the ice monarch is born

we are now on a video game store and se a girl loking true the rpgsection

employe:hello mrs what do you need searching for something specific

girl:aa a a no youst loking,stumbling to the sentence

employe:ok mrs need some help whit picking a game mam

girl:yyyes please

employe:ok mam what are you exactly into fully emersive games or sandbox


employe:o ok then i got the thing youst for you,as he grabs a video game,yggdrasil one of the best dmmo-rpg out right now


employe:do you have the system to operate the game

girl:nno i dont

employe:i se trying to get into mmos ill go get it give me youst a minute go to the register ill be whit you in a minute

girl:yes,as she goes to the register

5 minutes later

employe:comes whit a box,ok mrs that woul be 20.99 

girl:hands him the credit card

emploey:checks her out and puts it on a bag and hands it to her,here you go thankyou for shopi

as she had already left

employe:seems someone is in a hurry

as we are now on a apartment

girl:ok finally got it  now lets se  how it looks,as she opens the box and seas this

Girl:this is a bery  simple loking device how do I turn it on,as she searches for the manual,here it is I youst need to pug insert the game caurdage in the  left side of the virtual a.r system

As she does so

Girl:then plug it is and put the virtual a.r system and then proced whit instructions said by the tutorial  scene to set up your account please lock your  door and windows and a alarm will be send to authorities if you are feeling eny real life danger

Girl:puts it on laying on her bed,ok now wha

As she gets knoked out 

As then she seas a menu whit a keyboard  saying

"Please enter your real live name"

Girl:uuuuuu,as she types her name jiro kadeyama 

"User set loading game"

As then this appears on the screen

Jiro:awsome,as she clicks play

As then a cloaked figure comes from the shadows  and says

Figure:welcome to the real of iggdrasil  what  is your race

As a menu whit 3 things appear 


Jiro:I don't want to play humans and demi humans dont sound interesting so let's chose heteromorph,as she clicks the heteromorph option

Figure:a heteromorph ha what is your  race

As another menu appears whit orca,goblins,cobolts as options and many more

Jiro:scroll to the list,umm what should I chose,as she seas  dragon on the list, dragons those are aloud ,as she clicks it

figure:are you sure 

jiro:yes i am

as then a orbapears

jiro:ice dragon,as she clicks that option

figure:that was fast are you sure about that


figure:ok now chose your class


figureZ:dragonic knight
