a nice day and stay safe from cor*na 

//Our youngest

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