2. The run.

He squeezed her hand tighter in his. Shifting his body to scoot closer to her, he wrapped her securely in his arm, keeping them from jerking as the car swerved sharply to the right.

"It's OK Mieke. Everything's gonna be fine." He drew his lips into a reassuring smile. But his eyes told her another story.

Gripping her rounded belly, she tried her best to suppress the grimace from her tired face.

Her back and abdomen hurt like hell but she never would let him know. Stefan was too anxious about the baby and their escape out of England, he could have cancelled the whole thing if he had known.
She tried to relax her tensed body but the pain was alarmingly growing higher.
Breathe Mieke!

"Cameron easy!" Stefan patted the driver's shoulder. He too would be more comfortable if their friend could slow down a bit. Not that he wanted to enjoy the view, no, it was the middle of the night, but the relentless rough slalom started to get him sick.
And guessing the discomfort through Mieke's face didn't help.
He needed a smoke, so badly, but he was cursed with bad timing. Again.

"Sorry guys" the man answered "I'm doing my best with what's left of that damn road. It's like moles had invaded London and had fun to drill holes every fucking inch."
He glanced in the rear-view mirror and apologized for the curse.
"Sorry Mieke..."

She swallowed a smirk, in a lame attempt to forgive him. As if it mattered.
Moles. Everyone would have rather liked moles' holes.

But it wasn't. London had been under attack for months now. More than a year has gone by since England had declared war against Germany and its insane leader.
The situation was going worse and worse not only in England but everywhere in Europe. That's what motivated them to leave.
Mieke didn't want to give birth to their unexpected first child in a country in war.

War reminded her painful memories. Both her father and her first husband were killed. But first and foremost, she hated that awful Aryan race theory and the inhuman hunt for the Jewish people. Her people.
She ceased to believe in God, after all the atrocities she had witnessed and those Stefan told her about the first world war, but Jewish blood was still running in her veins and through their growing child.

Stefan was not afraid by the war, he had been a soldier his entire life, ready to die for the Fatherland.
But now that the poor Fatherland had become insane and cruel, his priorities had changed.
He was devoted to her wife, body and soul and nothing else mattered than run for cover and offer a safer and saner place to settle his family.

When it came clear they couldn't stay here, they both decided to try their luck in America. A country with better ideals and aspirations than bombing and destruction. The country of second chance and promised new start.

Through the decision was easy, taking flight was harder, mostly in circumstances of war. They were not the only candidates to exile and finding a boat to New York and enough money to bribe the right pen pusher and pay for the smuggler had been quite difficult.
But they had connections. Thanks to Mieke's job for the English crown, they had been provided with authentic falsified documents in a record time and for a reasonable price.
And they had Cameron.
He proposed a bunch of names which sounded more English than Brandt. America opened its arms to Jewish people, running for their lives, but unlikely to former German officers under Hitler's command. Changing their names was the better way to avoid questioning and more troubles, even if it hurt Stefan to agree with the fact his son wouldn't carry his real name.

Cameron was their neighbour, Wilma's son precisely. He was a carpenter and often asked Stefan to give him a hand on a jobsite. He was kind enough to keep the hardest tasks for himself, Stefan's condition kept him from carrying what's heavy or hammerinĝ for too long. Besides that, Stefan was very capable and handy. Cameron paid well and was always the life of the party. His great sense of humour fit Stefan's and the pair had Mieke laughed out loud, which was music to their ears.
Wilma lived next door, literally and was a delightful old lady, even if the loss of her two younger sons at the battlefield had diminished her. Far away from being a weak grandma, she was a strong, hilarious and loving woman, maybe a little bit too crazy when her brain played tricks.
As a former self-made midewife, she showered Mieke with advices and old wives cures and predicted a boy. Which Mieke and Stefan took as fact, since Wilma was known to be unfailing. The aromatic herbs she prescribed to cure Mieke's nauseas at the early stage of her pregnancy worked magic and since she advised that having sex was good for the baby, Stefan would agree with anything she'd say.

They finally reached the harbour, Cameron driving slowly and lightless along the docks, not to draw attention on them.

He finally stopped at the right spot of the loading area, where the next contact was supposed to wait for them and help them to board surreptitiously.

The cold air of February hit them as they get out of the car and despite her heavy coat, Mieke shivered.
Stefan immediately wrapped her to warm her up, gently stroking her back, soothing both her pain and misery.
He could have allowed himself that smoke he was craving but couldn't resign himself to let go of her. She was cold and frightened, he had to be there and protect her.

Mieke felt better with her husband blanketed around her, whispering some comforting words in her ear. She melted into him, savouring this last moment of calm before the storm. Time has come to say goodbye, to England and Cameron.
Through she felt thankful to this great country which welcomed her pregnant then married, leaving Cameron behind, unsure of his future and safety, pretty sure to never see him again, left her heartbroken and in tears.

"Take care love " Cameron just uttered, stealing her from Stefan's grip. "Travel safe and give us news when you arrive in New York."
He pulled her back just to cup her soaked face and stared at her intensely.
"And keep that baby at bay for the next two weeks, so he could be born in America."
He shoved his hand in the inside pocket of his coat and handed her a
paper-wrapped package, tied with a thin rope.
"Mom did that for the baby. She told me to pass on her wishes of good fortune and happiness. She insisted on me to deliver her exact words.
'I love you guys like you were my own children. This boy is somehow my grandchild and I want him safe and warm.'
He flatted his hand over her belly.
'Travel safe my angels. I'll pray for you every day until I get good news. And Curtis is the name you'll give him."

Mieke chuckled between her silent sobs and cries.
Wilma harassed them with that particular name, arguing it sounded the utmost English name ever.
Cameron laughed so hard at her mother, confessing the couple it was the name of her late dog.

'Yes, but it was the nicest and smartest dog ever. I pray your son to be like him.' Wilma so seriously answered.

Mieke laughed so hard she nearly peed herself and ran to the water closet as fast as her swollen stomach allowed her.
Stefan hurt himself laughing, hitting his scar in the movement.
They hadn't opted for Curtis yet.

Cameron released his grip on Mieke, only after wiping warm tears from her cheeks.
"Don't be sad love. Everything gonna be fine." He whispered.
Clinging to the package he had given her like it was a silver lining, arms tightly crossed over her breast, she nodded, sniffing.

Facing Stefan, Cameron opened his arms, welcoming his best friend inside his embrace.
"Bro!" Was all he could say.
Stefan hugged him back, patting his shoulder, eyes wide shut to prevent more tears to flow.

"Be careful brother. Make sure your wife is safe." He advised in his ear.

"Will do Cam'. But be careful yourself and stop calling my wife love, OK ?" he warned, joking.

"That's fair I guess. But you're the next on my list. Wouldn't it sound too manly if I'd call you love? In front of your wife?"

Stefan would have barked a laugh in other ordinary circumstances, but he wasn't in the mood. He drew an honest smirk on his face and just bit his lower lip, his fierce stare showing his deep gratitude.

Stefan knew something was wrong. The guy was late, and it made him nervous. Mieke was chilled to the bone, her lips turning blue, shivering.

Where the fuck was he?

Turning his back to Cameron, he grabbed the only two luggage they allowed themselves to take for this one way trip.

"Travel light" his wife joked, gathering selected pieces they had to bring: underwear, dresses, some of his shirts and pants. Their wedding pic, because "your smile is to die for" she would say. A book. Nietzche's "Beyond good and evil" with the note which changed their lives handwritten in the cover page. Two necklaces he offered her, one for Christmas, the other 'for no reason but I love you'. Toiletries. Food. Few items for the baby.

"New life. New start. New stuff." She sang. "You have me, you don't need anything more."
He agreed, catching her by the waist and bending her on the bed, him on top of her, devouring her neck with wet kisses while she shrieked and laughed out of loud.

He relaxed at the sweet memory of their past months together, happy and carefree , like any newlywed couple in constant honeymoon should be.
Whistles code followed by heavy footsteps startled him and he immediately stepped forward to protect his wife.

"Nathan!" Cameron called in a loud whisper.
"OK guys. It's time. Good luck my friends. I hope to see you again. On this life or the next one. Love you!"
His voice trembled and he quickly hopped in the car and disappeared in the darkness of the cold night.

Stefan gathered his thoughts, courage, package and wife altogether and walked towards the shadow standing still, half hidden next to the pile of wooden boxes.
Stepping closer, he noticed the frown on the cold face of the man. He didn't look menacing, but seriously pissed off.

The boat had left hours ago. Authorities had received a message that air raids were feared on the port at the crack of dawn and the American staff decided to protect the cargo.
And ruin their plan.
Though he didn't deliver many, Nathan was a man of his words. He was paid to afford them a way out from this shitty war, he had to do so.

"Plan has changed." He coldly mumbled.

The lady was obviously at a late stage of pregnancy, his first plan to make them climb the ship was definitely out of the realm of possibility. It would have been already dangerous for the man who looked strong but the pretty lady would never have made it.
They have to hurry and move on.

Nathan thought quickly. There was another ship leaving soon to America. New York or Boston. Whatever.
He couldn't remember the name of that damn boat but knew where it was anchored.
He had loaded a shitload of whiskey a couple of days ago, Prohibition had its good side even after it ended. Long list of wealthy clients, satisfied by the quality of his products and the trustworthiness of their deals.

"It's a long way. Watch over your lady." He grabbed one of the suitcases from the man's hand and started to walk swiftly. They had a long way to go and he'd better carry the case than the woman.
Stefan held his wife by the waist and
followed the smuggler's steps. He would thank him later for all his kind gestures.

Mieke carried her heavy belly and clenched her teeth. The fast pace was hard to handle but she had to make it. Her gaze focused on the man's steps, her head down her shoulders, she tried her best to ignore the awful pain that cut her legs off.
Stefan felt her weakness and tightened his hold on her. His shoulders and arms burned like hell and he'd rather have dropped the case to carry his wife in his arms but they really needed those stuff.

After fifteen minutes of running, nobody was cold anymore. Nathan never stopped walking, glancing nervously behind his shoulder to check on the young couple. The lady had her face closed, frowning. Her husband silently leading her the fastest she could.

They finally arrived at the feet of a monstrous ship of steel.
Mieke lifted her head up to gauge the building's height which got her dizzy. Her knees got weak under her, hopefully Stefan watched her back and kept her from falling.

"Mieke!" He almost cried out, as she fainted in his arms.
Nathan froze. That was the worst place to stop, uncovered.
He yanked at the luggage still stuck in the man's hand and resumed walking. Stefan slid his arms under Maike's knees and back and held her tight against his chest, her head resting in the crook if his neck.

"Down!" Nathan ordered after he made sure the footbridge was free.
He rushed, squatting, Stefan on his heels.
His arms were stones, tugging on his neck, and his thighs screamed out from the effort they had to endure, pulling Stefan's and her unconscious wife's weight up the rail.
A sharp pain stabbed his abdomen, making him put one knee on the ground. Panting, hissing, he bit a scream back, shutting his eyes tight, adding more flashes and stars behind his eyelids.
He won't allow himself to fail so he tightened his grip on Mieke and stood up again. The wound on his belly tore him awfully, his forces leaving him thoroughly. Grunting deep in his throat, swallowing the jerk in his stomach and he forced himself up. Fighting for balance, he kept moving forward, step by step.

In this early morning, it was highly unlike they meet anyone from the staff, but they were not safe from a morning pee or a sleeplessness walk.
Crouching, Nathan glanced quickly at the empty deck.

"Alright?" He whispered to Stefan.
No. It wasn't alright. He wasn't good. Sweating and trembling from the unsustainable pain that wrecked his abdomen, he nonetheless nodded.
They were nearly done, he had to handle the last meters which would lead them in a safe place.

Then he could rest, cry and breathe. But not now. Bad timing again.
He followed the man through an endless maze of straight and empty corridors.
His whole body was betraying him, the pain creeping through his veins. Each step was the very last he could bear but he kept walking, fighting the urge to throw up.
Mieke started to writhe and moan under his neck, coming back to life.
Mieke. He had to fight more for her. He would have given anything for his wife and that's exactly what he was doing. Fighting for her and the baby she was carrying. Fighting for his family.

Nathan cursed under his breath. He was lost in this inextricable labyrinth of closed doors. He couldn't recognize the right way to reach the room where he had stored a hundred boxes of the precious Scotch goods.
Time was running and he had to find out somewhere to settle his clients on the run.
The lower deck. Downstairs. There was always abandoned places near the engine room. And the woman would be kept warm. They were all soaked to the skin from their run and that freezing cold in the winter air would surely kill her from fever. He doubted the bags he was holding had warm blanket or dry coats in them.
Not that he cared that much, but he was paid for a job and he always had the job done and well done. Which include having his clients on board and alive. Plus the lady was pretty and already exhausted from both her pregnancy and the flight.
He smirked. He cared, somehow.

They passed the door of the engine room and Nathan opened the next one and eyes inside. Empty room as expected.
He pointed his chin, glancing towards the room and the man walked inside, finally allowing himself to lift his wife down her feet.

Stefan sighted heavily, made sure Mieke was safely settled on her feet before kneeling down, one hand flat on the wall whilst tightening his grip over his wound. Groaning and hissing painfully, he shut his eyes, his face twisting in an awful grimace.
Mieke lightly stroked his head, wrapping her hands lovingly around his face and pulling him closer in a sweet hug. A loud grunt ran through his throat and he let out the tears that waited under his eyelids for so long.

When he was finally able to catch his breath, the pain fading away and now more bearable, he stood up and wrapped his arms around Mieke.
Hugging her body the tightest he could without harming her still weak self, he buried his face in her hair, tangling his fingers inside.
Once her scent and her breath in his neck finished to strengthen him, soothing the pain in his abdomen faster than expected, he pulled back a little to stare at her, his eyes roaming all over her beautiful face. Cupping her wet cheeks, he wandered his thumb along her trembling, almost blue lips. He gently captured her mouth in a slow kiss before reluctantly pulling back again.

"Take off your clothes." He whispered, his tone unwillingly more sulky than he meant.

Mieke gasped, then chuckled. Stroking her full rounded belly, she jokingly teased :

"Look at what happened last time you asked me that..."

Stefan paused, confused then laughed lightly.

"Naughty you. You're freezing woman. I just wanted to warm you before you get sick."

She even hadn't realized she was shaking with cold and grinned at her husband, already busy to undress.
He then gave her a hand to get rid of her coat he dropped to the side before working on the buttons of her dress.

Standing still, Mieke let her husband pulling her dress over her head and melted into his embrace, her forehead resting against his broad, bare chest.
His warmth deliciously invaded her as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her closer.

"Warm me up you, big stud." She teased, racking her nails up his spine.

He laughed heartily; relieved to hear she was fine. Mieke always teased him, she was good at it and always had him turned on. Their little game often ended under the sheets -or anywhere else- they made a good match together. She wasn't shy in bed, from the very beginning, much to his delight.
But it was not the right time. Bad timing for the umpteeth time today. They were both vulnerable and exhausted. They really needed to rest.
He felt Mieke suddenly stiffen against him and became aware she was crying.
Coming back to his sense, he rocked her gently and kissed the top of her head.

"You're safe now. We're safe."

The door flew open, startling them both. Stefan tightened his grip on Mieke, who shyly covered her breasts, barely hidden by her slip.
Nathan rushed in, an armful of blankets he dropped at their feet.
None of them had realized he was gone.

"Quiet." He snapped.
"The ship is waking up. Brought this to keep your lady warm."
He smirked. They've found their own way to do so.

"How did you get those?" The woman inquired as her husband grabbed one woolen blanket to cover his half naked wife.

He didn't bother to elaborate a sentence and just grunted. His job was to do things like that. Not really, but he felt like he had to do this. He had walked so many boats he knew where to find what he needed. Years of smuggling, people or goods, taught him to stay low and unnoticed.
He met a bunch of sailors, looking for the blankets, even asking where to get them, and he was pretty sure none of them would remember they had a chat with him.
The men were busy to fill their belly, quickly swallowing their breakfast before resuming their tasks, getting the boat ready to put out into the deep.
He had to go.

"Good luck. Take care of the lady." He mumbled before turning his heels to exit the room.

"Nathan!" The woman shouted.
Stopped in his tracks, he slowly turned around and faced her.
She stepped forward to him, getting so close their chests almost touched.
She sneaked a hand out of the blanket and grabbed the collar of his coat. Tugging it down, she pressed a kiss on his hairy cheek before letting go off of him.

"Thank you Nathan. You're a good man. Thank you. For everything. Thank you. " she repeated the unnecessary words of gratitude. He wasn't getting used to be -so kindly- rewarded for his efforts, he earned money for that. Adding the pretty lady's kiss and Nathan felt his cheeks blushing and his heart pounding faster in his chest.
For what seemed to be the first time in his life, he cared.
Shit, that's not good for the business.

The lady stepped back and the man grabbed his hand and shook it, his other hand patting his shoulder.

"Yes, thank you so much. We owe you." He said.

"Welcome. Just stay low for a few days, until the boat is on open water. Just take care of your wife." He mumbled to the man. He never had spoken that long to anyone before.

"I'll pray for you and the baby Ma'am." He wondered where this came from. He even didn't believe in God and whatnot, but he would do. He wanted them to travel safe, he wanted her to have a healthy baby. He even felt sympathy for the man.

Shifting uncomfortably on his feet, he nodded his head to the couple and left.

At this moment, the thought of naming their son Nathan crossed his mind. Quickly replaced by the image of this rough, mute caveman.
Talks little, does much. Accurate.
But it was definitely a no no.
Curtis at least was fond of strokes and kisses and cute as Cameron told them.
He chuckled to himself and led Mieke to the ground.

"Come here, sit down."
He sat down, leaning his back against the wall and settled his wife in his lap, wrapping a blanket around him and another over their legs.
She curled her legs up and melted in Stefan's warm body, humming.
Sitting down and feeling secure made the pain in her back and the storm in her belly stop. It must have been the anxiousness of their rush that had had her uterus hard like stone.
Now she felt relaxed, rocked and warmed by her husband's strong arms. She closed her eyes to savour the moment and sighted.

He shifted under her and reached out to grab his coat, bringing Mieke with him to the side. He shoved his hand in the inside pocket and dug out a matchbox.
Mieke rolled her eyes and whined. Though he deserved this smoke, she'd rather like to stay in his arms, his scent was way better than his cigarette's.
What he pulled out from his pocket next surprised her. A candle. Not his pack of cigarettes.
Stefan crossed his arms in front of her to light the candlelight.

"I planned to celebrate our new start, and take you out for a romantic dinner in your favorite restaurant."

Another digging in his pocket and he showed her the menu.

"Your favorite chocolate bar!" He laughed in her ear, kissing and nipping at her neck.

Mieke squealed and yanked the bar from his grip.

"How did you manage to get it?" She shrieked in excitement, tearing the brown paper that separated the sweet goodies from her teeth.
Chocolate was a rarity by those times of war and she had been craving a crunch for months. Typical pregnancy craving.

"Love, find this was way harder than organizing out trip to New York. But you know l would give you the moon. " he nuzzled into her hair, while she more than happily took a bite.

"Mmmhh!" A strange sound racked through her lungs.

He'd never have thought she would appreciate it that much.
He somehow noticed something weird. She was tensed like hell and slammed her hands on her belly.

Stefan shifted to the side to study her wife. A frown crossed her face, her eyes closed tight, her fingers dug into her abdomen, her breath held.

"A kick?" He happily asked, he always loved to know his son was healthy and sporty.

Mieke opened her wet eyes, her look worried. The calm she had been feeling since they had settled down was short-lived. And the renewed awful pain that stabbed her core was the ultimate clue.

Trembling in fear and pain, she reluctantly spit it out.

"No. It's a contraction. Stefan, I'm in labor!"

Bad, bad timing.
