Monster of Men PT2

Okay stomach is trying to kill me....and my stress levels are on crack rn so....lets all hope this isn't shitty

Also cuz...i feel like I'm basically writing the whole season 2 of stranger thing word for word...which isn't intental so...

I don't own Stranger Things, it's cast members, plot, or you. I'm just a wee little bean.

So... story time.


3rd pov

You leaned on the shower wall and let the steam cover you. You were thinking about leaving...taking El with you...maybe go back to Dallas....but Steve...Will....

Things weren't this hard. You use to go wherever you pleased...You didn't have to worry about others...well not really.

You remember Miss. Gonzalez. Sweet old woman who wouldn't take no for answer and could curse like a sailor, given if you'd make her mad enough. She was a pistol, and made the best (Favorite dessert)....well it was first thing sweet you ever did try so it was naturally the best.

The lab rarely had anything sweet and if it was, it wasn't any good. You could say you had closure...but you could say pigs can fly. Brenner is dead and thats that...the basterd died by his own hand by his own monster.

He pushed whatever balance the universe had and it pushed back. A Monster of Man. At least what you though of when Mike told you everything.

So why did you feel like you had a hole in your chest. It wasn't like he was a father to you, your mother died by his hand and you went through many test. So....why was there an ever gaping hole...

Sighing you dip back under the shower...Texas can wait...El needs help. And so does Will...and maybe you'd stay for Steve...mabe after all'll stay..

Shaking your head you turn off the water and dry off and get dress. You'll think of Texas another time, you need to help El.

Back in Hawkins

Hopper need a moment to himself, he made up the excuse of getting something from his police car. They had brought with them for testing but only found nothing so he was giving the okay to it.

He felt guilty...he hadn't contacted El in two day...she must be pissed at him...or still is pissed.

She had left the cabin and people saw her. She had went off looking for the Wheeler kid, freaking Mike, caused this mess and only he could make her leave ....even if he didn't know she was still alive.

He sighed...he just didn't like that kid...

He opened the door to the jeep and climed in. Closing the door he grabbed the radio and turned it to the signal that he and so used. He clicked the button a couple times before speaking.

Steve let out a breath as he looked over the old junk yard. "Yeah...this is good" Dustin smiled and they both move in closer and begin to look for things to pile on and in the bus.

"So when are the others coming" Steve asked as he picked up a sheet of metal. Dustin was about to answer when Lucas pulls up with Max on his bike. "Who's the girl?" He asked clearly remembering that the group was a bunch of boys. As Lucas and Max get off the bike and make their way towards them. Dustin had a bit of hurt look to his face upon seeing Max with Lucas. "Just some girl..."

Your p.o.v

I walked with both Kali and El behind the factory, apparently this place used to be connected with trains but, everything was a mess and out of place.

"Here." Kali said as she stopped a but of away from a de-realed train cart. El looked at Kali and back to me, I smiled. "You got this just listen to what she says." I say and took a seat on the cold cement. She nodded and looked back at Kali.

I would really be soft on her if I was teaching her. I know she's not a piece of glass...but she has a look of everything Brener did to her and more.

"I want you to move that." Kali said. I think Kali even sees the still unsure part of El, which is why she's asking for her to movie the cart. El looked at the cart and put her hands out and began to try to move it.

The cart moved an bit but she gave up and let out a big breath of air. She looked at Kali then at me. "Don't think to much of the weight of the object." I say knowing that might have something to do with it. "You flipped a car once remember...remember what you felt at that time?" Kali said and El nodded. "Then use that...use your emotion let that fuel you." El focused back at the cart, and I shiver...i could feel her pain as she pored it into her powers. And very soon she pulled the cart closer to her.

I could hear the gravel crunch as the other walked out to see El. Soon she had made the cart come closer to her like it was nothing. I smiled and cheered with the others...but the was one hurdle of many..

I remember my first days of living back alone. Any sudden noise made me send an object flying, a bad dream would shake the whole factory. I was so scared Brenner would find me and drag me back and put me under lock an key, that more test and injections would be done. Food and clothes were needed...stealing for just about anything was easy...but it had it's points where I almost got cought.

Like when I first came out from hiding... I had stole some close off a open rack from some store. And then went a few blocks down and went to a discount store. I had grabbed whatever I could, caned or not, and ran out. The people in the store were already giving me look because of the buzz cut hair, and running was a good option. I didn't have a concept of money or how to use it so...

The security guard almost got me, and people were watching. I had almost fucked up if I used my powers in front of them...i couldn't use my manipulation powers by voice back then...i had to touch them in order for it too work. And if I tried anything else Benner would get wind of it.

So I let the cop take me in and half way through the drive I touched his shoulder and told him to drop me back close by the factory and forget the whole thing.

It was hard...beging on my own..

"Now that your one of use were gonna have something special planed." Kali said. Shit I must of zoned out. "What do you mean by that?" I asked. "You'll see ." And she turned back to the factory and everyone followed.

*back at Hawkins*

"You told her!" Dustin yelled/whispered at Lucas. They were hiding behind an old red mashed car. "What's the problem she didn't even believe me. And what's with you and Harrington going after dart?" Dustin made a face. "What about dart?" Lucas rolled his eyes "Really, Dustin? Ever since you found him you been having this creepy attachment to him." Dustin gasped. "Are you accusing me of hiding him?"

"I mean you just suddenly hear him and you team up with Harringtion to find him, like what's up that." They both looked away for a moment before they got too worked up on arguing...even if Dustin keep dart out of the way from the his defense dart looked cute....well before the whole eating his cat...

"And you sure she find believe you?" Dustin asked as he peeked over the car too see her and Steve looking for things to cover the bus with. "Yeah."

"You probably didn't tell it right." Lucas chuckled "Yeah, cause there's a right way....look I'm sorry...were okay?" Lucas said and took out his hand to shake with Dustin. But before they could Steve called them out. "Hey! Why is the only one helping is the girl, get your but in gear!" He yelled making both Dusting and Lucas get back to work...they only have an hours left to get things ready. ((Idk I suck at timing and math))

Back at the lab Will had been let out of the room with everyone to look at pictures. It took of half of the meeting room table and all were pictures of the map taking up the walls and floors of the Byers house. He looks at them and scientist watched him, he stopped at one picture and pointed.

"There...." He pointed to a picture where all the tunnels met up at. "What's there will?" Owens asked "he won't let me see what's there." He nodded and looked at the others.

Will and the others left to go back too the room and only hopper stayed behind. "Now what?" He asked, he was getting a bad feeling about whatever plan Owens was bruing. "We're gonna send a team down and set try to kill it."

"But that thing is tied to will, you saw what happened the last time." He aruged.

"I know that, but we can't separate them! We don't even know how their tied together in the first place how can we separate them?!" Owen argued

"I'm coming with you." Owen shrugged "I figured...look Wills a good kid....but you try to convince those people into 'no one gets left behind' mind set...there still looking after there skins since Brenner."

Hopper nodded, now fully calmed down. He didn't like this one bit but, still followed Owens and his team back down stairs.

*back with Steve*

Everyone was settled in the bus, Lucas was on roof while Steve, Max, and Dustin were inside. It just got dark which meant they had to wait, the things should be hungry by now.

But their evening was just starting.


I like to call out all my Texas commenters and say



You guys are too cute, I can't help but smile every time I get a notification from yall.

Also if you wish to fallow me on Instagram- thesinglepepperoni

It's the pic of a literal single pepperoni.

I don't post too much on it it's kinda like my art account.

And also I just saw Bird's of Prey and I gotta say it was fucking Great!

I know I haven't  posted too much, but I had a brake down two weeks ago, and I'm just trying to keep up with my classes...but hey life, I think we got.....about four?..three more chapters?idk but

Have a nice morning or night guys!
