Chapter 50: The Tale of Water Ghost

Chapter 50: The Tale of Water Ghost(1)

Chen Shu turned rigid after being caught red-handed, enclosing the real estate certificate in his hand. He tried to keep a calm expression, not letting Ye Sui see his actions.

In a few seconds, Chen Shu thought of a way to get out of the pickle.

Ye Sui rubbed her eyes to make sure she was not dreaming. Chen Shu was standing beside her bed. On top of that, he didn’t seem to be in the right condition.

Chen Shu did not answer Ye Sui’s question and did not look at her, either. Instead, he simply got up and passed by Ye Sui’s bed. At the same time, he hadn’t forgotten to hide the real estate certificate in his hands.

Ye Sui’s eyes followed Chen Shu as he unconsciously got up, walked, and turned around… appearing very similar to his sleepwalking state before.

Chen Shu thought that this would quietly take care of the matter. Soon, he was less than a meter away from successfully going back to the couch.

But as Chen Shu was about to get to the sofa, Ye Sui was already sobered up. She narrowed her eyes and noticed that Chen Shu was turning skillfully, feeling something odd.

‘Is Chen Shu really sleepwalking?’ They had only lived here for one night and were not familiar with the place at all. How did he walk back to the sofa so properly?

Thinking of this, Ye Sui suddenly said, “Chen Shu, stop.”

As soon as the words fell, Chen Shu’s footsteps paused, then slowly continued in the direction of the sofa, pretending not to hear Ye Sui’s call.


Ye Sui pressed the switch. The lights suddenly lit up, pouring down from the top and brightening the whole room.

That one-second pause spoiled the atmosphere, and Chen Shu’s poor acting could not escape the eye of a veteran like Ye Sui. She walked out of bed, paced towards Chen Shu, and patted him on the shoulder.

Chen Shu, who was exposed: “…”

Chen Shu turned his back to Ye Sui, still holding the real estate certificate in his arms. “I’m going to sleep.” His voice brought a little drowsiness.

In the next second, Ye Sui was in front of Chen Shu, who was caught off guard and glanced down at the thing in his hand.

Ye Sui’s eyes gleamed as she ordered Chen Shu, “Take it out.”

When Ye Sui looked at Chen Shu, the corners of her eyes squinted with a meaningful glimmer in them, as if she were tempted by something.

Chen Shu’s eyelids suddenly jumped, and he subconsciously handed out the thing in his hand. He had taken great pains to get the real estate certificate; in the end, though, he couldn’t hide it.

Chen Shu lowered his eyes, and the room became quiet for a few seconds. Then there sounded Ye Sui’s voice. “You… bought a villa in Erhai Lake!?!”

Chen Shu sighed.

‘Yes, he’s such a superficial person that he always spends money on villas.’ He lowered his head, ready to accept Ye Sui’s teaching.

It was early in the morning, so not a sound could be heard. Then the familiar voice of Ye Sui filled the room, “Chen Shu, you’re amazing.”

In the eyes of the Chen family, Chen Shu was nothing. He was a man who could survive only by relying on his family’s trust fund.

Ye Sui, however, felt that Chen Shu was totally different from the man they were talking about. Now, he had made enough money and could afford a big villa.

Chen Shu was stumped for words, and his eyes lit up again. He couldn’t believe it, repeating what Ye Sui said just now. “Amazing?”

Ye Sui carefully articulated the words and stressed it again. “Yes, you’re amazing.”

Listening to it again, Chen Shu turned his eyes to Ye Sui and saw her laughing, her gaze filled with encouragement and appreciation. Ye Sui’s pretty face and her dazzling smile were like a bright sun in his dusty world.

He suddenly wanted to say something but could not utter a word.

Ye Sui asked, “Why do you want to put your real estate certificate here?”

Chen Shu: “I brought it here by accident.”

Ye Sui at once realized that Chen Shu was lying.

Chen Shu’s gaze was deep and profound as he stared into Ye Sui’s eyes. Perhaps because it was late at night, his voice was a bit dumb. “Good night.”

To be Continue

Chapter 50: The Tale of Water Ghost(2)

Chen Shu’s gaze was deep and profound as he stared into Ye Sui’s eyes. Perhaps because it was late at night, his voice was a bit dumb. “Good night.”

Under the dim light, inexplicable emotions poured in Chen’s Shu mind.

Soon after their marriage, they got along well in these two months. Before that, Chen Shu had never known Ye Sui.

It was Ye Sui who had taken the initiative to get close to him. Even though she was timid, she always showed goodwill to him… every beautiful fragment of her was coinciding with each other bit by bit.

She became such a distinct figure in his heart, carving a mark in his world.

Chen Shu was lying on the sofa, stupidly looking at the ceiling. The corners of his mouth turned up, and he silently smiled.

The day after, they were so tired that they slept until noon and went straight to get lunch in the hotel.

Chen Shu had reserved the whole hotel; therefore, there were no other guests.

In other words, every employee in this hotel served only Chen Shu and Ye Sui in the past few days.

The restaurant of the hotel also relied on the lake. Through the glass, they could see the oblique sunlight and the calm and peaceful lake outside.

When ordering, Ye Sui buried her head all the way. The hat shaded most of her face, and a pair of sunglasses covered her eyes. This was a disguise often used by tourists.

It looks like wearing a full set of sunburn protection.

They were the only ones in the dining hall. After the waiter left, Ye Sui finally raised her head.

After delivering the meal, the waiter looked at them frequently. Chen Shu was handsome, while Ye Sui was wearing a long skirt, but one could still see her excellent figure at a glance. However, her face couldn’t be seen clearly.

At last, the waiter concluded that Mrs. Chen was a beauty enthusiast, and even while having a meal in the restaurant, she was afraid of getting sunburned.

When Chen Shu and Ye Sui were having dinner, they heard the waiters gossiping. Since the whole restaurant was booked by them, the voices in the empty restaurant were loud and clear to the ears.

The words “legend of the water ghost” were being mentioned in the discussion currently. Ye Sui became especially alert when she heard of the ghost story and immediately tilted her head.

Ye Sui was so absorbed that she even forgot to eat lunch.

Chen Shu soon noticed the little tricks of Ye Sui. He glanced at her hat, and the next second, he stretched out his hand, placing it on the brim of Ye Sui’s hat.

Ye Sui was startled and turned to look at him. Chen Shu pulled down the brim of her hat to ensure that Ye Sui’s face would not be seen.

“Waiter.” Chen Shu motioned to the waiter. The waiter who was secretly talking just now came up quickly.

“What else do you need?”

Chen Shu pointed to another waiter standing nearby. “Tell us again what you said to her just now.”

The waiter was stunned and embarrassed at the same time. “Sorry to disturb your meal,” he said.

Chen Shu looked at Ye Sui. “My wife is very interested in the legend of the Water Ghost. She wants to know all about it.”

Seeing that Chen Shu did not pursue his dereliction of duty, the waitress promptly explained what they had just gossiped about.

It turned out that there was a legend circulating in this place. Once there was a young girl who died in this water area. After her death, her soul wandered in the water and became a water ghost, unable to leave.

The Water Ghost was stunning and hooked people’s souls in order to make them keep company with her. She would come to the shore, again and again, dragging those near the water inside.

So, many people slipped into the water, some hitting their heads and some directly falling.

However, there was a solution. The water ghosts only appeared after midnight. And while she is staring at you, avoid looking at her for more than five seconds. Don’t be lured away by her, and then just find a chance to escape.

The reporter’s mouth was already dry, and she was almost surprised by her own ability to tell stories. Suddenly, she heard an untimely plop, which interrupted her story and almost stopped her heart.

To be continue

Chapter 50: The Tale of Water Ghost(3)

The reporter’s mouth was already dry, and she was almost surprised by her own ability to tell stories. Suddenly, she heard an untimely plop, which interrupted her story and almost stopped her heart.

Ye Sui lowered her head. Just now, she didn’t hold it firmly, causing the chopsticks in her hand to drop to the floor. However, she would never admit that she was afraid.

Chen Shu bent down and calmly picked up the chopsticks on the ground and handed them to the waiter. “Please, bring another pair of chopsticks.”

As soon as the waiter left, Ye Sui immediately hypnotized herself. “This story must be false.” Her tone was very positive.

Chen Shu saw the waiter coming back and took the clean chopsticks. “Remember not to drop them next time.” Chen Shu relentlessly quashed Ye Sui’s fear.

Ye Sui: “…”

Ye Sui could only comfort herself. With Chen Shu beside her, she had nothing to be afraid of.

Even if the water ghost appeared, according to Chen Shu’s temperament, he might drag its hair, pull it out of the water, and bake it in the sun for a whole day.

When Ye Sui thought so, she was not so afraid anymore.

After eating, Chen Shu’s phone suddenly rang. Ye Sui went back to her room first. She drew all the curtains open. The warm sunshine filled the room, leaving no spot for ghosts to hide.

After the curtains were pulled open, the window showed a lake. In the daytime, it was tranquil. Only the wind blowing in Ye Sui’s ear seemed to sink into silence.

Ye Sui was sitting on the edge of the wooden floor, the water ripples at her feet spreading around. She almost wanted to close her eyes and take a nap here.

In a quiet afternoon, the water ripples on the water surface suddenly began to get bigger from far to near. Ye Sui was staring intently at the strange scene.

The next second, a head emerged from the water. Even in the shadow, the girl’s skin was still white and shining like pearls.

Long, wet hair hung over her shoulders, and several strands fell loosely, covering her cheek. Still, she could get a glimpse of that mysterious and beautiful face.

Suddenly, the water ripples were rising again. The girl slowly stretched out her two white arms and laid them gently on the ground.

The girl looked at Ye Sui with her head tilted slightly, her bright eyes studying the human. The scene seemed like a beautiful picture.

Ye Sui glanced at the girl’s feet. And they were indeed feet, not a tail. Hence, this beautiful girl was not a mermaid, but a water ghost from the legend just now.

The kind that hooked people’s souls and dragged them into the water.

Ye Sui did not wait for the water ghost to approach and immediately stood up from the floor. All the ghosts she had met before were lovely, so she barely persuaded herself to live in peace with them.

But this water ghost was not the same; she could be harmful.

Ye Sui recalled the ways to deal with the water ghost and put her eyes aside as quickly as possible, not meeting her gaze.

Ye Sui was about to flee back to the room when Chen Shu’s voice suddenly rang. “Ye Sui, are you outside?”

Just now, Ye Sui was too nervous to hear the sound of the door opening and did not know that Chen Shu had already entered. While speaking, he went out of the sliding window and stood in front of her.

Chen Shu was paying close attention to Ye Sui’s strange reaction in the first place. His brow wrinkled slightly. “What’s the matter? Saw the ghost again?”

The next second, Chen Shu turned to look at the water surface and searched around, trying to find out what the legendary ghost looked like. However, he was disappointed; he was the ghosts’ nemesis and could not see them even if he wanted to.

Ye Sui saw Chen Shu’s actions, and her heart went into a panic. At this moment, she forgot the fact that he could control ghosts, fearing that Chen Shu would be lured away by the beautiful water ghost.

Ye Sui’s instinct was faster than her thoughts. She held out her hand and covered Chen Shu’s eyes.

“Don’t look; that ghost will haunt you.”

End of Chapter
