Chapter II: The Beginning of Life

The new mother that was laying there, on the futon, motionless and didn't move a single inch. "Dear? Come see your daughter, here she looks so much like you-" he too got stuck in the tongue, both the physician and the new father froze like a winter breeze came through the window. Husband shook his wife but she didn't move or sit up, then it dawned on him what just happened. His wife, a beautiful, kind and sweet woman, who had just given birth to their daughter, had passed away after the baby was pulled out of her. As if mother nature knows, the baby that's still in the physician's arms cried. The physician gave the baby to the father.

          The father took the baby from the physician's arms and cried with the baby to show grievances towards their loss. "My dear, your mother was a wonderful woman that appeared in my life, and she looked exactly like you. I hope too that you grow up to be a beautiful woman" the father ends his small speech and thanks the physician for helping his wife give birth to an angel. "My condolence mr. Lan, i pray for your wife to be at peace" the physician said, as he too had lost someone dear to him, "mr. Lan, if you don't mind me asking what's her name?" the physician added. Mr. Lan looked down at his daughter who had gone to sleep, tired from all the crying, "her name is Lan Hua Xian, courtesy name Lan Hua Yue" the name was his wife's idea because she loved to watch the moon shine at night.

          "That's a really beautiful name, she does have a pale skin as white as a moon. She will grow to be a beautiful woman one day" the physician ended his small speech before getting up to tidy up his equipment, "tomorrow, i'll tell the chief about this event. rest assured mr. Lan" the physician said before he went back to his home. Mr. Lan also tidied up all and buried his wife's uri of maternity outside at their garden below a big tree that seemed to be already there when they moved here. Mr. Lan, after everything went back where it was before he moved to clean his now late wife. It's been like an hour but really it has only been one 30 minutes, baby hua just watch her father walking around after waking up from her small nap. She's awfully quiet as her father is still wandering around mindlessly, mr. Lan feeling as if someone's been watching turned around.

          There, baby hua looking at her father didn't move from her spot suddenly began to stretch her arms out waiting to be picked up. Mr. Lan walked to the small baby area that he had created to prevent her from rolling away and picking his daughter up. "You're strangely quiet for a baby, I wonder why" mr. Lan said to his daughter even though she wouldn't understand anything that her father said. Morning came like lightning, mr. Lan woke up and looked around and called out to his wife, but no answer. Then he remembered everything and started to feel disappointed again. He got up to wash but then looked beside him to see his daughter had already woken up and decided to bring her with him to take a bath together to save water.
