The Automaton

"Mornin'." Hugo yawned, slouching against the doorway to his kitchen. He'd been woken by a loud crash and come to investigate, only to find Varian rummaging through cupboards and drawers.
"Good morning." Varian responded, distractedly.
"Can you with something?" The blonde asked, pushing off of the doorframe and approaching a large bag on the table. It was filled with essentials, like non-perishables.
"I'm packing."
"Well, if we're headed across the seven kingdoms to Tonitrua, we've gotta be prepared for anything."
" order to combat any unfortunate're packing half my house?" Hugo raised a brow and Varian scoffed.
"Don't be dramatic." He smiled, and patted Hugo's chest as he walked past him to the bedroom.
The blonde spun around and watched as Varian pulled open the drawer beside his bed.
"Woah, woah, woah!" Hugo ran over and slammed the drawer shut, blocking Varian from it.
The shorter boy raised a brow and grinned, "Got something to hide?"
"From you? Of course not." Hugo laughed.
"So why did you stop me?"
The blonde moved forwards, leaning close to Varian, "How would you like it if I went rifling through your personal effects?"
The dark-haired boy blushed and chuckled lightly, "Touché." He smiled, "Speaking of, I'd better head home and start packing my own things."
"There's no hurry, right?"
"A part of my mother's spirit is attached to me." Varian reminded him.
"Ok- if that's true, she hasn't bothered t'let you know before now and it's been two years."
"Maybe she couldn't...What if she's stuck? She can't move on like this and I need to help her."
"We will help her." Hugo placed his hands on Varian's shoulders and the boy nodded.
"'re right. I haven't even spoken to Rapunzel about taking some time off work yet."
"Like she'll say no." Hugo chuckled.
"She might...I'll go see her now. Will you be ok looking after the library alone for a few hours?" Varian grabbed his bag from the floor by the bed.
"Does hydrogen have an atomic mass of 1.00784?" Hugo grinned and Varian couldn't help but smile in return.
"I love you." He said, planting a kiss on the taller boy's cheek.
"I know."
Varian nudged him.
"Ow..." He laughed, "I love you too. You know I do."

Once Varian had left to seek an audience with the Queen, Hugo returned to the drawer by his bed and pulled it open. Olivia appeared on his shoulder and squeaked in his ear.
"Tell me about it." Hugo responded, pulling out a small box, "Maybe it's safer to keep it on me, just in case."
The mouse nodded and the boy tucked the box away in his pocket before leaving for the Demanitus Chamber.
Upon arriving, he was greeted by Lance and the King. Lance ran to the boy as he made his way to the entrance.
"Finally!" The man exclaimed, "You know I've been waiting here for an hour?"
"Oh great. Lance and Eugene. Joy." Hugo rolled his eyes and moved past them to unlock the entrance to the chamber. As soon as he did, Lance ran in before he could.
"He's a little distressed because he found a grey hair in his beard this morning." Eugene explained as he and Hugo entered the lab.
"Right." Hugo responded and walked to a rack on the wall by the bottom of the stairs. He pulled on a dark green waistcoat emblazoned with a sun emblem then watched Lance run into the gateway to the library.
"Oh, and before I forget; I found my guards vest in a horse feeder." The king crossed his arms and Hugo tried his hardest to conceal a grin.
"Oh, really?" He asked, innocently.
"I know it was you!" Eugene furrowed his brows, "May I remind you, I have the power to suspend you from your royal duties."
Hugo sniggered, "Uh huh." He had already made his way over to his desk and was now piling sheets of research neatly to one side, "You're gonna suspend me."
"I could." Eugene replied, defensively.
"Would that go down well with our gracious Queen?"
"I don't know why she gives you the time of day."
"I guess I'm that charming. Like a younger, more attractive and talented version of you." Hugo joked and Eugene mocked him behind his back.
"You wish, Hot Shot." Eugene rolled his eyes, "I'll be in the library."
"Sounds good- maybe you'll get lost in there and I won't have t'see you anymore." Hugo smirked.
Eugene narrowed his eyes before leaving to join Lance in the library.

"Hey, Hugo! Hey- hey, Hugo!" Lance yelled as he made his way over to where the blonde was rearranging books. He gave a short sigh and turned to the man, "What can I do y'for, Lance?"
"Do you have any books on...revitalisation? Rejuvenation? That sorta thing." Lance asked, almost desperately.
"Y'know, I think I have just the thing." Hugo tucked a book back into its shelf then gestured for Lance to follow him. He crouched down on one aisle in particular to read the spines of books on a low shelf.
"There you are!" Eugene said as he jogged over to Lance.
"Did you get lost, Your Majesty? Y'know we offer tours for the little ones so they don't go missing. Maybe you should consider booking." Hugo smirked as he stood up and handed a book to Lance.
Eugene pulled a face at Hugo then looked over Lance's shoulder at the book he'd been handed.
"Growing up." Lance read the cover then looked up at Hugo's grinning face.
Eugene sighed from beside him, "He's mocking you, Lance." The brunette explained, "This is a children's book."
"Shame on you." Lance said, handing the book back to Hugo then walking off to continue his search.
Hugo shrugged then leant down to put the book back.
"Where's Varian? Shouldn't he be here by now?"
"He's speaking to the Queen about gettin' some time off work."
"Why does he need time off work?"
"It's...complicated." Hugo responded. Eugene waited for him to continue, but he didn't.
"Oh, I see- you're not going to tell me."
"Nope." Hugo smiled and walked off, past Eugene, "Oh, and try not to get lost again."
"I didn't-" Eugene huffed and walked off once again to find Lance.

"You know, when I requested an audience with the Queen...this is not what I expected." Varian said.
"Stop moving." Rapunzel demanded.
The boy was stood, posing for a picture Rapunzel was painting. She had a paintbrush in her left hand and a pen in her right. While she painted Varian's portrait, she also signed decrees and other important documents.
"You're getting...really good at this Queen thing, huh?" Varian chuckled.
"Right? By doing things this way, I have time to visit the townspeople before the end of the day." The Queen looked away from her painting to read the documents to her right. After signing it, the Royal Advisor; Nigel took it from the pile.
"So, Varian. What did you want to talk about?"
"Oh- I...wanted to ask you if...I could take some time off work." He said nervously. Rapunzel looked up at him,
"Time off work? Why?" She smiled.
"Well. There's been a...development."
"Go on..."
"I think part of my mother's spirit might still be attached to me. And I have to go to the Kingdom of Tonitrua to free her."
"Oh..." Rapunzel put down her pen and paintbrush, "But you freed your mother from the Eternal Library two years ago."
"I know- but my...sources tell me it's possible she didn't pass on properly."
"That's awful." The Queen moved closer to Varian, "Varian, of course you can take time off work. Is Hugo going with you?" She questioned.
"Oh...I hoped he could- but if you need someone to stay and look after the library-"
"No, of course he can go with you! You're gonna need help if you're travelling across the kingdoms again. But I will need you to find someone to handle the library while you're gone." Rapunzel smiled and Varian's eyes widened before he let out a small laugh of relief.
"I will- I'll find someone now! Thank you so much, Rapunzel!" The boy went in for a hug then met Nigel's gaze. He cleared his throat and shook the Queen's hand. She smiled widely then watched him walk from the throne room in a proper manner before running down the hall. The Queen looked to her painting,
"Darn- I didn't get to finish his portrait..."

"You need to find someone t'look after the library while we're gone?" Hugo asked, crossing his arms.
"Well, yeah- who knows how long it'll take to get to Tonitrua and back." Varian sighed.
"Got anyone in mind?"
"Not really...whoever it is doesn't necessarily have to understand everything going on here, as long as they're good at following instructions."
"Good at following instructions...? Can't think of anyone we know."
Varian puffed out his cheeks and tapped his fingers on the desk. The two were silent for some time before Varian spoke,
"What isn't exactly a person we put in charge of the library?"
"What're you getting at, Stripes?"
"Well, I know how to make an automaton, and you made Liv- I bet we could make something to look after the library." The boy smiled and Hugo began grinning.
"Sounds like a challenge."
"Hey, if you're not up to it..." Varian teased.
"Puh-lease, Goggles- I reckon we could get this thing finished before midnight."

The two worked late into the night and Varian continued even after Hugo had fallen asleep.
In the early hours of the morning, the dark-haired boy woke Hugo so they could both take a look at their creation.
"It's awful." Hugo shook his head slowly.
"No- it looks awful, practically; it's sound." Varian corrected.
"Ok, so it'll work for it's intended purpose, but who's gonna wanna look at that whenever they wanna find a book?" Hugo gestured to the machine which was bulky and as tall as he was. It resembled one of Varian's automatons but with elements of Hugo's signature patchwork scrap metal technique.
The head of the machine was tilted slightly to one side and when Varian straightened it, seconds later it tilted even further to the opposite side.
"Yeah, it's pretty bad." Varian confirmed.
"So...what do we do?" Hugo asked, "We can't leave it like that- people'll be scared to come anywhere near the library with that thing clunkin' around."
The two were silent.

"I'll figure something out." Varian said, finally, wandering tiredly to his desk.
"You sure you don't wanna get some rest?" Hugo spun on his heel and watched Varian slump into his chair.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah- I will...just as soon as I can figure out how to make our automaton here a little less threatening." Varian scrawled away at some parchment then took a beaker into his other hand. Before he could bring it to his lips, Hugo appeared behind him and swapped it for another.
Varian examined the contents of the beaker he had initially picked up and saw a swirling green substance.
The beaker he held now was warm with melted marshmallows floating in it,
"Thanks." The boy chuckled and Hugo pulled up a chair beside him.
"Hey, don't want you poisoning yourself just yet." The blonde joked, wrapping an arm around Varian and leaning in to look at his sketches.
"Not to be a critic; but that smile you've got there is way more threatenin' than what we have already." Hugo pointed to a wide smile Varian had sketched over a mock-up of the automaton.

The boy heaved a sigh and screwed up the parchment, throwing it aside and missing the waste basket.
"You wanna take a crack at it?" He asked, sipping from his beaker and pushing a piece of parchment over to Hugo.
The blonde got to work on a sketch and Varian tilted his head, thinking it familiar and trying to work out why. When Hugo had finished, Varian squinted at the drawing.
"What?" Hugo asked, defensively and the dark-haired boy snatched the pen and added two big round ears.
Hugo pulled a straight face and Varian sniggered,
"It looks like Olivia- but...big."
"Well it does now you've given it ears." Hugo nudged Varian and took the pen back.
"Sounds like you're a one-trick-pony to me, Hugh."
"Liv's non-threatening, isn't she?"
"Well, yeah..."
Olivia hopped from Hugo's shoulder onto the desk and took a look at the drawing herself, squeaking at Hugo as she did.
"What's she saying?" Varian grinned, resting his chin in his hand.
"She doesn't approve." Hugo rolled his eyes and grabbed Varian's beaker of hot cocoa, taking a long sip from it.

Moments later there were footsteps by the entrance. Both Hugo and Varian turned to see Rapunzel practically bouncing down the steps,
"You guys sure are up early." She smiled.
"More like up late, actually." Varian chuckled.
"What brings you here, Your Majesty?" Hugo smirked.
"Oh, you know me...I like to help whenever I can. And I figure since you're leaving Corona soon, you might need help packing or finding a replacement or..." The brunette's eyes fell upon the automaton, "Aw, who's this little guy?" The Queen ran over to circle the machine, her hands behind her back.
"It's our replacement." Varian explained.
"Isn't he just the cutest?" Rapunzel seemed to be asking the robot itself and Hugo chuckled slightly.
Varian watched Rapunzel then smiled, an idea coming to him,
"Hey, if you're not too you think you could give him a bit of a Rapunzel makeover?" Varian asked the girl and she smiled from ear to ear.
"Of course! Oo, I have a ton of ideas already- I'll get my paints!" The Queen ran back up the stairs and out of the chamber.
"That was easy." Hugo sat back in his chair, "Good thinking; gettin' the Queen to do all the work."
"That- that's not what this is. She enjoys this sorta thing. And if anyone can make something look friendly and inviting, it's Rapunzel." Varian stood up.
"Where're you going?" Hugo asked.
"I've still gotta pack, remember? Will you tell Rapunzel thanks from me for the automaton when she's done?"
"Sure- but Goggles, you need to sleep." The blonde laughed lightly.
"I'll sleep on the way to Vlamudia."
"We visiting the kid, then?"
"I don't see why we wouldn't." Varian smiled, pulling on his coat then leaning down to place a kiss on Hugo's forehead,
"I'll see you later- I won't be long."
"Seeya, Stripes." Hugo watched the boy leave then tidied the desk a little before dozing off in his seat.

"It's good to see you too, dad." Varian smiled, hugging his father tightly before he finally let go.
"I haven't seen Hugo in some time. He isn't avoiding me, is he?" Quirin joked with a hearty chuckle.
"Who knows with Hugo." Varian laughed but soon stopped when he remembered why he was there, "Dad, there's actually something I wanted to talk to you about- something important..." Varian started and Quirin sighed.
"I thought we might be having this conversation soon."
"You- what?" Varian raised a brow, confused.
"Did I ever tell you about how your mother proposed to me?"
"P- Proposed?" Varian blushed a deep red, "Woah- no, dad, no- I'm not thinking about proposing!"
"You're not?"
"No- that's...the least of my worries right now. It's...about mom."
Quirin's eyes widened, "What about your mother?"
"A part of her...spirit...latched onto me." Varian explained, simply and Quirin looked taken aback. Varian took his father's hand into his own and comforted him,
"Dad, it's ok. Hugo and I are gonna travel to the Kingdom of Tonitrua and I'm gonna help her move on...properly this time."
His father nodded then placed a hand on Varian's shoulder, "I know you will. And while I hate the thought of you risking your life on another dangerous journey-"
"I know you'll come back safe." Quirin finished, with an understanding smile.
"I'll be back before you know it, dad. Promise."

"'s done!" Rapunzel's voice woke Hugo, who fell out of his chair.
"Oh- sorry!" Rapunzel looked to the boy then ran over to help him up. The boy brushed himself off then adjusted his glasses, looking the automaton up and down,
" really did a number on that thing."
The automaton was covered in colourful paint, decorated to look like a person.
Rapunzel had painted round glasses on the robot around the glowing green eyes. She had also painted a royal vest onto the bot and given it black 'hair' similar to Varian's.
"Do you like it? It's meant to be you and Varian- so it'll be like you're here even when you're not." The girl bit her lip, attempting to conceal her excitement.
"Yeah, it's...something." Hugo moved closer to the automaton, with his hands behind his back, leaning in to take a closer look. The girl had even taken small details into consideration, dotting freckles across what must have been the robot's face.
"Oh, Varian says thanks for this- he woulda stayed, but he had to pack."
"Aw, of course. I'm always happy to help." The Queen smiled widely, "Well- I'd better head back to the castle. Many royal duties to attend to."
"Why is it that you're always so busy and our beloved King just wanders around town doing nothing?"
"Eugene does the work he needs to." Rapunzel responded, smirking.
"I hope you're right, Your Highness. I'd hate to think you're doing all the work yourself." Hugo grinned.
"Isn't that sweet of you." Rapunzel joked, "I'll see you soon, Hugo."

Once Varian had finished packing, his father helped him move his bags downstairs. The feeling of packing for a long journey was very familiar.
"While we're just moving my things...I was wondering whether I could borrow Prometheus again?" Varian asked his dad as he placed a crate of beakers on the kitchen table.
"Of course. Though he is getting on now...I'm not sure if he'll be fit to pull the weight of a camper anymore."
"Right..." Varian bit his lip then shook his head, putting on a smile, "That's fine- a minor setback, but I'll work something out."
"I have no doubt about that." Quirin chuckled.

Varian left the house to bring Prometheus from the stable. On his way, he took notice of one of the large carts that the village used to transport crops. If Prometheus could pull a cart of pumpkins, he could pull a cart of luggage, Varian thought. So the boy brought the donkey from the stable and attached his harness to the cart.
"Ready for another long journey, Prometheus?" Varian asked, petting the donkey as he brought him round to the front of the house, ready to pack his supplies into the cart.
Prometheus gave him a tired look then sighed heavily.
"I'll take that as a yes." Varian responded.
Quirin approached, running a hand up Prometheus' muzzle, "You solved that problem quicker than I expected." Quirin told the boy.
"Is it ok if I take the cart?"
"Of course. Anything you need, son." Quirin smiled, "Now, I have a dispute over farmland to set right." The man sighed, looking off in the distance as two men argued in the middle of a field of crops.
Varian chuckled, "Good luck. Oh- and dad, we'll be leaving midday tomorrow."
"I'll see you then." Quirin smiled.

"Goggles!" Hugo called as Varian hurried down the stairs into the chamber, "Just in time to see this guy in action. I made a few adjustments, did a bit of tweaking; and I think he's ready." Hugo explained, turning the automaton to face Varian.
"Is that supposed to" Varian guessed, tilting his head at the painted robot.
"Me and you. Kinda like our own kid if you wanna think about it that way." Hugo smirked and Varian nudged him.
"Well, what're you waiting for? Let's see him in action."
Hugo leant towards the automaton and wound it up. The head began moving then stopped to face the boys.
"Automaton," Hugo begun and the robots eyes turned blue, indicating it was listening, "I have a problem I need help with. Y'see, I'm incredibly short at the ripe ol' age of twenty and I need a book to help me figure out why." Hugo grinned and Varian narrowed his eyes at the boy's mockery. The automaton's eyes flashed then he turned and walked into the gateway.
Hugo gestured Varian ahead of him and the boy rolled his eyes, following the robot into the gateway.
The automaton led them through the library then stopped and reached for a book, handing it to Hugo.
The blonde read the title aloud,
"Aha- Growth-spurts." He grinned and Varian snatched the book out of his hand, glaring.
"Thanks, Automaton." Hugo said in the robot's direction and its eyes returned to green before it returned the way they came, out of the library.
"Pretty good, huh?" The blonde smiled as Varian replaced the book.
"Yeah...let's just hope it stays functional while we're gone."
"Well, that's why I made a few adjustments- we were a little messy working on it last night. Thought I'd streamline it a bit."
"How thoughtful." Varian chuckled and Hugo smirked.
Varian smiled at Hugo for a moment before looking aside again, "So, I was thinking we should leave around midday tomorrow."
"Sounds good. Wouldn't wanna keep mom waiting, would we? I can say from experience the last place I'd wanna be stuck is in your body." The blonde joked and Varian crossed his arms.
"Oh, har har."
