III: Errand

                The room is filled with excitement and pressure; everyone is looking forward to events that will unfold. Eagerness, enthusiasm fills every student except one. Cold sweats run down from Nec’s forehead, he is the sole person not looking forward to this. Mr. Verth Started “You’re lucky a Legend is here, the truth is I’m really pleased about this. You see Raima volunteered herself to assist us.” A couple of nice and yeah are heard “She is an example of humility! Even though high in ranking, she still does this simple task for the school. Can we give her a round of applause?” Mr. Verth added, as students did as they’re told.  Raima then walks towards the mentor, Nec feels everyone’s eyes glued on her. She stays at her left side and stands firmly, as if striking a pose.

“Let’s begin learning about Combat Combinations. First is Multi-Link, being able to use more than one Art category. Most common is Martial & Mana, and the least is Perceptive & Dark chaste. Raima is an example of this, with triple affinity she’s a Strategic Martial Mage.” Mr. Verth continues “There is also Sole-Link, able to utilize any Arts from one category. Frequently seen in Martial category, since it has the most sub branches as all sports, combat activities, and any other that only uses one’s physical body. There are some that draw on offensive & defensive concurrently. Det of the West ranked 2nd, reaching his position relying exclusively on Martial.” The mentor turns unto the monitor then inputs his data card on its side slot. And carries on “Also there is the Progressed-Link, odd affiliation where one chooses to maxed out Arts Level. This is uncommon since it consumes too much time, why bother maxing out your E level Arts if you have A Level which is logically stronger. Generally Progressed-Link is bringing into play for people who can’t attain upper level Spells. These are inept citizens who at certain point can’t learn upper level skills, though their Tier Rank is gradually increasing. So to cope up with Tier, they evolve their low level skills.”  Mr. Verth smiled “However our very own Repido Twins of the South ranked 3rd is considered an exception. Though Sole-Link capable, the twins decided to take up Progressed-Link. Magnifying Perceptive Art making their E level skill Fear last for 4, which should only last 1 second making it A level. ” Mr. Tau activates the monitor “A chart of 3 affiliation type.”   


Student Data: Affiliation

DET INOVIL                         LOR & NIW REPIDO                         RAIMA VALEN

Ranked 2nd                          Ranked 3rd                                          Ranked 4th

Full-Martial                          Full-Perceptive                                    Martial Mage

Sole-Link                              Progress-Link                                 Multi-Link

Martial                                   Perceptive                                          Martial

  Offensive                                 Deceptive                                         Movement

     Blunt Mastery                            Illusion                                               Dash*

     Bare Hand mastery*                     Debuff**                                         Sprint*

     Combo Rush*                               Sleep*                                             Parry*

     Bash                                              Immobilize*                                     Agility*

     Roar*                                             Fear***                                            Stealth*

     Stun*                                             Slow**                                           Defensive

     Command Aura*                        Conjuration                                         Dodge*

     Penetrating Aura*                         Space Hold**                                   Parry*

     Intimidating Aura*                         Impound*                                         Block*

     Shockwave*                                  Ensnare**                                    Mana

  Defensive                                     Archive                                                Tempest*

     Block*                                            Data Transfer                                  Hydro*

     Thorns Aura*                                 Psyche mapping                              Terrain*

     Shadow Resistance*                 Strategic                                  

     Physical Resistance*                     Data Gathering****

     Elemental Resistance*                   Assault Tactics****

     Mental Resistance*

 Note: * = Able to use S Level skills of the Arts indicated


 Wows, gulp, what and etc. resonated inside the room. For the reason student data chart like this are only available for 2nd & 1st Class. Knives look at Nec saying “Bro, there’s still hope for you! Even if you’re a Progress-Link type there’s a way for you to reach the top. Who knows you may become a Legend someday and…” Nec abruptly interrupts Knives in a whispering voice “Bro, I’m not in for the title you know that! And please would you keep still!” Knives then disappointed “Chill down, just saying my opinion” with a back off – like gesture. Then Mr Verth shouted and named students “Tepe, Karla, Xam, Hirne & Losa come over here. And those who are not called kindly vacate the center and occupy the corner most space. I want 2 people per 1mx1m tile so that all 324 can have their seats, NOW!” The student quickly obliged. This why the room has no seats and its floor is covered in daybed. So it can be used as a training room and for activities. “This is it, witnessing it first hand, Raima fighting right in front of my eyes, hehehe” Jes while quickly dashing to get in a good position to watch the mock battle. “Honestly Jes you look like you’re about to climax, could you wipe that smug out of your face” as Tesu shunt Jes aside. “Sheesh... As if you’re not a fan of her” Tesu replied “I am, but unlike you my admiration is untainted.” Gab butts in “Could you just sit down, stop arguing about something you both appreciate, and you both can’t acquire.” Gab with a frivolous grin. Almost all of the students are seated. Mr. Verth then gestures Raima to go to the left corner & to the right the other five, both parties obeyed. “I know this is what you’re waiting for, But before that let me explain the rules. 1) Raima is only allowed A-Level skills, where as you 5 have no restrictions. 2) Match will be stopped if I deemed it dangerous to carry on. 3) Rendering the other party unable to continue will win. 4) A time limit of 20min. will be given, it ends as a draw if the timer runs out ” Then gestured at the monitor, another data chart pops up, and a timer starts ticking  “I’ll give you 10min. to organize, you can attack as soon as the preparation time runs out. And to those who are on surveillance, protect yourself at all times.”



Team A

Tepe Aripal           Karla Letsirk        Xam Senaza        Hirne Sabrro         Losa Tien

Ranked 34th             Ranked 41st     Ranked 41st        Ranked 45th    Ranked 45th

Perceptive-Mage     Full-Mage       Full-Martial        Sinister-Mage     Martial-Sinister


Team B

Raima Valen

Rnked 4th



While on her corner Raima sits calmly, closes her eyes then stretches both of her arms. Air starts to close in around her like a soft breeze, blowing her gracefully. But in front of her arms air violently churn. (7:53) while on the other side their discussion began, Tepe petite-built nerdy guy starts the conversation. “Being the highest rank I’ll be acting as a leader.” Others nod except Karla saying. “A nerd like you can lead us? Don’t joke around!” Tepe replied “So what can a blonde like you think of? Even with affiliation I’m fit to be your leader, the evidence is I’m scouted by Perspective Arts Department!” Karla exploded she’ll hit this geek in front of hm, but Tepe quickly added “But don’t worry I’ll give you the honors of taking Raima down. How’s that for a deal.” Karla then tapped him in the shoulders “You better be, if not you’ll obey me regardless of rank!” They both agreed, and then start the discussion about the strategy. (3:27) meanwhile at Raima’s side the breeze gathering around her stopped. It’s now concentrated in front of her taking shape in a from off staff about 2 meters long. She opened her eyes simultaneous with clutching the staff made of air. Sound of a blowing wind can be heard every time she swings her weapon. She redies herself as she takes off the pouches attached to her left waist and puts it down. She also removed her heels and creates a clasping gesture as air makes a ponytail out of her swaying hair. Then walks towards the center (1:48) the atmosphere becomes tense as time ticks away; Tepe’s group began to move out. Karla the towering curvy blonde takes the center, as tiny flickering flare(C) forms in surrounds her.  Xam the bulky guy walks away to Karla’s left, tensing his muscle then stomps activating his command aura(A) he and his allies’ gains 15%P.Atk, 10%A.Speed & 7.5%M.Speed.  Losa the petite female follows behind Xam, her shadow encircled around her shoes altering its properties & appearance into murky boots(A). The plump girl Hirne is covered by a shade as she strides to the right, the shade assemble(A) into her turning her black & white. Tepe did not move from where he was, from the very beginning he invoked a skill, and currently maintaining the foot – circumference water sphere(A) in front of him(0:05). Everyone is eagerly waiting.

“I will be the one to take you down” Karla boldy declares grabing her Flare(C). Raima’s reply shocks Karla & her teammates “stop your dawdling”. Raima already a foot before her, quickly covering the 5 meter gap in – between their teams. Raima throws an over-head strike, but her target was pulled back. And a Kick meets her staff, it was Losa. “Astonishing she manages to cope up with my 435 M.Speed” Raima thought. Losa then presents her a couple of kicks, though fast their accuracy & power lacks so Raima parried all of them. Raima perceives a punch coming from her right it’s from Xam. She swiftly blocks with her staff, Xam’s strike proves to be powerful as she was thrown away. Still airborne, another punch is coming at her. This time she blocks with her staff gripped by both of her hands. She saw Losa up front coming at her again with an axe kick aimed at her head. She had a glimpse of Hirne from her back, with no other option she escapes to the left. To her surprise Tepe was grinning as he releases towards her the now meter – diameter water sphere, with its perfectly timed assault it hits her. Instead of collision the sphere engulfs around Raima. Karla takes the opportunity; she dismissed the lingering flare towards Raima. The flares, 5 in number lines up between Karla & her target, then Karla steps backs(C) conjures a blazing spear(A) and hurriedly throws it. Each time the spear passes through each flare Karla have set up, it size & radiance double. It reached the size of a manhole upon passing the 5th flare. Water turn into steam as the spear reached it. A loud hiss was heard all the way through the room as two elements collide. Steam clouds the area where Raima is. “4th Rank, It seems I’ll be in that position in no time. So I guess it our win!” Karla with a smile on & takes a pose with her right hand pointing to the ceiling.  “And besides there’s only 1min. left, count with me” points to the screen. The whole team begins to count “ 59, 58, 57, 56, 55…”  But a strong gale stops them from their tracks, and clears the steam revealing Raima in an odd stature.  She is covered in Swirling Gale(B), thus shielding her from the elemental assault. “Go on with what you’re doing don’t mind me, if you’ve reached 0 then this will be declared a draw” she let go of her staff; the wind surrounding her engulfs the staff & absorbs it. Then condensed into a transparent white armor “In fact I’ll help you count, 38,37,36…” the opposing team puts on a defensive stance “we don’t have to engage her, just defend for...” Tepe didn’t finish what he was saying, as Raima suddenly pops out infront of him, a punch is coming right in his face. Losa quick on her feet darts on his location, but he already felt his face being distorted, and everything turns black.

“23, 22, 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, uh… and 14. Sadly you lot can only last for 24 seconds.” Shaking her head as Hirme loses her ART’s effect. The mass was silent; they’re still processing of what had happened Tepe’s team annihilated effortlessly yet elegantly. Being a spectator they have witness how different the last minute of the match was. After Tepe was taken down, Losa engage her, yet unlike the first encounter she can’t cope up with her speed and with a sudden counter elbow rendered Losa unconscious. Xam was out cold from an unavoidable heel kick on his head, while Karla didn’t have the time to Ignite flares as she receive a heavy knee to the stomach. Hirme was able to hold out for a bit longer than the rest, Her Arts seem to put a stop to Raima’s speed, but their basic stats present the match’s outcome. The silence was broken by Mr. Verth applause “Great show of skills, and a reminder, Raima also uses Hydro & Terrain ARTS though not as adept as Tempest.” He walks towards the battlefield then conjured 5 light each was sent to the sleeping persons. It swallowed them up; the lights then carried the bodies to corner of the room. “Don’t worry about them; with me here injuries will not be your problem”.  He strides to Raima’s side and then declares “So for the next match I won’t be using my list, instead I would like you to volunteer, so anyone up for the match?” Silence still fills the room. Nec fells uneasy, he mustered his feelings, his low profile life may change if he was to run Raima’s errand now. But he really has no choice, since she has obtained info about the Fifth. The errand was just simple win against her, at today’s mock battle. Then she’ll give the info, but by winning it’ll blow his cover. He needs information; the result might have worse effect. But he has no choice. Before he could stand up, Jess with a grin on his face yelled “Count me in.” Tesu then follows “Same here” while glaring each other. Rex stands up and grabs Nec then whispers “I’ll cover for you”, while pulling him up “Hey Gab care to join us?” Gab just ignored them. Rex sighed “I’ll give you Rance’s…” Gab interrupts him as he jolt out of his seat “let’s get going”.
