Night of the living virus

"Yes! Totally gonna make it to the final level!" Chase cheers as he and the other boys play Mental Chaos.

They're doing it so wrong right now and will loose! The game shows game over making me laugh at their failed attempt.

"I just wasted three hours of my life getting to that level. I'm never playing Mental Chaos again." Leo sulks as he sits on the sofa beside me.

"Me neither." Both Chase and Adam agree.

"Again!" They all shout as they jump up and start a new game.

"Leo, will you stop playing that game? It is nothing but a huge time-waster that is going to rot your brain," Tasha scolds as she walks into the room.

"Ooh, Mental Chaos! I got next!" Davenport shouts as he runs in from upstairs and jumps over the couch.

"Donald! I was just telling Leo that he's playing too much." Tasha tells Davenport.

"Huh, you're telling me. He almost beat my high score." Davenport agrees like a child.

"But he'll never beat mine!" I say as I stand up.

"That's cause you completed every video game in the house and hold all the high scores." Davenport tells me with annoyance on his face.

"And don't you ever forget it." I point to him.

"I'm just saying, this game is affecting him. Last week he tried to pause me. Twice!" Tasks complains making me laugh.

"That'd really come in handy." Davenport laughs but when he notices his wife's glare he corrects himself, "If it wasn't so wrong. Okay. Leo, what else are you interested in?" He failed.

"Well, I keep telling you I'd love to work with you in the lab." Leo perks up.

"Yeah, and I keep telling you I don't wanna die in a fiery explosion." Totally failed.

"Donald, this is perfect! Leo wants to be like you, and you love you." Tasha tells her husband knowing how big an ego he has.

"But the lab is where I go to investigate the complex mystery that is me." Davenport tries to challenge.

"Well, now you can investigate the complex mystery that is Leo." Tasha uses his words agains him.

"I'm deep, baby." Leo says to Davenport.

"But he's gonna touch all my stuff!" Davenport whines until he sees Tasha's face, "Fine! You can be my... lab assistant."

"I prefer scientific liaison." Leo tries to make it better.

"Yeah, how about vice president of stop talking before you blow it?" Davenport says.

"Well, if love to hear how this plays out but I'm gunna go get my ears pierced." I stand up.

"Emily, I told you I'm not paying for you to have your ear-" Davenport starts.

"I got a job, I'm paying." I interrupt.

"You got a job? Where?" He asks.

"At some Tech store. See ya!" I say as I leave the house.

I teleport to the mall and go into Boots and pay for my ears to be pierced.

"Emily?" A lady says as she comes out her room to see me.

"Yep, that's me." I stand up and follow her into one of the rooms.

"Okay, so, are you just getting the main lobe piercing?" The lady asks me.

"There are more?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yeah, you don't just have the main lobe," she hands me a laminated piece of paper, covered in names and pictures of all the places you can pierce your ear, " and you don't just have to get your ears done. You can do your nose, tongue, belly buttons, there are others but these are the most popular." She tells me.

"Oh, this might take a while." I smile.

She shows me the ones that are the most common and tells me how much it'll hurt but come on, I'm bionic it can't hurt that bad. I choose the earrings I want and she does it, I walk out with some new piercings (after paying of course) and teleport back home.


"Hey, I thought I told you guys to get lost. The coolest girls in school are coming for a sleepover, and I don't want this place smelling like feet and pickles." I hear bree shout as I open to door, I'm greeted by Adam and Chase still playing video games.

"Well, not me. I'm armpits and onions." Adam sasses after smelling himself.

"Hey, why does she get to have a party?" Chase asks Tasha.

"Because she needs to socialize more with girls so she'll stop challenging random strangers to loogie contests." Tasha explains.

"Ahem! I'm a girl." I say offended as I walk over to the kitchen.

"Really? Are you?" Davenport mocks.

"Aw, but she's the champ!" Adam defends her.

"She has had some epic hang times." Chase adds.

"You gotta work up a green one. They're meatier." Bree tells us.

"That's my little princess." Davenport says awkwardly.

"What about me?" I ask Davenport.

"Sure, you can be a princess." Davenport says.

"Princess? P-lease. I'm the Queen." I sass making the boys laugh.

"So, I have watched every slumber party movie ever made. We're gonna have a pillow fight, we're gonna put cucumbers on our eyes, and then we're gonna shave Francesca's legs. Her knees have eyebrows." Bree tells Tasha and me, I can tell my face looks disgusted.

"I know her. Every time she sits, she looks surprised." Chase points out.

"I can't believe she doesn't want us at her party. I so wanted to shave my initials into Francesca's leg hair!" I hear Adam complain to Chase on the other side of he kitchen.

"We'll be at that party... 'Cause you and I are gonna do what all the boys in every one of Bree's stupid slumber party movies do-- prank the girls! We are totally gonna sabotage that party! Whoo!" Chase tells him and they cheer.

"That is so not what the boys do in the movies." I tell them before walking over to Bree and sitting with her on the couch.

"Do you want me to leave?" I ask, "I can keep the boys out if you want?" I suggest.

"Nah, you can stay." Bree smiles.

"Thanks." I smile.

"Ooh, are these your new earrings?" She asks as she reaches for my ear.

"Yeah." I smile before showing her my new ear piercings.

"They're so cool but Davenport might not like the fact you didn't just get one." Bree warns me.

"Who cares what he says? He isn't part of this generation." I say ask she laughs.

The doorbell rings and Tasha walks over.

"Oh, my gosh! They're here! I hate my outfit!" Bree squeals before super speeding upstairs, super speeding back down in something different.

"Worse!" She shouts.

She does the same thing again but this time she thinks it's, "Better."

"Yeah, I'm never gonna get used to that." Tasha mumbles.

"You will." I mumble.

Bree opens the door to the one and only Stephanie, "Hi, I'm so-" Bree starts but is interrupted when Stephanie shoves her stuff at Bree.

"Sick house. Totally huge, insane views, and it looks down at all the renters. Okay, girls, you can come in." Stephanie says satisfied with the house. What a bi- I mean female dog.

"Hi! Thanks for coming!" Bree says to the other girls entering the house.

"We were gonna go to Caitlin's, but her house is a dump compared to this." Stephanie comments once everyone is in the room.

"I'm getting a pool." Caitlin defends.

"In ground or above?" Stephanie asks.

"Above." She replies excited.

"Oh, nice, an outdoor bathtub. We might as well just go to the city pool." Stephanie sasses.

"Hi Stephanie." I greet.

"Oh, the loser lives here." She says all stuck up with her big nose pointed in the air. That's it, we are officially no longer friends.

"Pillow fight!" Bree shouts as she smacks Stephanie in the face with the pillow, making her fall into the couch. I cannot help but laugh, paybacks a bi-female dog.

"Did you just hit me with that pillow?!" Stephanie sasses.

"Yeah, and you just totally ate that couch!" Bree laughs.

"Okay, if you're gonna get all weird, we need to pull the drapes." Stephanie yells.

"Well, if we're not gonna have a pillow fight, what are we gonna do?" Bree asks confused.

"Duh. We're gonna take pictures of ourselves having fun and send them to the girls we didn't invite." Stephanie tells us.

"That's just mean." I say as the boys come over, Chase wearing a fake right arm.

"Hello, ladies. May I offer you a healthy and delicious snack?" Chase asks.

"Yes. Care for a horse "Da-ver-ver"?" Adam asks.

"Ugh. I don't feel so good." Chase mumbles before his hand comes out his jumper and moves around. All the girls scream and Adam jumps behind me.

"It's alive! It's coming out of his chest!" Adam panics like a baby.

"Adam, we've been over this. It's a prank! I don't really have three arms!" Chase tells him.

"I know, but it looks so real!" Adam retorts.

"Come on." Chase grabs Adam and they walk out the room.

"How about we all change into our pyjamas?" I suggest.

"Yeah." Everyone agrees. We all change into our pyjamas but mine are in the lab so I sneak away to 'my room' amd teleport down to the lab to change only to find Davenport trapped in Chase's capsule which is slowly filling up with pellets.

"What is going on here?" I shout, attracting Leo's attention away from Davenport.

"Leo let a virus into my mainframe and now Teddy has taken over the whole house!" Davenport shouts over the noise of the pellets.

"I gotta get you out of there! I know! I'll break the glass!" Leo takes initiative but fails to break the glass when he kicks it because ITS NOT GLASS! Leo calls out in pain as his foot bounces off the capsule.

"It's not glass. It's a highly flexible industrial-grade polymer designed to withstand a missile hit." Davenport explains but can't hide his bragging tone.

"Oh. You got a missile?" Leo asks as i run over to the cyber desk.

"Not on me!" Davenport shouts in the same bragging tone.

"Maybe you can kick your little legs and shimmy your way up the pellet chute." I suggest.

"Get me out! Get me out! Get me out!" Davenport shouts angrily.

"I'm sorry! I'm just trying to think outside the box! On ways to get you outside the box." Leo laughs and I can't help but smile.

"I know, why doesn't Emily just teleport you out?" Leo asks.

"Because Chase put a block on his capsule meaning I can't teleport inside it or out of it. Its how they can contain me, sorta." I explain to Leo.

"Then why don't you use your fire control to melt the capsule?" Leo asks.

"Well, maybe because...THEY'RE DESIGNED TO WITHSTAND A MISSILE HIT!" I shout at Leo, worried about Davenport's safety.

"You don't need to shout about it." Leo mumbles but I glare at him.

"No, actually that could work if-" Davenport starts.

"Nah-ah, no way. I am not doing that." I interrupt instantly. He cannot be serious, he knows what happens when I do that.

"What are you guys talking about?" Leo asks.

"When Emily gets super mad, like the hulk X1,000,000, she becomes this fire being essentially and can generate more heat than the sun with her pinky finger." Davenport explains.

"WOW! That's so cool!" Leo coos.

"Not cool! You don't know what its like being that mad at the world. I don't like doing it." I tell the excited child in front of me.

"Please, for me?" Leo asks.

"Leo, just go upstairs and make sure everything is okay before the virus takes over the rest of the house!" Davenport gives up on trying to convince me.

"Okay. I'm gonna go upstairs and tell mom to get everyone in the slumber party out." Leo says back making me face palm.

"Oh, slumber party! Time to go torment the tweens! BRB! TTYL!" Some flaming scull says before disappearing, I assume that's Teddy. Leo runs over to the lab doors but they lock before he reaches them.

"Leo, buddy... next time try not to mention our secret plan in front of the GIANT FLAMING SCULL!" Davenport yells at his stepson.

"Well done Leo, you trapped us in the lab." I pat him on the back and he glares at my innocent smile.

"You know, if you eat a whole lot of those really fast, you might live a little longer." I comment to Davenport as I lie on the cyber desk in the middle, my left leg and arm hanging off the edge.

"Don't tell me- Actually, that might work. Mmm." Davenport agrees and i sit up as he puts one into his mouth, "It's so good, my stomach is pushing it back up so I can enjoy it all over again." he comments. I've never really liked the, but they are food and my life revolves around 5 things and one of them is food.

"I'm so sorry about all this, Big D." Leo apologies to his step-father who is waist deep in pellets.

"Well, you should be. I gave you your shot and you blew it, and now this virus is gonna wipe us out one by one." Davenport tells Leo.

"Way to make him feel bad." I say to him.

"Okay, I think you're overreacting. Now you can overreact." Leo folds his arms across his chest as the remaining three capsules have fire shot through them, causing Leo so flinch backwards. Davenport and his screams making me laugh slightly.

"Why are you laughing?" Leo asks me.

"First, you guys scream like girls. Secondly, I can leave whenever I want and you guys are trapped." I once again chuckle to myself before lying back down.

I instantly sit up once I hear a loud creaking behind me, Adam is prying the doors open with Chase. They both run into the room, Adam stopping next to me and Chase going over to his capsule.

"You guys aren't gonna believe this! I think there's something wrong with the house!" Adam admits to the room.

"No." We all reply sarcastically but he nods his head.

"How are the girls?" Davenport checks.

"They're fine." Chase tells him as he pulls at his capsule door.

"Eddy has a virus. And you need to go fix it." Leo tells them.

"And we're kind of in a hurry." Davenport tells them as I notice the pellets are now around his shoulders, I lie back down and swing my leg. I know I'm not doing much to help but what can I actually do?

"Oh, no! I don't know how to get rid of it!" Chase exclaims and I instantly sit up to see him continuously typing on the cyber desk.

"But I know how to get rid of you! I'll use Davenport's secret laser security system!" Teddy shouts and we all look around to see a tonne of lasers aiming at us.

"You have to stop inventing things, man!" Leo shouts as we all dive behind the cyber desk for cover.

"Adam, Chase, Emily, you're bionic. The lasers will only stun you." Davenport reassures us.

"Well, what about me?" Leo half sasses.

"Oh, they'll cut you in half." Davenport tells him. He really doesn't seem to care about his step-son's life.

"We're never gonna be able to beat this thing. It's a computer!" Chase tells us all.

"Wait a minute! It's just like our video game Mental Chaos! If we can dodge his lasers and find his main power source, we can take this thing out!" Leo tells us.

"But if it's shooting lasers at us, how are we gonna fight back?" Chase asks.

"I have lasers in my eyes!" Adam tells us.

"And I have Pyrokinesis!" I say.

"And I have a laser deflector! Wait, I'm not supposed to use this." Leo says as he goes for the invention nearby but stops himself.

"Yes, you can use it!" Davenport says through gritted teeth.

"But I specifically remember you telling me I'm not supposed to touch it." Leo argues.

"Use it!" Davenport shouts through gritted teeth.

"Everyone prepare to be destroyed! In three, two, one!" Teddy says as the laser system starts firing.

"Okay, guys, we've got this. I'll be the decoy. You go left. I'll go right. Hey, flame face, over here! Go ahead! Take your best shot! Go! Catch me if you can!" Chase says as he starts to flip around the room and Adam and I start shooting fire at the lasers.

"I got 7!" Adam boasts.

"I got 14!" I boast and laugh at Adam.

"How? There's only 20 lasers." Davenport asks confused.

"Dude, we did it!" Chase cheers as he and Adam fist bump.

"Surprise!" Teddy shouts as a laser shoots them and they both collapse to the floor paralysed. I point at them and laugh as a laser hits me and I join them on the floor.

"Leo! It's up to you! Aim for the USB port! It's the only way into the motherboard!" Chase shouts.

"I don't think I can do it! It's too tiny!" Leo worries behind the cyber desk.

"Remember what I told you! Lock in and focus! Get in the zone!" Davenport tells Leo.

"And we're in." I hear Leo say.

"Any final requests, little man?" Teddy mocks from his screen that I can only just about see.

"Yeah, get out of my house!" Leo shouts as he dives over the cyber desk and starts to deflect lasers in all different directions until Teddy powers down.

"Ow! Well, there goes my plans for the weekend!" Teddy says as the screens in the room go black.

"I did it! I killed it! And when I killed it, I was killing it!" Leo cheers.

"Do you think you could kill it whilst you help me up!" I scold Leo.

"Right." Leo agrees as he helps me stand up and my entire body almost collapses to the floor but I manage to hold myself up with the cyber desk.

"You know, if I didn't have piles of pellets in my man folds right now, I'd almost be impressed." Davenport says as he steps out the capsule and the pellets carpet the floor.

"Does that mean I'm still your lab assistant?" Leo walks over excited and Davenport places his hand on Leo's shoulder.

"Uh, well, let's do the math. Um, how about "forget it" plus "are you crazy?" divided by "you're out of your mind" multiplied by "you almost killed me."" Davenport scolds him.

"Equals "maybe" to me." Leo says cheerfully.

"Great. Now if you'll excuse me, those pellets were relatively high in fiber." Davenport says as he walks out the lab.

"Come on Leo, lets go upstairs." I say as I become a monkey and reach towards him. He holds his arm out and I grab it and swing onto his shoulder.

Leo walks us to the elevator where my monkey self starts to get its balance. Once we get off the elevator I run into the living room where all the girls are leaving and Bree and Tasha are at the door.

"Thanks for coming. Sorry my house is haunted. S'more for the road?" Bree says as the girls leave.

"Just so you know, we're never coming back." Stephanie sasses.

"Oh, that's a shame... because you, young lady, are a delight." Tasha says as I run over and climb up into Bree's shoulder.

"Ew! What is that?!" Stephanie screams.

"This is Marla the monkey. Say hello Marla." Bree holds her arm towards Stephanie and I walk along it and raise my had and wave before trying to grab her.

"Ew! Get that flea ball away from me!" Stephanie cries out before storming away.

"That was fun. I lov your monkey." Caitlin strokes me, "And if you were serious about that loogie contest, I can honk a mean one!"

"Awesome! I bet if we hurry, we can still hit Stephanie's car!" Both Bree and Caitlin run after Stephanie and Bree hands me to Tasha who holds me like I'm a gun. I become me again and almost fall over but hold onto the door handle to keep my balance.

"She needs a sister." I tell Tasha who gives me an odd look but nods her head. I lean on the door handle too much and the door opens causing me to fall to the floor. What fun!
